No permission to download
I already have this theme and was wondering if there is something that would break if I use SSL (https) with this theme? I am asking because there's this font awesome thing that gets loaded from max cdn. Just wondering if it is straight forward or would this theme complicate things?
Things like FontAwesome loaded from CDN looks like ..
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.4.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
if you use SSL then delete the http: so it looks like ..
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.4.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">

This will also works with GoogleFonts ..
Please run these queries one at a time in phpMyAdmin, and if one gives an error skip it and move to the next one:

ALTER TABLE `xf_user_option` ADD `uix_collapse_user_info` INT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' ;

ALTER TABLE `xf_forum` ADD `uix_last_sticky_action` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

ALTER TABLE `xf_user_option` CHANGE `uix_collapse_stuck_threads` `uix_collapse_stuck_threads` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

ALTER TABLE `xf_user_option` ADD `uix_collapse_signature` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `uix_collapse_user_info`;
Where do I run those commands? I'm using apache phpmyadmin.
I've just tested on my site and I'm getting the same issue.

To replicate:

  1. Tap on the Menu button to bring out the off-canvas menu
  2. Tap on one of the dropdown arrows to expand the menu for that item (e.g. the Forums dropdown)
  3. The page will refresh and take you to the page (e.g. Forums, or Media etc depending on which dropdown you tapped
  4. Re-opening the off-canvas menu shows that the menu item that was tapped on (e.g. Forums) has been expanded.
Previously tapping on the main part of an item in the off-canvas menue (e.g. Forums) would take you to the Forums page whilst clicking on the dropdown would only expand the dropdown menu.

I am getting the same problem. Simply put you cant tap more than once in the off-canvas menu and it jumps to the pages and reloads…. Looks like a JS problem.
Things like FontAwesome loaded from CDN looks like ..
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.4.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
if you use SSL then delete the http: so it looks like ..
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.4.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">

This will also works with GoogleFonts ..

We are doing this already correct? If not I'll fix.

I originally ran into this in another thread and thought it had something to do with their navigation add-on. But after uninstalling it still happens, so I think it's a bug. @Mike Creuzer mentioned he would have someone else take a look at it.

Confirmed bug and sending out an updated version or patch asap. I'll try tomorrow first thing.
Every time I get initially on the page. When I navigate via the nav tabs and then land in a forum on a page the links are not visible. As soon as I refresh the page manually the links appear.
Wow that sounds very specific and very strange. Could you create a ticket with a URL and what browser? I'll take a look.
Mike, in the latest update, the off canvas navigation is not working so well. Using the arrow toggle to open "Members" for example doesn't just open the menu, it opens the members page which of course reloads the page and closes the off canvas navigation.
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hey @Mike Creuzer can i ask why for me autoupdate stoped to work? i just switched machine and now if i change permission recursive of styles and js folder to 0666 it just mess my uix theme and admin theme and uix updater dont want start, keep to say that i have to set the permission
An exception occurred: It appears that your styles and js directories are not writable. Please recursively chmod them to 0666 while installation takes place. in /var/www/html/library/Audentio/UIX/Model/Audentio.php on line 199
I am using apache and php
Sorry for the delay in the offcanvas bug thats the only reasonably significant bug. Short term, disabling off canvas should be fine as it will just default to a normal navigation until tomorrow morning.

You embed it locally link in the iconator options. In the actually ui.x dark there is an issue with this. If i copied my solution its all okay ..

Original ..

View attachment 114980 View attachment 114979

Custom ..

View attachment 114982 View attachment 114981

Good catch, definitely a bug. Will be fixed in an add-on patch Im sure, just using 4.3 instead of 4.4.

Does that mean UI.X development for XF 1.4.x boards has effectively stopped and won't receive any updates or fixes?

This is correct, we cannot maintain every 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 version in addition to 1.5. We go with the flow. But the thing is that most bugs in older versions of UI.X are so minor and segmented you can fix them easily and/or just upgrade the 1.4.X version yourself how you want. If you get stuck ask questions and Ill do my best to help! :)

Mike, in the latest update, the off canvas navigation is not working so well. Using the arrow toggle to open "Members" for example doesn't just open the menu, it opens the members page which of course reloads the page and closes the off canvas navigation.

Indeed a bug, but fixed and patching first thing in the morning, we found a few minor bugs but overall nothing major and should be fairly straight forward release tomorrow. Themes tomorrow as well, would have been today but we found a few minor bugs in UI.X and wanted to get that perfected up first. All bugs reported, all 3 of them and 2 very minor we found, have been fixed.

hey @Mike Creuzer can i ask why for me autoupdate stoped to work? i just switched machine and now if i change permission recursive of styles and js folder to 0666 it just mess my uix theme and admin theme and uix updater dont want start, keep to say that i have to set the permission
An exception occurred: It appears that your styles and js directories are not writable. Please recursively chmod them to 0666 while installation takes place. in /var/www/html/library/Audentio/UIX/Model/Audentio.php on line 199
I am using apache and php

Perhaps you made some changes to a file that is no longer writable? Im not sure just try recursively chmodding again and let me know what happens. If you tried it and still no go, post a ticket at audentio.com with credentials and Ill take a look.
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