UK ISPs to Block TPB

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I don't think they'll make a bit of difference, unless I'm missing something, trying to go directly to the Piratebay IP gets you blocked. Is there any that you've listed think will work, I'm currently using Open DNS.
Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) is blocking this on their DNS (domain and IP). Open DNS is subject to UK laws as they have DNS's which use UK ISP's. So you want a DNS which is offshore and which will in a scene, bypass the system.
Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) is blocking this on their DNS (domain and IP). Open DNS is subject to UK laws as they have DNS's which use UK ISP's. So you want a DNS which is offshore and which will in a scene, bypass the system.
Testing with Google DNS at present, don't think it's going to work either as I've just changed the DNS on my Router and after it's rebooted TPB is still not accessible.

Going to try a reboot of the lappy. BRB.
What's makes me laugh though, Virgin Media will be well aware people are still visiting the site using that new link. But they've not blocked it and no doubt won't until ordered to do so again, then TPB will create another and around in circles we go. Each time costing the Record Industry more money to keep going back into court getting a new URL blocked. Comical really!
Testing with Google DNS at present, don't think it's going to work either as I've just changed the DNS on my Router and after it's rebooted TPB is still not accessible.

Going to try a reboot of the lappy. BRB.
Google will always use the closest DNS to you, just as Open DNS will too.

The closest to you is The UK, because you live there. And all ISP's in The UK are blocking The Pirate Bay. So naturally any DNS in The UK, which of course would be connected to a UK ISP (Internet Service Provider) is going to be blocked.

You need to think outside the box and use something away from you.... ie... Offshore.

But you are correct in changing your router settings and not just depending on your PC.
Most seem to talk about "TOR", even on the Guardian in comments posted. No idea what it is but that's seems to be what most say use. Deeb's mentioned it also before and knows something about how it all works.

TOR (The Onion Router) is a system intended to enable online anonymity by creating virtual layers of anonymity that have to be peeled back like a real onion in order to find a user’s IP address. The original data are encrypted and re-encrypted multiple times, then sent through successive Tor relays, each one of which decrypts a “layer” of encryption before passing the data on to the next relay and, ultimately, its destination. zeropaid (
Testing with Google DNS at present, don't think it's going to work either as I've just changed the DNS on my Router and after it's rebooted TPB is still not accessible.

Going to try a reboot of the lappy. BRB.
if you are on windows...

after you have made your changes

run cmd


ipconfig /release

ipconfig /renew

ipconfig /flushdns

ipconfig /registerdns

see if that helps
Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) is blocking this on their DNS (domain and IP). Open DNS is subject to UK laws as they have DNS's which use UK ISP's. So you want a DNS which is offshore and which will in a scene, bypass the system.

DNS switching will only help with ISPs doing the block at DNS level. I believe the ISP's have been ordered to do it at the carrier level as an "expert" to the case pointed out to the court the futility of doing it as the DNS.
DNS switching will only help with ISPs doing the block at DNS level. I believe the ISP's have been ordered to do it at the carrier level as an "expert" to the case pointed out to the court the futility of doing it as the DNS.
Thank you for confirming this for me. But also FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU I really cannot be bothered running through a VPN, I've done it before but I don't want to. Maybe I'll just have to bit the bullet and go down that route again.
Testing with Google DNS at present, don't think it's going to work either as I've just changed the DNS on my Router and after it's rebooted TPB is still not accessible.

Going to try a reboot of the lappy. BRB.

If your intent on still visiting TPB site and want protection from ISP traffic analysis. Read this about TOR, they offer downloads for it also.

Some interesting snip-its taken from it below:


Journalists use Tor to communicate more safely with whistleblowers and dissidents. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) use Tor to allow their workers to connect to their home website while they’re in a foreign country, without notifying everybody nearby that they’re working with that organization.

Using Tor protects you against a common form of Internet surveillance known as “traffic analysis.” Traffic analysis can be used to infer who is talking to whom over a public network.

A branch of the U.S. Navy uses Tor for open source intelligence gathering, and one of its teams used Tor while deployed in the Middle East recently. Law enforcement uses Tor for visiting or surveilling web sites without leaving government IP addresses in their web logs, and for security during sting operations.
DNS switching will only help with ISPs doing the block at DNS level. I believe the ISP's have been ordered to do it at the carrier level as an "expert" to the case pointed out to the court the futility of doing it as the DNS.

Switching DNS seems to work for others.


You not really going to be able to do it through traditional commercial means, as any company connected within The UK isn't going to violate UK laws. Thus OpenDNS, Google, ect..... All useless.

Think outside the box and think outside The UK. You're going to have to go about this in such away as though you were not actually living in The UK, but some place else.

People in China for example do this all the time. Remember to always think offshore. The UK, though you may live there, isn't your friend.
My search engine tells me 'Pirate Bay Sees Traffic Increase by 12 Million After UK Block'.,15528.html


Switching DNS seems to work for others.


You not really going to be able to do it through traditional commercial means, as any company connected within The UK isn't going to violate UK laws. Thus OpenDNS, Google, ect..... All useless.

Think outside the box and think outside The UK. You're going to have to go about this in such away as though you were not actually living in The UK, but some place else.

People in China for example do this all the time. Remember to always think offshore. The UK, though you may live there, isn't your friend.
Maybe it depends on the ISP, Virgin are blocking the IP so different DNS isn't going to help :(
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