vb5 beta released, and...

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Above = shocking. I can see a guy trying to explain that at the desk of IB's fat cat CEO and then him giving a cool response 'ok, but can we make money off of it?'. And then they guy going 'I wouldn't recommend it' and then the CEO again 'I don't care, you sell this thing and quick because we're almost at the end of the 4th quarter and the numbers don't look good. Now get out of here! Oh and keep me updated on that senvoro thing ... guy: "XenForo?" -yeah that one, let the lawyers take good care of them!
If they were smart, the company that owns IB would simply buy XF, that way IB don't own it. That company conglomerate remains a silent partner of XF, giving full autonomy to XF directors at every instance. Sell VB and build XF into the largest forum product.

IB are simply too immature as a company to do good with things they buy, so says their history.

30. I told Brisco that the vBulletin 4 product as then planned could not be developed within six months, and in a period of six months we could only develop a very limited set of new features based on the creaky and outdated architecture of vBulletin 3. Brisco replied that only programmers care about software architecture, and that anyone who proposed a project to him with a timeline exceeding six months would be fired. He indicated that if we did not agree with his new direction for developing vBulletin on an accelerated schedule, we were free to leave and not return for further meetings.

Bunch of programmers in here. O_o
I just fell out of my chair reading the last couple of messages.

Crazy. Just freaking crazy.

We've got to get this lawsuit behind us, and get back to coding a great piece of software.
I have no knowledge of CSS/Html, but I Was able to convert our heavily styled theme to VB4, which wasn't easy, let me tell you hehe

Nice conversion.

Considering that you don't know CSS/HTML, I guess conversions are not as hard as I thought they would be.
I'm staff on a VB forum, and we never installed VB4 because the owner procrastinates. So I have no direct experience; I only hear from others. I know admins who upgraded and are thrilled with VB4. Others see it as unacceptable. I don't know why there is such a difference.
The fact that you can't see what's wrong with vB4 makes you look like - I'm sorry to say - a clueless person. You honestly think that vB4 looks good? Sit there and tell me. I'm telling you from first-hand experience, that running a new-born vB4 is such a pain in the baby bottom... because your visitors, your followers, your members can't see past vB4's horrendous design. I've launched a Modern Warfare 2 forum on vB4 with vBSEO installed... I only made color changes on vB4 - nothing worked. When in contrast, a vB3 forum can just be a color change, and nobody would complain. That's the whole problem with vB4, that a typical user can't get past the ugliness of vB4.

It's good that the owner of the vB forum procrastinated on his forum upgrade. If he upgraded when you tell him to, and vB4 is such a mess - visitors would leave that site in droves, and faster than the rate of eating food. vB4 killed a lot of big sites, including my CODForums. Which I spent over a thousand dollars just to own. I bought it in a package, but that's not even the point.
Hmmm. I just remembered. I was an admin briefly on a VB4 forum. Just long enough to install mods for the owner, and chat a little in the staff room. I guess the main thing I noticed wrong was they wrecked the theme styling feature.
It's not just skins. It's a server resource hog. My users reported a lot of problems with vB4, that once 4.1.4 came out, it broke my entire site. I couldn't even use it as administrator in the ACP!

So, recap:

- Styling vB4 was, and still is a pain in the back.
- It's a resource hog. Large forums suffer from this.
- Hacks, mods, or plugins don't play nice with vB4.
- Lots of bugs on the users' end.
30.I told Brisco that the vBulletin 4 product as then planned could not be developed within six months, and in a period of six months we could only develop a very limited set of new features based on the creaky and outdated architecture of vBulletin 3. Brisco replied that only programmers care about software architecture, and that anyone who proposed a project to him with a timeline exceeding six months would be fired. He indicated that if we did not agree with his new direction for developing vBulletin on an accelerated schedule, we were free to leave and not return for further meetings.
Brisco is correct.
Only programmers care about software architecture.
Of course, customers care about demos -
which essentially is a display of the architecture's strengths and weaknesses.

And the demo of Brisco's failed vision for vBulletin is on full display
I'm staff on a VB forum, and we never installed VB4 because the owner procrastinates. So I have no direct experience; I only hear from others. I know admins who upgraded and are thrilled with VB4. Others see it as unacceptable. I don't know why there is such a difference.
The fact that you can't see what's wrong with vB4 makes you look like - I'm sorry to say - a clueless person. You honestly think that vB4 looks good? Sit there and tell me. I'm telling you from first-hand experience...
I have to say, Carlos, I often find your posts confrontational.

I think your opening to this post comes across as rude and unnecessary.

Andrew B says he has no direct experience and nor does he suggest "vB4 looks good" or that he has "first-hand experience". In fact, he himself didn't cast an opinion on vB4 at all, so your post which almost sounds like a direct attack at him by calling him a "clueless person" is just unacceptable really.
As sidenote I must say I am suprised by response my post about vB5 generated in internets.

Suprised nobody before me reviewed that code, that is.
As sidenote I must say I am suprised by response my post about vB5 generated in internets.

Suprised nobody before me reviewed that code, that is.

It's cos the good programmers deduced enough of the coding / decision disasters from the demo to not care buying or wasting their time over it.
There's been several people (Robbo, Nataan, etc) look at the code but I think they quickly gave up :-p

Also is allowing copyrighted VB source code to be posted on here a good idea?
gave it a quick look and hated it. load time was horrible. I kept seeing unfinished pages wondering where the content was. I tried very hard to find something good & couldn't do it.

that being said, I'm very very very anxious for a new release over here.
When i saw the demo , i lost all my interest to vBulletin 5 Connect and decided not to even look at the code. I don't have time to dedicate to any product that has quality level like vB5
As sidenote I must say I am suprised by response my post about vB5 generated in internets.

Suprised nobody before me reviewed that code, that is.

Me to, but it was great to read the first review, thanks for that.

What gets me, is it isn't just the usual groupee fanbois who are defending this piece of crap, but also the support staff as well.

I know they can't exactly say the product is rubbish, but you'd think they would't be trying to defend it constantly in public, either.
They're really defending their job... I'm sure IB offers good job security for those who are willing to put their morals aside for the company.
They're really defending their job... I'm sure IB offers good job security for those who are willing to put their morals aside for the company.

Do you honestly expect them not too? It's a "game changer" and they have to act like it, it's just too bad 95% of the public don't seem to agree with them.
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