Xen Media Gallery (Media Gallery for XenForo) [Paid] [Deleted]

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Does this add-on comes with a tool to redirect from vBulletin 3.8 album links to the new corresponding XMG links?

Basically something like this.
That is a little odd, actually.

It's supposed to be the other way around. You're not supposed to see any images from the import as "new" because they have the import flag set to 1 (or at least they should) and that should prevent them from appearing here.

I'll sign up at your forum to see if I can see what's happened.
Hmm. There must be a small bug in the logic somewhere because I see something completely different as a guest. As a user it seems correct:


Is that not what you see?
You're right Chris .. looks OK if logged in (I may need to adjust period for 'new' though) and incorrect for guests. Thanks for support.
Yes the period for "new" is actually defined in the Admin CP. It's the same setting used for Find New Posts. It should default to 30 days.

Look for: Read Marking Data Lifetime (Days)
In Options > Threads, Discussions and Conversations
Huge thanks to Chris today for his help with a rather large import from Photopost Pro.


It skipped over 60,000 comments due to the default value being not "approved". Worked through the issue, frigged a bit of code, and the import was successful.
It can be changed with some CSS.

.xengalleryPage .xengalleryContainer
    float: left;
    margin-right: -230px;
    margin-left: 0px;

.xengalleryPage .xengalleryContainer .insideContainer
    margin-right: 230px;
    margin-left: 0px;

.xengalleryPage .container .xengallerySideBar
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-right: 0px;

It can be changed with some CSS.

.xengalleryPage .xengalleryContainer
    float: left;
    margin-right: -230px;
    margin-left: 0px;

.xengalleryPage .xengalleryContainer .insideContainer
    margin-right: 230px;
    margin-left: 0px;

.xengalleryPage .container .xengallerySideBar
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-right: 0px;

View attachment 86086
All in extra?
Creating a sidebar widget. Went pretty smooth but how do I go about customizing the name of the block's font (blockphrase) by bolding, changing the color, adding a background so on and so forth? I've seemingly tried everything.

<xen:include template="xengallery_media_block">
    <xen:set var="$blockPhrase">Super Terrific Media</xen:set> // Use either {xen:phrase xengallery_new_media}, {xen:phrase xengallery_random_media} or your own custom title
    <xen:set var="$blockId">XMGMediaForumListSidebar</xen:set> // This can be changed but must be something unique.
    <xen:set var="$type">new</xen:set> // You can set this to 'rand' for a random selection.
    <xen:set var="$items">2</xen:set> // Any number. Number of images that are visible in the slider.
    <xen:set var="$limit">20</xen:set> // Any number. Number of images to be loaded (not all are visible).
    <xen:set var="$slideWidth">160</xen:set> // This is the width of each slide in the slider. The slides may not be exactly this width due to responsive design resizing them dynamically.
    <xen:set var="$categories">all</xen:set> // Use a comma separated list to display images from selected categories e.g. 2,3,5,7. Set to 'all' to include all categories, 0 to exclude
    <xen:set var="$albums">1</xen:set> // Set to 1 to include images from albums, 0 to exclude
    <xen:set var="$isSidebarBlock">1</xen:set> // Sets the styling so it will look like a sidebar block
    <xen:set var="$captions">1</xen:set> // Set to 1 to show captions on hover, set to 0 to always hide.
    <xen:set var="$noResponsive">1</xen:set> // Set to 0 for responsive, 1 for fixed. Responsive will show more images at a smaller size at narrower browser widths, fixed will keep the number of images set in $items at the same size whatever the browser width.
Creating a sidebar widget. Went pretty smooth but how do I go about customizing the name of the block's font (blockphrase) by bolding, changing the color, adding a background so on and so forth? I've seemingly tried everything.

Have done, thanks.

By default should there be an Add Media button on the album page? There is on your site but I don't seem to have that.
The Add Media button will appear in containers (category or album) where you have permission to add media to that container.
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