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I have a few questions. Is there a way i can change the blue text without affecting the rest of my board?

Which blue text? The attribution (e.g. "Ralpha Waldo Emerson" in your picture)? It's a bit hardcoded atm, going to make it a phrase eventually!

I have 5 other add-ons in my sidebar and can't get this positioned were i would like. Is there some code i could place in the sidebar to call the Quotations so i could place it easer?

What are you using to manage your sidebar? If you're not using anything (e.g. no widget framework) then all it can use to determine where to be is the <!-- --> in the templates.

You can hack about with the code, if you add, say, "<!-- XENQUOTE -->" to your template you could then modify the library/XenQuotation/Event/TemplateHook.php and change the bit in placeBelow, then set it to use (your now modified) below stats in the admin.

On my travels i also noticed that all users can view the deleted moderated posts in the "All Quotation" section. :D

This probably means you've given all users permission to view them, I'm not (yet) aware of a bug in this area! :)
What are you using to manage your sidebar? If you're not using anything (e.g. no widget framework) then all it can use to determine where to be is the <!-- --> in the templates.

You can hack about with the code, if you add, say, "<!-- XENQUOTE -->" to your template you could then modify the library/XenQuotation/Event/TemplateHook.php and change the bit in placeBelow, then set it to use (your now modified) below stats in the admin.

Worked a treat. Thanks Sheepcow. (y)
When i select moderate from the "New Quotation State" every time i add a "New Quotation" i get put in to moderation (Admin).


Any ideas?
The "New Quotation State" option lets you pick if new quotes are instantly approved (and therefore visible) or if they should be moderated (and invisible) until a moderator/admin approves them. You've currently got it set to moderate new quotations, so you'll have to approve them before they become visible.

Each user/group etc. has it's own permissions, if that screenshot is of your "guest"/"registered" groups then you've given everyone the ability to control your quotations. If it's just admin permissions, then that's good :)

I'll take a screenshot of mine when I get a chance ...
The "New Quotation State" option lets you pick if new quotes are instantly approved (and therefore visible) or if they should be moderated (and invisible) until a moderator/admin approves them. You've currently got it set to moderate new quotations, so you'll have to approve them before they become visible.

Each user/group etc. has it's own permissions, if that screenshot is of your "guest"/"registered" groups then you've given everyone the ability to control your quotations. If it's just admin permissions, then that's good :)

I'll take a screenshot of mine when I get a chance ...

Hi SheepCow, these are the admin setting i have posted. I have to moderate my own Quotations! Shouldn't the admin and mods groups be free of this?
Example. I add a Quotation on my admin account and save. The Quotation is put in moderation and i have to approve my own Quotation this can't be right can it. :D

If i have done something wrong to get this result then i do apologize in advance.

My forum users are loving this add-on by the way.

Is it also possible to hide the "Quotations" nav button from guests. (y)
Ah and how to remove the Quotation on Nav Menu but we still can access it with link?

There isn't an option for that (yet) but if you ..

  1. Go to the development section in XenForo's admin (may need debugging enabled?) and remove the Navigation Tabs listener for XenQuotation, that'll remove them, or
  2. Edit libary/XenQuotation/Event/NavigationTabs.php and basically change the listen function to this:

public static function listen(array &$extraTabs, $selectedTabId)

It'll have the same effect (but not quite as good as removing the listener, as it will still get called by XenForo but won't do anything).

You may recall me suggesting a quotations add-on and you replying informing about this add-on you are working on. I would like to repeat a question I just submitted to my topic:


Oh, I missed the last few replies. It is nice to see an add-on has been worked on. I wonder, though: I have been using a similar add-on since my forum was on phpBB2 until it was converted to vBulletin3, but the add-on in each case required me to collect quotations in a text file, with each quotation separated by simply moving it to the next line and using <br /> tags when a single quotation required more than one line.

Is there a way to keep this list without having to reformat everything, which would be saddening since I have thousands of quotations?

(Also, these quotations are particularly important to me since I did not just throw them together with attribution from lists throughout the Internet, but many are well sourced from my reading and used for reference. I used HTML entirely for formatting, as the add-on required.)
Sorry for my ignorance, but I have not converted to xenForo yet, and while still on vBulletin3 am wondering if my quotations list would be easily added using your add-on without a massive amount of time reformatting.
Great add on :) I missed this from my vbulletin layout :)

Can anyone direct me to where I would go to make the list of all quotations show the entire quote and not just a preview of longer ones? :)
Great add on :) I missed this from my vbulletin layout :)

Can anyone direct me to where I would go to make the list of all quotations show the entire quote and not just a preview of longer ones? :)

If you edit the xenquote_quote_list_item template and find {xen:helper snippet, $quote.quotation, 50} and replace it with {$quote.quotation} that should do it.

You may recall me suggesting a quotations add-on and you replying informing about this add-on you are working on. I would like to repeat a question I just submitted to my topic:


Sorry for my ignorance, but I have not converted to xenForo yet, and while still on vBulletin3 am wondering if my quotations list would be easily added using your add-on without a massive amount of time reformatting.

Someone with some magical PHP skills could proberably write something to import them quite easily.
I'm doing some troubleshooting on my XenForo, as I'm currently having a massive headache with slow loading times and server hang-ups.

With debug mode enabled, and clicking the timing score - it seems to point toward XenQuotation running a specific query each time;
UPDATE xq_quotation SET views = views + 1 WHERE quote_id = ?
Params: 74
Run Time: 7.905001
I've temporarily disabled the modification and XenPorta module for the day, to see if it makes a notable difference.
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