No permission to download
Those were the tools in the postbit. Do you mean the area for user banners, custom title, etc?
Something I noticed with the /styles/uix/uix folder that the folder permissions were 0555 causing me to not be able to upload anything to that directory, so I had to update it to 0755.

Yes, Im not entirely sure how to fix that issue with 7zip. That said, you really shouldn't upload files into that folder. That is a folder for UI.X, not for any custom changes.

@Mike Creuzer
How would I force the footer to stay at the bottom of the page?
It started to magically fly after I added a website background >:eek:
(also I think that just Footer Legal Style is affected)

Can you post a screenshot? We do not add a sticky footer currently. This is a feature we might add in the future.

This issue screwed me a lot. Finally i renamed existing folders in js and styles folder and extracted current zip. They only i was able to update.

But it would be really nice if @Mike Creuzer explain why he has put such permissions complicating our work and better solution for this.

To me, you shouldn't upload files to this folder. Or any third party folder. That would be like creating a plugin and putting your source code in with XenForo's. Don't do it, its messy.

I believe this issue had been taken care of but, having an issue in finding the solution.

View attachment 83781

When scrolling down the user name is becoming stuck and doesn't float back into place.

Yes this issue had been fixed, will take a look.

How can I add more navigation bar to mobile menu? Adding menu bars to the navigation file doesn't automatically add to mobile menu. Thanks.

If you use nodes as tabs or any plugin, it'll automatically add the link into both locations. If you are making a template edit, however, you will need to edit the uix_offCanvasSidebar template.

I would propose to have the possibility to condense the admin tab in the userbar even when the visitor tab isn't inside the userbar. I'll have plenty of others links inside (mainly for my categories) and I would love to see them instead of a huge list as it is now =D

edit : if you know a quick way to modify this, maybe it's not necessary to add this option and you could tell me what to do instead :)

This is a great suggestion. The thing is, we don't want people to have responsive issues and that is technically what will happen if we build this setting. They will have to know to turn it on, essentially. Or we keep it on by default.

An even better suggestion (:D): https://xenforo.com/community/threa...nction-to-not-have-to-be-in-navigation.63952/
I'm going to use glyph logo icon with this style. Is there anyway to use the same glyph icon for the brand mark image, at the moment use can only enter a image path.
Yes, Im not entirely sure how to fix that issue with 7zip. That said, you really shouldn't upload files into that folder. That is a folder for UI.X, not for any custom changes.

Yeah I didn't do any "custom changes" to it. I just want to host some images directly from my server and that was a quick and easy directory to store the images.

@Mike Creuzer Was there not some feature in the new release of these style where you were able to collapse the postbits or make them into some sort of menu?

That is the Tools Menu I was thinking more about the members postbits when you have a bit of a long setup.

I believe this is what you're looking for: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/hide-extra-user-info-with-css-effect.79669/
Last edited:

Have you tried "Automatically Merge Changes" or click "Merge Changes?"
Tried increasing just the width instead, which will pull it back so to speak and also give more info in the block.
I'm going to use glyph logo icon with this style. Is there anyway to use the same glyph icon for the brand mark image, at the moment use can only enter a image path.

Style Properties  ├  UI.X  Logo   Admin CP   Development Demo   Audentio Design.webp

Check this style property group, can choose a font awesome icon or you can load another font icon/glyph.

Hey @Mike Creuzer ,

should i also update my UI.X style with this new version or should i keep with the UI.X you've provided us with the custom style you did?

I responded to your ticket, its really up to you. I think upgrading won't cause any difficulty, we always recommend using the latest version as we often release subtle patches to everything that most people don't notice. Lately not as much to do cause of how stable UI.X has been. :D

@Mike Creuzer - Outdated Templates!

I have two forums running the following software
XenForo 1.4.0
UI.X Version -
Drift -13 1-4-0-1
Drift Dark -26 1-4-0-1

TriumphTalk - http://www.triumphtalk.com

View attachment 83973

View attachment 83974

PhotographTalk - http://photographtalk.com

View attachment 83975
View attachment 83976

It might be the case that you made a change to those templates accidentally. In which case I would revert them and reupgrade the themes. Or sometimes you just need to do a manual compare and upgrade manually. Happens based on the change we make, you make, and what xenforo makes. If 2 of those three conflict you need to do a manual upgrade, so for some people it can happen with every upgrade, just depends on what it is you are changing in the template.

Our theme coding practice ensures minimal upgrading efforts :) Compare UI.X to any other product and it will often be less you need to do to upgrade even though we've made more improvements.

i have an issue with the new icon

View attachment 84035

in english its work fine
but in arabic its show as the picture

We are working to fully support RTL in the next release.
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