[UW] Forum Comments System [Deleted]

I recommend to take a look at my other add-on, Smileys Bar. :) I took extra care to make sure it works well in combination with Forum Comments System add-on.


The main purpose of Smileys Bar is to add to the bottom of the text editor a bar with the most common, most used smileys (Recently used, XF default smileys/Uncategorized smilies) that are always visible so you have fast, easy and convenient access to them and without covering the text area. More info here: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/uw-smileys-bar.7237/

View attachment Smileys-Bar-Demo.mp4
To get a better understanding. Are the comments still posts but displayed in a different way or the completly seperate from normal posts (e.g. not stored in the posts datebase table). Thanks!
Is this possible to use for only Profile Posts and not forum posts? Also, has the nested comments (2 levels) been added? Like another user noted, I hate that the comments continue to stretch the page.
this looks great. I've been looking for something like this for a specific need. Any concerns about performance issues with large threads? Or lots of comments on a post?

this looks great. I've been looking for something like this for a specific need. Any concerns about performance issues with large threads? Or lots of comments on a post?

I do not have too many comments under a post but for that a pagination is planed for the next update.
why did you change your add-on to "Unmaintained"

would be great if we can get tab for "new post comments" so users can see new post comments
*******, had this feature


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why did you change your add-on to "Unmaintained"

would be great if we can get tab for "new post comments" so users can see new post comments
*******, had this feature

View attachment 216329

It’s how XenForo works. If the add-on hasn’t been updated during the past 6 months, it will marked as unmaintained.
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why did you change your add-on to "Unmaintained"
I didn't. Somebody from XF did, as Niro mentioned. This is a stable version already, doesn't need tons of updates anymore. Anyways, there is work going on on a new update released hopefully in a short order.

would be great if we can get tab for "new post comments" so users can see new post comments
*******, had this feature


You do get notifications the same way as you get notified about regular posts. For example, new comments will appear in What's new, New posts, Latest activity. Plus of course email notifications, in Alert pop-up window, in Forums Main category (When a comment is posted in a watched thread, the tread link will bump to the top and become bold informing you that you have an unread comment. And clicking the bold link or the "time" link, will bring you straight to the comment. ), also a "new" post indicator (1579525816126.png) for all new comments will show up.
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Some people are complaining about features, but personally I'm not someone who likes an addon with a crap ton of features. Those addons frequently break and cause god knows how many gremlins. The main reason I buy a lot of ThemeHouse addons is because they maintain their products for the most part. I'd rather get maintenance updates than feature updates. Then I can go out and extend the code myself with my own developer.

I own TH Post Comments, however they don't allow you to enable the functionality per forum. Their comments are also so pretty and take up so much space, it creates an even bigger issue with people posting actual replies and not just comments.

If there was slightly more definition between the post and the comments, like using the full width or adding some different border, I think that would be good. Nit picking really. The other concern I have is future compatibility and trying to combine with addons like guest posting from addon labs. Has anyone tried that?
To get a better understanding. Are the comments still posts but displayed in a different way or the completly seperate from normal posts (e.g. not stored in the posts datebase table). Thanks!
Comments are totally different thing. there are stored in separate table.
Comments are totally different thing. there are stored in separate table.
Is there a reason your site version is ahead of the one here? The 1.6 version seems to include a feature I wanted ( some sort of pagination / show more for comments).
Is there a reason your site version is ahead of the one here? The 1.6 version seems to include a feature I wanted ( some sort of pagination / show more for comments).
Not really. Will update it here as well ASAP. But you can download already now the latest version. The sort of pagination is done similar way as it is done in XF for comments in the user's profile. So just check any user's profile here on XF that has more comments and you will see how it works. Developer's website has installed the latest version so you can test it there already as well.
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Just bought your add-on which is the latest 1.7.

It looks so good.

Now I have to make a choice between this add-on and another add-on which features nested replies (I'd better not to mention the name of the add-on here) that I installed earlier. They all work well alone but seems to be quite confusing if used together...
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@gogo Thanks for the support. A lot of work and money went into this add-on. I myself was originally thinking to use the add-on you mentioned. Because it is much cheaper just to buy an add-on than creating a new one. You can see some of my issues with that add-on in this discussion here: https://nobita.me/threads/testing-comments.15243/
That add-on wasn't good enough for me so I had to create this FCS add-on. My FCS add-on is much more advanced. Just to mention a few,
  • you can have my FCS add-on activated for specific user groups, no other comment add-on has that.
  • You can use also "Reply" and "Quote" buttons for selected text in a comment, no other comment add-on has that.
  • Reply button keeps its original functionality also in the comments.
  • in my FCS add-on, link in notification e-mail will bring you straight to the comment, in other add-ons, won't.
  • my FCS add-on doesn't have any known bugs. Any bug, small or big, is fixed ASAP. On the other hand, nobita add-on has still bugs that I mentioned over one year ago. For example: in post 9, that bug alone was a deal breaker for me.
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