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WordPress 3 Bridge

Yes, I want this functionality as well. It's foolish not to be able to use all the wonderful Wordpress plugins that employ the Wordpress member database such as membership plugins like Wishlist Member.

Why don't developers see the potential in this? Most sites are run on Wordpress and want to ADD a forum to their existing site and member database. NOT re-arrange their site and mickey around having the forum control the logins etc. Makes no sense.

I agree. I already have a vast user database with WP+BP and don't want that to change. I've read comments here that say to use XenForo instead of BuddyPress, but that makes no sense. I run a social network and the forum is secondary to that. And last I checked, XenForo doesn't have activity streams, groups, and the other features I need. It's a great forum software, but not a CMS.
There are sites that are Wordpress and want to extend their offering with a forum.
There are sites that are forum centric and want to offer a proper front page with Wordpress.
The plugin probably can't meet the needs of either group. I'm in the second group where I have only a handful of members in our WP database and 10,000+ members on XF.

So I would like to be able to share comments, promote forum posts to article and auto post articles into forum. All with a single login.
Any chance of a bridge the other way around? I want WordPress to be the main user database, and not vice versa.
Could you make a new thread with this idea ?
Tell us why you want this.
There are many others whom want / would benefit from this as well.
Thanks !
To be honest, I didn't think that way. I do now. Will see what I can do...
Using or setting the wordpress cookie will allow most of the plugins to work. Also if the users could be actively synced between xenforo and wordpress. Would solve so many problems.
Using or setting the wordpress cookie will allow most of the plugins to work. Also if the users could be actively synced between xenforo and wordpress. Would solve so many problems.

I like this idea. Having a user sync between the two would solve all these problems. There are thousands of wordpress plugins that rely on using the wordpress member database, it's a shame to have to throw all of them away. Wordpress publishers would gladly pay for a premium Wordpress plugin that links Xenforo, the market is HUGE.
I'm using the xenforo forum and added a WP site to it so i downloaded this plugin.
It was working for awhile, but then we added another WP site (that's in the same market) and I wanted plugin to the forum as well.

I went through the setup process, couldn't get it to work, came to the xenforo community and found some information about why I can't.
I'm ok with that part.

However, my original setup is no longer working now either.
I login to the forum, click on the link to the blog ....and I'm not logged in. When I try to go to wp-admin I don't get redirected or anything.
It just takes me to the blog page.

I tried unistalling & reinstalling the plugin.
I removed all tables in the datbase referring to xenforo, then reinstalled the plugin
I reset the global salt

Can anyone offer help on this?
There's a small bug on line 232 of class_core.php. It should be reading the cookie 'session_admin' not 'admin_session'. Cheers. :)
There's a small bug on line 232 of class_core.php. It should be reading the cookie 'session_admin' not 'admin_session'. Cheers. :)

Thanks. I was hopeful from your response. I changed it, here's what the line looks like now..
$adminSessionId = @$_COOKIE[$this->COOKIE_PREFIX . 'session_admin'];
Thanks. I was hopeful from your response. I changed it, here's what the line looks like now..
$adminSessionId = @$_COOKIE[$this->COOKIE_PREFIX . 'session_admin'];
Sorry I was just posting that as a general bug report, I don't think it's related to your problem. The only thing I could suggest is try echoing out at various points in the validate_auth_cookie() function in class_core.php and see if the correct variables are set.
Thanks. I ran echo throughout the function and didn't get any output on the page, regardless of which variable I tried to echo
I'm using the xenforo forum and added a WP site to it so i downloaded this plugin.
It was working for awhile, but then we added another WP site (that's in the same market) and I wanted plugin to the forum as well.

I went through the setup process, couldn't get it to work, came to the xenforo community and found some information about why I can't.
I'm ok with that part.

However, my original setup is no longer working now either.
I login to the forum, click on the link to the blog ....and I'm not logged in. When I try to go to wp-admin I don't get redirected or anything.
It just takes me to the blog page.

I tried unistalling & reinstalling the plugin.
I removed all tables in the datbase referring to xenforo, then reinstalled the plugin
I reset the global salt

Can anyone offer help on this?

If you got it working then it stopped, try to reinstall both? Or you can screenshot the option page here
Your screenshot looks good, have you tried clearing your cache? Also, this is going too long, send me a message with your site info and I will come by and check

xfrocks - Thanks for the support. You're always fast to respond.

With that said, sorry for my delay in getting back to you :-)

My issue is resolved.
I saved all of my WP3.2 data, wiped out the DB, then reinstalled WP3.0.
Then I reinstalled the plugin and everthing worked perfectly. Then I upgraded to WP3.2 and everything is still working.

If there's any other information that I can provide that will help anyone else, just let me know.

xfrocks - Thanks for the support. You're always fast to respond.

With that said, sorry for my delay in getting back to you :)

My issue is resolved.
I saved all of my WP3.2 data, wiped out the DB, then reinstalled WP3.0.
Then I reinstalled the plugin and everthing worked perfectly. Then I upgraded to WP3.2 and everything is still working.

If there's any other information that I can provide that will help anyone else, just let me know.

Glad that works out for you :)
Hi all well? very nice addon, congratulations, did all the settings but I installed wordpress in a different database, because I was afraid that a problem could happen, I have a question though is kind of dumb: ^ ^

I reinstall the wordpress database in the same forum (xenforo) for users of Yogis in the forum with your wordpress account? This addon allows you to register with wordpress and this record is worth the xenforo?

Honestly, I have to speak to community xenforo's too daunting, were nearly 5 posts and no response? I try to help as you can ...

I go all day here in the forum to see the news and participate in this way but comunnity this dismal!

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