No permission to download
Silly question, Easy to fix probably, but with the Facebook page like on the footer. How do I change it to my Page? I tried uploading the code from facebook, and it does not work.
A bug I found when you have search setup like I do below then click on it and your mouse hovers the links below it, it makes a dark shadow like there is a tab in the background. See below.

Suggestion for @Mike Creuzer;
Add dns-prefetch for the google fonts and font-awesome links, e.g.
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.4.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//fonts.googleapis.com/">
Is there any easy way to add dark_taigachat_online_users so it appears on the main page, above or below Staff Online Now and Members Online Now within UI.X? I would like members to easily see who's in the Taigachat room.
I've done a lot of customization in extra.css. The custom layout for prefixes is one of the things in there.

Noticed today that all the stuff done in extra.css or included with <xen:include template="example" />, is not working on a mobile devices. That works out for most stuff, but how can I enforce some of the styling to work on all devices?


How do I enforce styling adjustments to work on all resolutions in UI.X?
quick question --

I'm considering purchasing UI.X, however right now I have my own, highly-customized non-UI.x styles that my users all use by default.

If I install UI.X, will my styles still be there, so I can have my users keep using the old ones, until i'm ready to show them a new, UI.X-ified style? Or will simply installing UI.X mess with my existing styles?

If you install like it should be there will be no trouble.

-Default Style
¦__Default changes (child)
- your style
¦__your style changes (child)
- ui. X style
¦__ui. X changes (child)
Has anyone an idea how to move the userbar into the navbar or did that already? I want to restrict the user/adminbar to admins only, so we´ld have a cleaner look without the top bar for all others. All my tryouts ended in a turn & burn and I would appreciate some help ;)
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I was trying this on the site I discovered a bug really breaking the style, on forum display scroll down near to the bottom (don't let the sidebar hit the bottom), then collapse any category you should see the sidebar gone wild like this:


If there's an option to disable the sticky sidebar it could be a fix for the mean while until they fix the issue. ;)
Hey @Mike Creuzer, I'm unable to register at the demo site it gives me this error after I complete registration "A server error occurred. Please try again later."

Is there any demo user already set?
I was trying this on the site I discovered a bug really breaking the style, on forum display scroll down near to the bottom (don't let the sidebar hit the bottom), then collapse any category you should see the sidebar gone wild like this:

If there's an option to disable the sticky sidebar it could be a fix for the mean while until they fix the issue. ;)

I can´t reproduce this. Have you modified your installation?
I don't have the theme, I just tried it on the demo site, actually it's on all styles that depends on UI.X, try exactly what I said, check this image: http://i.imgur.com/MZSMgbc.gif

Make sure to make a distance between the sidebar and the bottom.

Interesting, still can´t reproduce it on my dev-site. May be I have fixed it unintentionly? :D Guess it depends on the resolution your device comes with. Since I don´t own a tablet and I was checking on a Samsung S4 and 5 I´ve experienced no issues.
But when I´m in here already: has anyone the same problem with UI.X and Revive-adserver codes?

When I insert the standard Revive ad-tags into UI.X the quick-reply text-box breaks and can´t be used anymore. Is this a UI.X problem, a XF problem or a local one? Anyone able to confirm this for his forums?

Just to make sure: this happens only with the standard Revive ad-tags. The randomly working asynch-tags or the iframe tags work as intended. Google AdSense codes work flawless.
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