User Essentials

User Essentials [Paid] 2.8.4

No permission to buy ($35.00)
  • Thread starter Thread starter Syndol
  • Start date Start date
Displaying an icon means either adding a column to the user table or left joining every time you fetch a post (or the user for that matter).
I've decided it is not worth it as a custom title change for X days does the job quite well.
From the Day i upgraded to this Enhanced Version, members on my forum are unable to Edit Thread Title.

And i didn't find any separate option for it in Permissions. Pls help.
Since XenForo 1.2.0 editing thread titles is now a default permission.
The permission name is the same as the one I used for User Essentials so it should still work as was assigned before.

Ensure you have the following user group permissions set:
  • Edit thread title by self (requires edit own post)
  • Time limit on editing thread title by self (minutes)
If those permissions were set correctly across all of your user groups, then have you installed any new add-ons since you upgraded this one?
  • Edit thread title by self (requires edit own post)

Above one is missing from my Permission List. Any Idea what's wrong while the 2nd option is there.
Looks like you uninstalled an older version of this add-on after upgrading to XenForo 1.2.0
You will have to point your browser to your_forum/install in order to rebuild the master data.
Once that is done, you will have to reassign that permission to selected user groups.
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Reactions: DFI
I've replied to your PC when you first sent it, so it should be somewhere in your inbox :unsure:
I'm very interested in this add-on and I might be buying this very soon, but I'm just wondering: is it a hard task to allow regular users to see another user's nickname history?
Sorry, I didn't even look at the screenshots and only read through the features-list, and since that wasn't listed there I assumed it wasn't present. That seems great, and this add-on has definately gone on my to-buy list XD
Syndol updated User Essentials - Enhanced Version with a new update entry:

Version 2.0.2

What's new:
  • Remove Own Poll Vote with optional Time Limit. Those who have cast a vote may remove it (un-vote). This is a usergroup permission which may be set with a time limit (in minutes). Poll must be open and user must have voting permission.
  • Delete Poll. Moderators and poll creators (when no votes have been cast) can delete a poll via a simple link.


Upgrade Instructions:...

Read the rest of this update entry...
User are unable to change their username even though their usergroup has name change permissions.

They get this error when going to the link directly:

You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
If your users can see the username change link on their Account page then you did not set their permissions up correctly.
If they cannot see the link then you probably set the Max Post Count option to something other than zero:
I set Max Post Count to zero (it was 5) and now the link shows up. Users can now change their name.
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