[UW] Forum Comments System [Deleted]

@ŽivaAkcija By default FCS will allow comments in all forums of the website. But you can disallow posting comments for any forum you want on your website and for any user group.

Navigate to Forums -> Node Permissions (select any forum) -> Select a user group (for example Registered) and you disallow for this group in that forum to post comments.

You can test it on our website. In this forum registered users are not allowed to post a comment: Testing forum for disallowed comments
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@xffutureuser All right, I am convinced, but is it possible to import from Post Replies to Forum Comments System?
Theoretically it is possible to do. Custom importer would have to be created.
Oh, a general sense of disappointment. I believe it should not be working like this.
This is not the only option any longer. You can preserve the data by ticking the checkbox "Don't remove comments data" when the uninstall window pops up. The data preservation is done such way that a comment will be converted into a reply with a quote of the reply under which the comment was posted. Reactions will be preserved as well, including the reactions count.
See the update from Apr 21, 2019
Once you install the add-on, I recommend you to test it first, so you know how it works.
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@xffutureuser, couple of questions
1) Is it possible to make a collapse button, that will hide all comments after the post?
2) What about tree structure in comments? Is it in plans?
1) No. Why would you want that?
2) No. But It will be possible to comment a comment. Something similar to Facebook in the second nested level. The code is finished already. Just checking for bugs and some issues.
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Why would you want that?
Because posts is more important than comments and some users may prefer to hide comments.

Something similar to Facebook in the nested level.
Actually, Facebook have 2 nested levels, which can be collapsed. Your addon have only one.
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I have to agree with @Vlady on point one. I personally won't be bothered as I only use comments for moderation which only needs 1 comment.
But if you allow members to post comments to discuss on a post it will mean that each post can end up being extremely long with just comments.
Which is ugly and unwanted as most people are not interested in the comments underneath a post but the posts itself, like Vlad mentions.
Because posts is more important than comments and some users may prefer to hide comments.
Post can have the same content as a comment. So what normally would be in a comment, will end up in a post in a forum without a comment add-on. So this point of yours doesn't make any sense to me. You would need then a collapse button for posts as well. :cool:

From my over 5 years experience with moderating a forum with comments, I know that comments often contain equally important information. Therefore this add-on is built such way that information in the comment is equally accessible/visible.

A much better solution than collapsing (IMHO) is planed and the work on it should start this week, hopefully. :)

Actually, Facebook have 2 nested levels, which can be collapsed. Your add-on have only one.
I was talking about the second one. I meant mostly the functionality commenting a comment in the second level.

Which is ugly and unwanted as most people are not interested in the comments underneath a post but the posts itself, like Vlad mentions.

Here I made first example of using this FCS in a forum. I made two threads. Both with exactly the same posts in the same sequence. One thread is with comments and the second is done the traditional XF way, using quotes, without comments (never mind the content, it's just an example not real opinions).

This thread is with comments: What are you listening to? - with comments
- all responses nicely stacked under one post. well organized, space saving, easy to read and see what other people think about the post.

This thread is done the traditional XF way using quotes, without comments: What are you listening to? - no comments
- Now that's what I find ugly, spread over two pages with many repeated quotes, just a real chaos, impossible to see all the users responses to one post in one place. Actually the last response for the first post is far away on the second page. o_O
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xffutureuser updated [UW] Forum Comments System with a new update entry:

Text editor also at the end of the comments, new moderating functions activated.

Improved functionality of the text editor.

Now the transformation from a comment to text editor is very smooth and elegant, after the basic editor was replaced with BB code and rich text editor.

Text editor added also at the end of the comments.


There is a "Comment" link in the post action bar. If you've got a long list of comments then you would have to scroll up to tap the Comment link. As you can see above we...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Seem have problem with my forum:

Screen Shot 2019-06-09 at 4.33.07 PM.webp
Overlap when click Comment button. I can see comment text input area. And Still click to input.


  • Screen Shot 2019-06-09 at 4.32.59 PM.webp
    Screen Shot 2019-06-09 at 4.32.59 PM.webp
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I am not able to reproduce this on our 4 installs. But a new version will be very soon released.
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Seem have problem with my forum:

Overlap when click Comment button. I can see comment text input area. And Still click to input.
So after some intensive research we found out it is caused by Chrome overflow issues in latest versions. In Firefox there was no problem at all. A temporary fix we have implemented already. Just download the latest FCS version. Let me know then how it works for you.
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xffutureuser updated [UW] Forum Comments System with a new update entry:

new functions, commenting a comment, buttons adjusted

1. Added functionality for comments such as Approve, Spam, Warn and IP buttons.
- New permissions added:


2. Added "Comment" button for a comment.
Now you can comment a comment. It works similar way as in the second level for Facebook comments. A comment will include the user's name you are commenting, plus (what Facebook doesn't have), the back button icon when clicked, will bring you to the commented comment...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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