Other Waindigo acquired by Audentio

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So anything which has been deleted but hasn't reappeared as [TH] will be reposted as open source?

There isn't anything that has been deleted and hasn't been reposted, at least there shouldn't be. Anything that will be open sourced will remain in the resource manager.
It was just Sept. 12th that Jake said that the addons would remain free. Did he misspeak, or did something happen to change them all to paid products?
We have decided against hex themes in favor or theme house. Th vs ht is mere coincidence.

We have been supporting a lot of addons all for pretty much nothing. If you want developers to stick around, it would be nice if people wouldn't jump down the throats of the guys putting in overtime on free support. Of some 350 addons we are keeping around 250 open source and free. The ones we are going to support have been given a modest and low price tag.

Oh, thanks for clearing that up Mike, I was confused as I only saw the Hex Theme announcement, not the new company.

I don't think anyone is jumping down your throat. It's just the sudden change took everyone by surprise. It was 1st stated by Jake they would remain free and some (none ever named of which would be) add-ons would be come premium once new features were added. No mention either of the free version being deleted either. Then, all the free ones were suddenly deleted without any sort of notice and re-uploaded to add a fee but no new features or bug fixes yet.. Based on that, can you expect people not be be upset? Many of us, including myself have spent hundreds of dollars on Audentio products, just a little courtesy for your customers of a simple heads up is all everyone is asking for. It was promised add-ons would stay free until new features were added. In the future, I'd recommend 1st releasing the new version with the new features and then either give a heads up the old version will be deleted in a week, to download a copy if you still intend to use it, or even better yet, instead of deleting it, just make it unsupported.. Maybe someone will try the unsupported free version, say hey this is great but feature "a" would be even better and then purchase the premium version.

Yes but that post clearly states by Mike..

The list of products to go open source vs the list that will be given a price tag will be posted. Most of the popular add-ons, install and upgrade and login as user and last post avatar, fundamental add-ons we will keep free of course.

No list was posted as stated before everything got deleted. It was also promised "most of the popular add-ons will remain free"...
It was promised add-ons would stay free until new features were added

That was never promised.

This is exactly what was said over a month ago:

The ones we wish to continue to heavily support will be given a price for yearly updates and support just like the rest of our products. We also have plans to release a subscription package that will give access to all products on a monthly basis.
I accept you should do what is best for business.

But just curious why you are rebranding? Audentio is a cooler name/brand in my opinion. Also, the styling makes it look like The Me House:LOL:
I accept you should do what is best for business.

But just curious why you are rebranding? Audentio is a cooler name/brand in my opinion. Also, the styling makes it look like The Me House:LOL:

All I can think about now is going out back and building a tree house :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
We have been supporting a lot of addons all for pretty much nothing. If you want developers to stick around, it would be nice if people wouldn't jump down the throats of the guys putting in overtime on free support. Of some 350 addons we are keeping around 250 open source and free. The ones we are going to support have been given a modest and low price tag.
Oh cry me a river. You chose to buy out Jon W with a clear and obvious profit motive in mind, and then sung everyone a song about your cherubic intentions. Now you pulled the rug out from under them and you're whining that they're rightfully annoyed? Its not their fault that you bungled this. All you had to do was make a notice and say "Hey guys, we're moving these addons to paid in a week. If you need to download the old files for your boards please do so now as we're going to be removing them from the RM by X date."
You're still free to continue using the free version you downloaded before. Most of them have remained free, and many will be open sourced in the next few weeks. There is no way we can provide support for 300 free add-ons, we are a team of 6 people with two for the most part who are able to provide support for add-ons.

Jake you've got to stop using this as an excuse. You throw this out for the lapses in your in-house products. If you don't have the employees to maintain the addons then you shouldn't have taken them on. If you can't hire someone to help you out then you shouldn't be offering support on 100 more products than you already do not have the support staff to keep up with.

We've given plenty of notice. It was stated quite a few weeks ago that some add-ons would be made premium.
In this same vain, I'm giving everyone notice that I'm going to be a millionaire. When, well, who the hell knows. But its going to happen at some point in the future.
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And over 250 of those add-ons are still free.

But it was said most of the "most popular" would be.. But most of the most popular ones are now $10.00.. The only one I use, not $10.00 now is the updater add-on.. Also you quoted every part of what I said accept the important subject of a list being posted of which would be changing to paid add-ons and which would be open source. Why was answering why said list was not first posted, avoided?

No one is getting down your throat, just as paying customers, we are seeking answers to things that now seem to been communicated on what to expect and how soon and how much notice we would receive between the acquired announcement and now.
Most popular have been kept free with little exception. Which update add-on? Install and upgrade is free.
Most popular have been kept free with little exception. Which update add-on? Install and upgrade is free.

Right, that's the only one I use from Jon that remained free, all the others are now $10.00. I have no issue with the $10.00 if bug fixes were done, etc.. But to pay $10.00 for each add-on if I decide to set up another forum, or wipe my test board and redo it, is a bit much to ask for just copies of the same files that were free yesterday, if for whatever reason I no longer had the zip from the RM. A current unsupported free version should had been kept up and a new "premium" with fixes should been added to go forward. Right now all it really is, is just reselling Jon's free add-ons for $10.00
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