XF 2.2 Welcome to XenForo 2.2 / What's still to come

XenForo Community 2.2.webpWe've spent the last few weeks talking about the new features in XenForo 2.2. Now, it's your first chance to try some of them out and help us put them through their paces. Welcome to XenForo 2.2! đź‘‹

As you may notice, we have started converting some of our forums to more specific forum types. We've also enabled all general discussion thread types in the testing forum.

What's still to come

While our previous "have you seen" threads have announced most of what's coming in XenForo 2.2, we haven't touched on our official add-ons. There are improvements coming to each of them (beyond getting support for changes we already announced in 2.2), but we're not quite ready to announce these changes yet. Until we do, what you see running here is essentially the same as the 2.1-based version of our add-ons.

Beyond the add-ons, we still have a few more improvements to XenForo 2.2 itself that are still in the oven right now. These include improvements based on feedback we've received from the previous have you seens and some improvements to things we haven't touched on yet.

Keep your eyes peeled! (Disclaimer: please do not actually peel your eyes.)

Next steps

We're now starting the first steps towards releasing XenForo 2.2 by testing it here. So please, if you notice any bugs or problems, report them to us.

Once we finish off the changes we still have in the pipeline and are happy with the stability of 2.2, the first beta will be released to all customers with active licenses. Beta versions are not officially supported and we don't recommend running them on production installs. This is an opportunity for people to test and for resource authors to make the necessary changes to support the new version. From there, we'll continue releasing beta versions until we're ready to move onto the release candidate stage, which essentially means that we believe the version is close to being an officially supported release (but it's not yet!). Finally, and only once we've gone through each of these stages, XenForo 2.2.0 will be released as an officially supported/recommended release... and we can all celebrate!

But in the meantime, we still have work to do! đź’Ş
Since XF 2.2 is installed here on xenforo.com I notice that images are Lazy Loading. Has this one been implemented?
1. Will the new thread types (Article, Question, Poll) use the correct schema.org structured data? Someone mentioned on another thread that the Article type wasn't using the correct structured data.
@Kier @Mike @Chris D - Wanted to check back in on this question.

I checked prior, and it didn't seem like the thread types were using Article or Question type schemas.
While our previous "have you seen" threads have announced most of what's coming in XenForo 2.2, we haven't touched on our official add-ons. There are improvements coming to each of them (beyond getting support for changes we already announced in 2.2), but we're not quite ready to announce these changes yet. Until we do, what you see running here is essentially the same as the 2.1-based version of our add-ons.

Beyond the add-ons, we still have a few more improvements to XenForo 2.2 itself that are still in the oven right now. These include improvements based on feedback we've received from the previous have you seens and some improvements to things we haven't touched on yet.
Can't wait to see what they have in store for the addons 🤤

Would all those changes be included in the first beta, or will they be included in later beta versions?
I try it at the demo address, I haven't seen much problem in the present, except for some of my plugins, they need to be updated.
What do you mean that some plugins need to be updated?

Do you mean AddOns? Does that mean some don't work with XF 2.2? Are you willing to share which don't work?
What do you mean that some plugins need to be updated?

Do you mean AddOns? Does that mean some don't work with XF 2.2? Are you willing to share which don't work?
Well, Xenforo just released XF 2.2 BETA just yesterday, so of course, the add-ons would have NOT been updated that quickly.

I mean, I have a few add-ons on my website that are pretty complex, so I would assume those add-ons will take a bit longer to be 100% compatible with XF BETA 2.2.x.

That's why XF has released the BETA version now so that it gives the add-on authors time to update their add-ons.

By the time XF will make the official release of XF 2.2.x in the coming months, the updated add-ons will also be compatible at the same time.
Well, Xenforo just released XF 2.2 BETA just yesterday, so of course, the add-ons would have NOT been updated that quickly.

I mean, I have a few add-ons on my website that are pretty complex, so I would assume those add-ons will take a bit longer to be 100% compatible with XF BETA 2.2.x.

That's why XF has released the BETA version now so that it gives the add-on authors time to update their add-ons.

By the time XF will make the official release of XF 2.2.x in the coming months, the updated add-ons will also be compatible at the same time.
Thanks. Candidly, I have little time to work on the board.

I hadn't even been paying attention to the fact that 2.2 was coming and would break AddOns.

I understand that I could install the Beta. It's just non-trivial from a time perspective for me to mess around with it. I had seen a few AddOn releases and thought something was up and then found this thread.

I upgraded to XF 2.1 from 1.5 only a few months ago primarily because I lacked the time to inventory the dozen or so addons and see what needed to be ported over.

I'm just a bit disappointed that a 2.x release is going to mean I have to sort through it.

More information than you needed. It's not your problem that I have little time for it but it explains why I asked the question about AddOns being broken because I was trying to confirm that this was the case.
I'm just a bit disappointed that a 2.x release is going to mean I have to sort through it.
Unlikely. I have found most addons are just fine. The ones I use that had issues, the developers have fixed to be compatible with 2.2. already.

Wait a couple of weeks for a more stable beta and you'll probably find all decent addon developers have got their stuff up to date.

It's really been a non issue for me anyway.

Well, biggest issue has been sorting out the text editor bbcode icons, which is a small issue.
Unlikely. I have found most addons are just fine. The ones I use that had issues, the developers have fixed to be compatible with 2.2. already.

Wait a couple of weeks for a more stable beta and you'll probably find all decent addon developers have got their stuff up to date.

It's really been a non issue for me anyway.

Well, biggest issue has been sorting out the text editor bbcode icons, which is a small issue.
I use Xenporta and it is working with the last 2.1 release save for an outdated template warning or two. Jaxel has put out a 2.2beta but I have not loaded it yet. So I don't think add-ons are going to be a hold up here. The major ones will be ready by the time an RC comes, let alone gold. The main issue might be developers rewriting to take advantage of new features. Those releases might take longer.
No, the GDPR regulates in article 17 that a right exists to have personal data deleted.

I am not a lawyer, but I would like to quote these passages:

1. The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller the erasure of personal data concerning him or her without undue delay and the controller shall have the obligation to erase personal data without undue delay where one of the following grounds applies.
(a) the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
(b) the data subject withdraws consent on which the processing is based according to point (a) of Article 6(1), or point (a) of Article 9(2), and where there is no other legal ground for the processing;
If a member wants to make use of this right, it is actually insufficient that he/she has to send a mail to the forum operator to have the account removed manually.
That is not correct. The right to be deleted exists and there is a simple process to exercise that right. The passage quoted does not imply that there has to be a automated process to trigger it.
Correct, an automated process is not necessary in terms of GDPR. However, there is no legal obligation to implement a GIPHY integration in Xenforo. It is a feature. A Self Delete function would also be a feature - but a much more useful one for the administration of a forum or online community.
Correct, an automated process is not necessary in terms of GDPR. However, there is no legal obligation to implement a GIPHY integration in Xenforo. It is a feature. A Self Delete function would also be a feature - but a much more useful one for the administration of a forum or online community.
I prefer this to be an add-on where this would be an automated process.

Keep in mind, not all countries are required to follow the terms of GDPR, however, for my website, I am voluntarily incorporating this because my website will be international in scope.

My website is based in the USA, so the laws of the US takes 1st priority, then the laws outside of the US.

This means that my website is incorporating laws both of the US and outside of the US. Legally speaking, I don't have to do this, but I want to.
@gogo @peterle @Serpius
If you want to see "Member Self Delete" implemented:
Vote for it here: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/give-user-an-option-to-self-delete-their-account.2720/

If you want it right now (currently only working up to version 2.1), use this add-on:
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