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WordPress get Last Forum Posts 1.4.0

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Can you customize the widget? The screenshot looks very basic
Ya. Everything is .css driven. It would be impossible to support all the millions of different themes and styles that WP has set up. I think I was basing things off of the 2010 default WP style.
Ya. Everything is .css driven. It would be impossible to support all the millions of different themes and styles that WP has set up. I think I was basing things off of the 2010 default WP style.

I will ask again, could you please customize the widget style if I pay you? :)
Can't seem to get this to work because of the file path. I'm on a cPanel shared host

  • /home/heroes/public_html/
Can't seem to get this to work because of the file path. I'm on a cPanel shared host
  • /home/heroes/public_html/
depends on where your WP installation is relative to your forums installation.
I am guessing your WP installation is in the following.

if so then the options should be
Database Connection_______SQL
Forum Domain______________/forums/

Forum Directory___________../forums/library/config.php

Hi, i just noticed that the time format is in 24hrs, how can I change it to 12hrs? And in the 24hrs format the time is incorrect. I already checked the Wordpress and Xenforo time format and both are already in the right format and time.
Hi, i just noticed that the time format is in 24hrs, how can I change it to 12hrs? And in the 24hrs format the time is incorrect. I already checked the Wordpress and Xenforo time format and both are already in the right format and time.
You would have to edit the query and convert the time format. The time is stored as string in the PHP variable so you can convert it to any time format you want.
I have located where to change the time format, its in cls_sidebarlist.php because I am using sidebarlist but the time is incorrect, e.g I post a thread at 11:00 in the morning but the time in the widget shows 3:00. How to fix this?

EDIT: I found out that it is set to UTC Time, how can I change it to Local Time?
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I have the same issue. Did you find a solution?

I used another widget but now I came back to it. Configured it to show latest Xenforo XI Blog posts.

Fix for this:
line 33 from
parent::__construct($this->dsn,$lp->getValue("db","username"),$lp->getValue("db","password"), array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8"));

When I use pretty permalinks for Wordpress the avatars from Xenforo doesn't show up. Any solution?(Thanks for a great plugin btw!!)

When I use pretty permalinks for Wordpress the avatars from Xenforo doesn't show up. Any solution?(Thanks for a great plugin btw!!)
Send me a link to your website, and I can take a look. It should work. Permalinks have nothing to do with how I build the link.
This widget messing up other widgets. Im using latest wordpress and xenforo. When i activate this widget, then other widgets will dissapear and adrotator give me a error: "An unknown error occured."

Also, i can use this widget only in one place. My theme has a different sidebars for different pages, but i cant use this plugin more then one sidebar.

What can be a problem?

in the directory

you can modify the .css to suit your own needs.
If you need some help, suggestions, let me know and I can try and help out. Let me know your website and what you are trying to do.

Which file do I modify to get 100% width for my widget? I will settle for a hard coded 300px width if this is possible.
This widget messing up other widgets. Im using latest wordpress and xenforo. When i activate this widget, then other widgets will dissapear and adrotator give me a error: "An unknown error occured."

Also, i can use this widget only in one place. My theme has a different sidebars for different pages, but i cant use this plugin more then one sidebar.

What can be a problem?

I haven't updated for the latest version of WP
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