XF 2.2 Welcome to XenForo 2.2 / What's still to come

XenForo Community 2.2.webpWe've spent the last few weeks talking about the new features in XenForo 2.2. Now, it's your first chance to try some of them out and help us put them through their paces. Welcome to XenForo 2.2! đź‘‹

As you may notice, we have started converting some of our forums to more specific forum types. We've also enabled all general discussion thread types in the testing forum.

What's still to come

While our previous "have you seen" threads have announced most of what's coming in XenForo 2.2, we haven't touched on our official add-ons. There are improvements coming to each of them (beyond getting support for changes we already announced in 2.2), but we're not quite ready to announce these changes yet. Until we do, what you see running here is essentially the same as the 2.1-based version of our add-ons.

Beyond the add-ons, we still have a few more improvements to XenForo 2.2 itself that are still in the oven right now. These include improvements based on feedback we've received from the previous have you seens and some improvements to things we haven't touched on yet.

Keep your eyes peeled! (Disclaimer: please do not actually peel your eyes.)

Next steps

We're now starting the first steps towards releasing XenForo 2.2 by testing it here. So please, if you notice any bugs or problems, report them to us.

Once we finish off the changes we still have in the pipeline and are happy with the stability of 2.2, the first beta will be released to all customers with active licenses. Beta versions are not officially supported and we don't recommend running them on production installs. This is an opportunity for people to test and for resource authors to make the necessary changes to support the new version. From there, we'll continue releasing beta versions until we're ready to move onto the release candidate stage, which essentially means that we believe the version is close to being an officially supported release (but it's not yet!). Finally, and only once we've gone through each of these stages, XenForo 2.2.0 will be released as an officially supported/recommended release... and we can all celebrate!

But in the meantime, we still have work to do! đź’Ş
What happens if they lie about why they voted the way they did? How would you know?

I wouldn't know... no one will know except the person who voted.

If the users choose to lie, then they will have to face the consequences now or in the future.

I'm not a mind reader, nor do I want to become one.
I wouldn't know... no one will know except the person who voted.

If the users choose to lie, then they will have to face the consequences now or in the future.

I'm not a mind reader, nor do I want to become one.

And thus, the system can't actually be effectively moderated, which still leaves all my arguments valid.

Of course people will have their own opinions, but the best way to express those is not through upvotes or downvotes but through the usual forum fare we've been doing for years and years. Writing a post. Does it require more from the user? Yes. Is it a big deal? I hardly think so. If your users have problems formulating even a basic response besides clicking an up arrow or a down arrow, then maybe the problem is not with the system, but with some of the users themselves. Vis-a-vis, it's not a problem you can solve. Although personally, I don't mind such short posts anyway as long as they're relevant.
Your browser has likely cached the manifest before it was installable (some icons had to be added). You may be able to get it updated with a hard refresh, otherwise the browser will periodically refresh the manifest (I believe once per day).
btw this eventually resolved itself as you noted.
@Kier @Mike @Chris D with all these new features and content types etc, I was curious if any of their usage statistics would be exposed in extending Xenforo's statistics that you can display other than post, thread, registration, like counts ? i.e. questions, answers, articles etc ? Will we be seeing additional metrics we can digest ? :)
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A couple quick questions for the Xenforo team.

1. Will the new thread types (Article, Question, Poll) use the correct schema.org structured data? Someone mentioned on another thread that the Article type wasn't using the correct structured data.

2. In a typical Discussion thread, how do you pin the first post of the thread to the top? I've seed that feature here throughout these forums, but I couldn't track down where that feature existed. Is that native Xenforo 2.2? Or is that available in 2.1?
Oh noticed 2.2 utilises chrome data saver/lite mode! What is done differently in data saver mode in Xenforo?

View attachment 229164
Chrome does it when it notices that your internet connection is slow.
2. In a typical Discussion thread, how do you pin the first post of the thread to the top?
First post pinning happens automatically for new thread types like articles and questions from my understanding. This feature is not applicable on regular discussions 🤔
It's an automatic function of the article thread type - available with 2.2.
Yeah, I noticed that. Also see it on Question threads.

For some reason I thought I saw a standard Discussion thread with the first post pinned to the top, but more than likely it was either an Article or Question thread.

Pinning the first post on a Discussion threads seems interesting too -- as it may help keep thread discussions on topic. I suspect there's an add-on for that :)
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