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CloudFlare Error
Website Currently Unavailable

The website you are trying to access is currently unavailable. Please try again at a later time.

If you are the site owner, review the following resource to help resolve the issue._

I've been getting this error most of the time today. But other sites on my server without cloudflare are working fine and cloudflare's ips are added to our whitelist.

I'm going to stop using it now as it means more down time for us (n)
All of these ips?

• ( - • ( - • ( - • ( - • ( - • ( -

These are the IPs in our white list curently.
Every site that used cloudflare I visit has downtime due to cloudflare related issues, I would not recommend them to anyone... :)

Most people will never need a CDN, and if you do, get a real CDN.

EVERY SITE? That's a lot of site -- unless you only visit one or two site on the whole www.

My site has never experienced downtime due to cloudflare and I'm a happy user.
@ Michael @ A Legacy reborn

Thanks for the support.

We still like to check these complaints out. Given that our service is fairly easy on the outside, it turns very complex when it comes to other factors. It is one of the reasons I try to come out here to prevent *surprises*.
I need a cloudflare pro user to test something on his board. I have problems with image uploads when cloudflare's "Advanced Security - Web App Firewall" is active.

Can you please download these pictures http://www.lostpond.at/test.gif , http://www.lostpond.at/test.jpg , http://www.lostpond.at/test.png to your local hdd and then try to upload them into one of your posts on your forum where the Advanced Security is activated (even Low) is stoping the uploads.

on my board when its activated - fail, when its off - win

here is my post in the troubleshooting forum
I use option 2. right now and it is working. No there are no messages in the admin section (there are some but no alerts from my country or my ip). And keep in mind, its only some pictures that wont work, some will upload just fine.

I cant be 100% shure that the problem is connected with cloudflare but at this time it seems so.
I need a cloudflare pro user to test something on his board. I have problems with image uploads when cloudflare's "Advanced Security - Web App Firewall" is active.

Can you please download these pictures http://www.lostpond.at/test.gif , http://www.lostpond.at/test.jpg , http://www.lostpond.at/test.png to your local hdd and then try to upload them into one of your posts on your forum where the Advanced Security is activated (even Low) is stoping the uploads.

on my board when its activated - fail, when its off - win

here is my post in the troubleshooting forum

I have the exact same problem with uploading images through Wordpress. The solution so far is to turn Advanced Security off.

Damon, can you please look into this? It's definitely not related to the image as it happens on several different image files, and the upload works just fine when I turn Advanced Security off. If I use an HTML uploader (as opposed to Flash based), I will get CloudFlare's challenge page in the middle of the upload. After passing by the challenge page the file would then be uploaded just fine.
Hi Michael,

Options right now:
1. Whitelist your IP.
2. Turn the WAF off.

If you can supply the file types being uploaded, ones that present the CAPTCHA issue being mentioned, I can report it to the WAF engineer.
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