XenForo - Evaluation copy


Hi there,

just loving this new forum. Been on vb for a long time, and this looks realy good.

BUT i miss:

- Taggings
- Prefixes

Also, as this is a new product, i would expect some kind of evaluation copy. I have a hard time motivating myself to buy a beta for like € 140.

I will stay tuned. Right now my vb rigg can do what i want, but i expect this product to push it aside in a very near future, if i just can see it live and test it.
phpBB may be free but it can in no way be compared to XenForo.

Boy, isn't that the truth!! I am still running phpBB2 on a couple of sites, in fact. One or two I upped to phpBB3, but when it was released, it was still a couple of years behind where vB was at, at that time.

The admin side is a trainwreck IMHO. That was my main frustration about phpBB3, and why I started switching to SMF for freebie forum systems. Not saying either one is bad, but both have had very sporadic update paths over the years. SMF's development staff splintered, and despite a very minor bump in release candidate versions, it has been stagnant for years also. Bad memories of phpBB2, in fact, manifesting themselves in SMF.

Much as I'd like to move all of my sites to XF, the money will just never be there. I applied it to an upcoming site with the most potential to grow. If I have to use free forums for the others, SMF seems to be the least worst of what's out there, although phpBB3 even with its confusing admin side is a decent alternative in terms of end user look and feel.

You get what you pay for. :D

And BTW, XF is not "beta." It's in release candidate stage. Big difference. ;)
Your paying for quality, stability. Beta, release candidate, gold is simply a tag. A company could release and brand their product as gold and it could be a stinking pile of horse turd. Whilst a company who's passionate about what they build can release a beta and surpass the stability from a rival competitors product which they branded as gold. In this case, for xenforo, it's been exceptional stable since beta and the devs are concentrating on squishing those bugs, creating a more stable environment leading up to their own gold product.

What your paying for here is quality, development mindset that has a very high expectations, implementations that is then passed down to it's customer, Innovation also. Like I have said a hundred times also, A good nights sleep will be at your disposal. Long gone are the days when your worrying about making upgrades. You know when an update comes out it oozes quality with no corners cut.
I purchased my second license even though it is still beta. There are others here who have done the same. If that isn't a testament to the quality of the product I am not sure what can be. You can see all of the member features here. The admin demo can be seen at xenfans.com. I can not see why a trial or free version would be needed. The product stands on its own. If you like what you see here and at the many of other sites running this software, then I would say, spend the $140 and don't look back.
We want to have a demo version so that people can have a play with the software before buying. Sometimes using the forum just isn't enough. As has been mentioned, a demo has not been practical until now, with the many changes from ongoing development.

There will be a demo available as soon as we release a stable XenForo, which is soon.
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