User Essentials

User Essentials [Paid] 2.8.4

No permission to buy ($35.00)
  • Thread starter Thread starter Syndol
  • Start date Start date
Can I request a new feature, please?
When a moderator approves a name change, can we have an option to switch off the display of the 'formerly known as...' message?
While most of the time we would want to display this message, sometimes for security reasons, a person will prefer not to have this displayed. The option for a moderator to switch it off on a per-user basis would be useful.
User Essentials is to add more functionality and features for the regular member.

I request a Friend system to replace the follow system.

1) Cannot follow a person unless they confirm you as a friend to which it will auto follow everything they do. (option to disable following per friend)

2) Limit Private Conversations to friends only. Non friends will have to post on the users profile. This adds more value to the private conversations and builds a healthier social network since you cant have random people stalk you, they must be confirmed.

3) Limit the size of friend list per usergroup.
Also another request:

Hide poll results - only thread creator and moderators can see poll results. Option to set when to display results, either per votes or time (e.g. the results of this poll will be made visible when it reaches 100 votes. Currently X votes; the results of this poll will be made visible at date/time. Countdown timer)
Hi @Oerkill VR
I think your suggestions are better suited as separate add-ons.
The friends idea is probably better served with the Friends add-on.
As for conversations, you can already limit that to people you follow (friends?).

And as for hiding polls that too has been available as an add-on in the resource manager.
Was in my account settings page when I saw this debug mode error.

Template Errors: useress_unc_account_wrapper_sidebar_settings Argument 1 passed to XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::helperIsMemberOf() must be of the type array, null given in /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/Template/Helper/Core.php, line 1310 Argument 1 passed to XenForo_Model_User::isMemberOfUserGroup() must be of the type array, null given, called in /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/Template/Helper/Core.php on line 1318 and defined in /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/User.php, line 1627
My template there is a simple link. It does not call the function helperIsMemberOf()
I suggest you find out which other add-on is causing this.
Please note that I will be away until the 25th of October.
I shall respond to any questions or reported issues upon my return.
Thank you.
Displaying an icon means either adding a column to the user table or left joining every time you fetch a post (or the user for that matter).
I've decided it is not worth it as a custom title change for X days does the job quite well.
I have set Assign Custom Title for X Days to 30 but looking at posts of members who recently changed their names, there is no custom title being displayed.
Does the above setting only apply to new changed names? Can we make it work on ones changed within the last 30 days?
Hi @rawkorea I'm unable to reproduce such an error.
This add-on has nothing to do with custom fields.

I've installed this add-on on a fresh XenForo and now do get that message to pop-up.
I'll look into it...
Last edited by a moderator:
Thanks for this addon! :)

Would you please consider adding a new feature? The option to hide own signature on per-post basis. I mean, a check box to hide/show own signature before posting a new message/thread.
Hi @Syndol - A question about editing Titles and Posts permissions. Installed this add-on and we want people to be able to change their post titles.

This does not seems work even thought it seem they permissions to do so.

Stumped trying to figure out this permission issue. I separated the time for post edits and titles edits with no luck and eventually just allowed edits to the thread to be unlimited but still no luck.

We are currently running 1.2.4 of xf.

Edit Title Permissions.webp

Here is the permission analysis for the user and forum area in question - editing the title should be possible according to the analysis. However, when I test the permissions for this user I cannot edit title or thread and they indeed cannot make edits.

My question is if time to edit posts/titles previously expired and we changed it within permissions to allow it with unlimited could this somehow stop them from doing the edits? Any idea what the problem could be here?

:( Stumped.
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