vBulletin 5 screenshots

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Default skin looks nice, though I'm not sure why they didn't wanna use border-radius.

Oh well, vBulletin's issue has mostly been performance. Maybe they can in fact improve it, and I will give it a look (though it is unlikely I will start a new forum in the near future).
Microsoft is the 100 pound gorilla in the market place. They even made a deal with Ford a few years ago for thier active sync technology. It was a first ... but it wasnt "great". And Apple comes out this week showing later ships with several auto makers and a system that syncs up music, directions and is voice activated.

The moral of story is I feel xenforo is like Apple, small tactile and releasing highly refined product.
Default skin looks nice, though I'm not sure why they didn't wanna use border-radius.

Oh well, vBulletin's issue has mostly been performance. Maybe they can in fact improve it, and I will give it a look (though it is unlikely I will start a new forum in the near future).
There have been a lot of security issues as well.
hmm, it makes Xenforo must upgrade more & more. Because there're many clients droped vBulletin to buy Xenforo. If xenforo disappoints them, they will never come back.
Not so many. Really not. Very much Forums are still vB. Only a small amount changed to XF.
There's very little you can discern from those mock-ups; certainly nothing tangible about performance or usability.
From what i read here makes me scaring..... To many of you are... hmm... excited?

Remember this is still xf Forum....
I don't see a new core have being built, outside of what VB were already doing in using the CMS core which was the "new core" of their software. From memory, it was also the most cumbersome, query intensive aspect of their software... the forum was still using 3.x core. If they've upgraded the forum now to that core architecture, then god help all those using it and their server costs respectively.

Anything can run fast on a dedicated server... but the majority of people don't use dedicated servers, they use shared hosting and VPS solutions. There are already several shared hosts who refuse to host vBulletin 4.x on their servers due to how intensive it is.

You can make something look pretty, but that does not make it go faster or perform better for the average user.

Time will tell until people get their hands on it and actually report uniquely... because all anyone has right now, is VB's word. From memory, that hasn't exactly been the best based on past release history... so this is no different until proven otherwise IMHO.

Me personally, I wouldn't care how good VB ever became; I would never give them another red cent due to their past behaviour and attitude of client treatment and mismanagement. Just look at how they treated a good majority of their staff... they all got sacked or left due to unworkable conditions due to management.

Nothing has changed with IB ownership.
One thing to keep in mind. Kevin Sours is apparently the lead dev on vB5. He was also the lead dev on the original iterations of vB4. Doesn't exactly inspire confidence in me, tbh.
Who was the lead designer?

Because if they were involved at any time with vB4, they need to be shot for crimes against UI design.
Who was the lead designer?

Because if they were involved at any time with vB4, they need to be shot for crimes against UI design.
I think Kier did a lot of the initial work...and then they hired Sophie, who appeared to have some good designs but none of which got implemented. Correct me if I'm wrong. If anyone should be shot, I'd say it should be Bob Brisco.
Styling wise those mockups seem to match xenforo pretty close. However, unless they give existing customers a significant discount I can see more people jumping ship or staying with vb4. I think the upgrade cost will either make or break vb5.
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