XenForo - destroyed by vBulletin?

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This is what should happen to gain *some* trust back:
- vB4 needs to go to the trashcan completely
- Upper management needs to apologize for their decisions the last couple of years
- People who bought into the pre-sale and aren't happy with it need to get their money back
- vB needs to be rewritten from the ground up, by an almost completely new dev/design team.

Since none of these things are likely to happen, it will be even more difficult to gain trust back. And it will be nearly impossible either way with some of the customers, who already turned their back to vB. The only positive thing for IB will be the customers who aren't aware of the situation very well and don't know about better solutions, or haven't got the courage to step into new software (I believe this is still a considerable group).
vbUlletin is beyond repair.
Maybe I'm one of the select few on XF who's actually happy with vBulletin? Haha I wasn't a member on their website to see any drama go on, I bought my license beginning of this year and have had no problems with it. Support so far has been great between the 1 support ticket I had to submit and the one post on the community forums. Skinning vBulletin has a learning curve but I got it down extremely quick, I'm now running an attractive vBulletin 4.0 Suite board and it has yet to let me down.

As for XenForo "killing" vBulletin its highly doubtful but it will definitely be good competition towards it and competition is ALWAYS a good thing :)
I'm now running an attractive vBulletin 4.0 Suite board.

Is it possible for you to share the link to it? I have yet to come across any vB4 suite powered site that looks good/attractive or even a tiny bit professional. So I am interested to see yours.
Maybe I'm one of the select few on XF who's actually happy with vBulletin? Haha I wasn't a member on their website to see any drama go on, I bought my license beginning of this year and have had no problems with it. Support so far has been great between the 1 support ticket I had to submit and the one post on the community forums. Skinning vBulletin has a learning curve but I got it down extremely quick, I'm now running an attractive vBulletin 4.0 Suite board and it has yet to let me down.

As for XenForo "killing" vBulletin its highly doubtful but it will definitely be good competition towards it and competition is ALWAYS a good thing :)
Can i, like grover, see your board?
Is it possible for you to share the link to it? I have yet to come across any vB4 suite powered site that looks good/attractive or even a tiny bit professional. So I am interested to see yours.
Mine's not too bad. Managed to make the theme look something like a 3 version and it suits our business which is scrapbooking. Took effort to make but it was worth it.
Although I'd like to see it too, I'll add to the topic that XenForo can only provide healthy competition.
Haha again I'll refrain from posting it because my reply wasn't meant to be critique my website :). Just PC me if you're interested.
Maybe I'm one of the select few on XF who's actually happy with vBulletin? Haha I wasn't a member on their website to see any drama go on, I bought my license beginning of this year and have had no problems with it. Support so far has been great between the 1 support ticket I had to submit and the one post on the community forums. Skinning vBulletin has a learning curve but I got it down extremely quick, I'm now running an attractive vBulletin 4.0 Suite board and it has yet to let me down.
As for XenForo "killing" vBulletin its highly doubtful but it will definitely be good competition towards it and competition is ALWAYS a good thing :)
Haha again I'll refrain from posting it because my reply wasn't meant to be critique my website :). Just PC me if you're interested.
Why not just put your forum link in your signature?
Upper management could care less. They have already allowed most of the scapegoats to leave with what is probably a nice severance and have a new whipping boy at the helm.

I think more customers know about the situation than you realize. IB believes that few do and that they will sell a new product to unaffected people and sweep all the bad press out with the complaints of customers. After all, many people don't care to consider the relationship so long as they aren't saddled with the problems the other suckers/customers did. it obviously should not and would not happen to them (so they believe at time of sale.)

What I don't think IB realizes is that it is entirely possible that XF and IPB can become far more popular before early 2011, which I think is the earliest time that vB 4 will actually be skinnable and usable. We'll see just how much the damage has affected IB in their quarterly statements. They don't break down income in the software licensing department but they mentioned that much of the revenue increase was not due to vB but to CarsDirect tech licensing, if I recall.
Anthony while VB is not completely out of the race yet ...

Do you agree that in terms of innovation right now with XF still not out ... VB is in 3rd position for forum software ?
For forum ONLY... yes. Saying that... IPB isn't much ahead of VB for forum only in the way of innovation. Xenforo as a forum only product smashes them both for innovation, yet doesn't come close with features that the others have. Obviously irrelevant at this point as xenforo is only alpha with features constantly being added.

I don't believe IPB or VB could be comparative against xenforo until xenforo meets the same level of products on offer, as a whole.
For forum ONLY... yes. Saying that... IPB isn't much ahead of VB for forum only in the way of innovation. Xenforo as a forum only product smashes them both for innovation, yet doesn't come close with features that the others have. Obviously irrelevant at this point as xenforo is only alpha with features constantly being added.

I don't believe IPB or VB could be comparative against xenforo until xenforo meets the same level of products on offer, as a whole.
I like your words and your signature,man.Honesty is the best police!
Xenforo isn't held down by a horrid mgmt structure. It's very customer based and very responsive to forum owners needs. This helps give it better flexibility and speed at which it responds to those needs.

If there is anyone that will likely respond (at least in a more competitive and respectful way), it would be IPB in response to how well Xenforo may do. Vbulletin sadly I can see remaining to be the mgmt. clusterf*** that it is right now. It may respond, but if history proves itself, it'll respond in the opposite ways members primarily want.

Honestly, I believe Xenforo will have very little problem winning people over. In the end this benefits everyone though and will force IPB and VB to stand up and take notice to help improve their product lines.

But with this emergence of some of IPB's and VB's biggest coders and graphic designers now putting themselves behind Xenforo, I would suggest putting on those sunglasses because it looks like things are gonna be bright for Xenforo. And I suspect it won't take long for good skins, graphics, and mods to become available. Likely not taking long to rival VB's mod community.

I can all but promise that VB is feeling the heat a bit from all of this.
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