What is your technique to handle stale / bounced email addresses?


in memoriam
If an account has had an email from the forum bounce, what else could be done besides these?
  • disabling emails for the accounts
  • deleting/banning accounts
Seeking creative solutions.

At the moment the best I can think of for our small forum is
  • leave profile messages for the ones who seem to have trouble confirming accounts
  • Send a PM to the active/frequent members (yes the email notification will bounce)
  • Do nothing for the members that have abandoned the forum, and let them bounce anyway
Placing users in the "awaiting confirmation (from edit)" has been working fantastic!

I have an email account set up where the bounce emails go to, and as they come in I test from a yahoo email account. If it also bounces from the yahoo account I place the members account into the awaiting confirmation (from edit) state which inhibits emails for PM/PCs & watched topics being sent out. I usually wait 1 day to wait for the bounced emails.

This is what those users see:

And for reference, here is what the users see that have never confirmed their email address:


The "oldjob@oldcompany.com" is replaced with whatever their email address is. The "Click here for more information & help" link goes to a xf Page that is normally not viewable, which contains instructions and even a video showing people what to do. The "...or something else" reference is usually referring to when relative of the member requests that emails should stop, when the member is no longer around (expired).

All of that was needed because the members of our forum are *really* low tech.

Good stuff. (y)
Placing users in the "awaiting confirmation (from edit)" has been working fantastic!

I have an email account set up where the bounce emails go to, and as they come in I test from a yahoo email account. If it also bounces from the yahoo account I place the members account into the awaiting confirmation (from edit) state which inhibits emails for PM/PCs & watched topics being sent out. I usually wait 1 day to wait for the bounced emails.

This is what those users see:
View attachment 17005

And for reference, here is what the users see that have never confirmed their email address:

View attachment 17004

The "oldjob@oldcompany.com" is replaced with whatever their email address is. The "Click here for more information & help" link goes to a xf Page that is normally not viewable, which contains instructions and even a video showing people what to do. The "...or something else" reference is usually referring to when relative of the member requests that emails should stop, when the member is no longer around (expired).

All of that was needed because the members of our forum are *really* low tech.

Good stuff. (y)

Where exactly did you change the colours for this? I do not find in the style settings the place to change size and colours to make it similar to yours... and how are you able to display 2 different messages.
Where exactly did you change the colours for this? I do not find in the style settings the place to change size and colours to make it similar to yours... and how are you able to display 2 different messages.
My post that you quoted was extremely old, prior to the Notices system being implemented. If I were to do it again I would use a notice with the proper criteria:

Screen Shot 2012-10-29 at 9.25.53 AM.webp
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