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[] QuoteCollapse 1.2

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Yorick updated [] QuoteCollapse with a new update entry:

Multiple improvements

  • Customisable suffix that appears after the summary text (by default it is ...) Special thanks to KidCactus for help with this.
  • New customisable option for changing the Read More/Less link position. The default option is the classic top-right positioning. You will need to set it to bottom centre in the Options for it to appear like below.
View attachment 29248
  • ...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I love how this modification is constantly evolving. Gonna attempt to update this on my site and cross my fingers that it works. I'm sure it aint your mods fault if no one else's complaining. Something's probably just wrong with my site.
I love how this modification is constantly evolving. Gonna attempt to update this on my site and cross my fingers that it works. I'm sure it aint your mods fault if no one else's complaining. Something's probably just wrong with my site.
Let me know either way. Good luck.
So, guys, what next?

On my own forum, someone suggested making this a user preference rather than a global setting. This is entirely possible. Do you think that would be of benefit?

I mean, just because we don't like massive quotes doesn't mean that others want them hidden. Though, I don't see why they wouldn't :)

If there are any suggestions for a future version, I will look into them.
Any idea on how to fix this?

Edit: Never mind, just realized this was fixed in the latest version. :D
Yep :D

Set the z-index of the new indicator in the CSS to 1 so it appears on top of everything else. I also adjusted slightly the position of the link so the read more icon didn't disappear behind the new indicator.

I was unable to find this by Title searching for: quote

It makes this addon hard to find.

[] QuoteCollapse 1.2

changing the name to
[] Quote Collapse 1.2

would be enough to fix it.
IDEA: An option for:

If someone full quotes, then it is automatically stripped out entirely (think of it as the ultimate quote "collapse" to nothing !), with just a link back to the original post. If someone changes something .... then the quoted post would collapse as it currently does.

IDEA2: stripping out embedded YouTube images from quotes.
Alright I found out what's wrong. In your old version, your string replacement for 'add expander div around blockquote' was simply '<blockquote>{xen:raw $content}</blockquote>' but in your latest version, you're string replacement is
        <xen:if is="{$nameHtml}">
            <div class="attribution type">{xen:phrase x_said, 'name={xen:raw $nameHtml}'}:
                <xen:if is="{$source}">
                    <a href="{xen:link 'goto/{$source.type}', '', 'id={$}'}#{$source.type}-{$}" class="AttributionLink">&uarr;</a>
        <blockquote>{xen:raw $content}</blockquote>

It won't work for me because it does not match. Reason being is that I'm using Quotes with Avatars.

I basically got to figure out away around that now.

This is my quotes with avatars template btw

<xen:require css="bb_code.css" />
<xen:if is="{$attributes.member}">
<div class="quote_with_avatar">
<xen:if is="{$attributes.member}">
    <xen:set var="$avaUser.user_id">{$attributes.member}</xen:set>
    <xen:set var="$avaUser.username">{$nameHtml}</xen:set>
    <xen:set var="$avaUser.avatar_date">1</xen:set>
    <xen:avatar user="$avaUser" size="s" class="QuoteAvatar" />
<xen:comment><!-- content is escaped via parser --></xen:comment>
<div class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeQuote{xen:if $ignored, ' ignored'}"{xen:if $nameHtml, ' data-author="{$nameHtml}"'}>
        <xen:if is="{$nameHtml}">
           <div class="attribution type">{xen:phrase x_said, 'name={xen:raw $nameHtml}'}:
                <xen:if is="{$source}">
                    <a href="{xen:link 'goto/{$source.type}', '', 'id={$}'}#{$source.type}-{$}" class="AttributionLink">&uarr;</a>
        <blockquote>{xen:raw $content}</blockquote>
    <span class="arrow"></span>
<xen:if is="{$attributes.member}">
I just realised I never thanked you for this add on due to not having enough time to test it over the last few weeks - so thank man!

It's coming along really nicely :)

I do agree with Andy that the default image should be the up and down arrow from the sprite sheet so fit in with the default theme a bit better and eliminate the loading of an extra image, but no biggie.

Is it just me or does the whole quote block flash when expanding, and jump slightly when collapsing when it reaches the end of the collapse?

Also, is it just me, or in IE9 is the expand button not visible regardless of it's position?
Have you got the latest version?

This update included an option to have the Read More link located in the bottom middle of the quote div. Sightly cleaner and doesn't load any images.

My site is down, unfortunately, so I can't test the other thing you just mentioned. If anything, though, it's a browser issue. I don't remember ever experiencing it with Chrome.

Though there are some options in the Admin CP to control its animation speeds. Might be worth changing them to 0 which means it should open and close instantly.
Nevermind, it seems IE is just effed up on my PC. The buttons display just fine in IE on a second PC :)

I experience the slight flash and jumpiness on multiple browsers on both PC an Mac though when using a positive collapse speed. It's not a major issue, I'll probably just use a speed of 0, but it would feel more polished if it didn't do that.
I have to say, unfortunately it's out of my control.

That part of it is a jquery plugin written by someone else, so I wouldn't even know where to begin to fix it :(

I'm not good with javascript :unsure:
I just installed and it's not working for me yet. I checked the Temp Mods and the add expander div around blockquote reads it's been applied 0 times.

All the other mods seem to be working properly.
Works very nice, but one suggestion. When you collapse a large post it will completely collapse, then snap back to the 300 word limit.
Can you make it only collapse back without completely collapsing?

Just a thought :)
Yorick thank you for this great add-on... but there's a problem :(
I have XenFacil Quote installed and with it activated QuoteCollapse doesn't work, can you check on this?
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