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How hard is it to change the Default Node Icons? I mean: Do you support FontAweseome in this Style to change Node Icons?
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Considering this is the entirety of my EXTRA.css to achieve that look, I'd say I accomplished it and the framework helped:
@media (min-width: @maxResponsiveMediumWidth) {
    .node_1 .nodeInfo.categoryStrip {
        background-image: url("/styles/uix/fs/pittlogo.png");
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: right;
    .node_6 .nodeInfo.categoryStrip {
        background-image: url("/styles/uix/fs/film.png");
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: right;

#logoBlock {
  height: 0px;

#userBar .pageContent {
  background-color: #3b3d3e !important;

.breadBoxTop {
  margin-top: -1px !important;
  padding: 0px;

.breadBoxTop .topCtrl {
  margin-left: 0px;
  margin-right: 1px;

#content .pageContent {border-top-left-radius: 0; border-top-right-radius: 0;}
.breadBoxTop, .breadBoxTop .breadcrumb {border-radius: 0 0 0 0;}

.breadBoxTop .topCtrl span { border-radius: 0; }

Oh, and I did 1 template edit I believe to move the breadcrumbs to their own container so pageWidth could be applied.
How hard is it to change the Default Node Icons? I mean: Do you support FontAweseome in this Style to change Node Icons?

You can follow this tutorial: http://xenforo.com/community/resources/font-awesome-icons-as-individual-node-icons.2466/

You'll want to likely remove the background image and background color on the nodes first.

Considering this is the entirety of my EXTRA.css to achieve that look, I'd say I accomplished it and the framework helped:
@media (min-width: @maxResponsiveMediumWidth) {
    .node_1 .nodeInfo.categoryStrip {
        background-image: url("/styles/uix/fs/pittlogo.png");
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: right;
    .node_6 .nodeInfo.categoryStrip {
        background-image: url("/styles/uix/fs/film.png");
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: right;

#logoBlock {
  height: 0px;

#userBar .pageContent {
  background-color: #3b3d3e !important;

.breadBoxTop {
  margin-top: -1px !important;
  padding: 0px;

.breadBoxTop .topCtrl {
  margin-left: 0px;
  margin-right: 1px;

#content .pageContent {border-top-left-radius: 0; border-top-right-radius: 0;}
.breadBoxTop, .breadBoxTop .breadcrumb {border-radius: 0 0 0 0;}

.breadBoxTop .topCtrl span { border-radius: 0; }

Oh, and I did 1 template edit I believe to move the breadcrumbs to their own container so pageWidth could be applied.

Fantastic :). And the #userbar .pageContent one can be done via a style property if you so choose. Style Properties > UI.X User/Mod bar > User Bar Tabs Container
Meh, it works now so I'll leave it. And curse myself out later for forgetting and then changing the color and fighting with it for hours.
Do you guy's know how to make the logo bigger?

If you look on my stite: http://forum.pulseclan.net/ it's tiny, but the actuall uploaded file is way way lager than that.

It looks funny.

So right now, I want the logo this big, but spaces need to be added.

Which file to I go to to add spaces so it's not covered?


EDIT: Never mind. Got it.

Such a beautiful theme!
If it is indeed behaving like this its incorrect. But like I said in your ticket, you have a cookie related issue not related to UI.X.
Sorry to opening this issue again, but it really has nothing to do with my XF and my cookies are working fine. You just must to accept cookies for my site (before testing; it's a popup modul at bottom left for EU cookie policy). Not sure if you read ticket again, but I've already commented you there.

Anyway, I've done a lot ( A LOT) of testing and think I've found an issue. Also browsed for sites that are using UI.X and test cookies there. It works fine on every site that I've found, BUT there's a major difference.

I have a category, that has ID 1. Now, that number is a problem. Played a lot with it and when I hide that category from main forum list, all problems flushed away.

Test report:

Remember, the problem is ID 1. But I also have a category that has ID 211. Those two interfere. Or any with any other id too...

Here are all my category ID's (copied from cookie when all categories are collapsed):

When I expand ID 1 it shows like this:

Ok, but when I collapse it again it shows like this:

As you can see number 211 and 8 just joined together to number 218.

Similar problem gets when I collapse ID 1 and ID 211 it shows: 1.211.

When I expand ID 1 it shows: 211. , but when I collapse it again it shows: 21.

The main thing is when I don't touch ID 1, I can collapse and expand other categories till August 2015 ;) Belive me, it's just like I've said.
And to confirm the issue:

I've created a new category which now has ID 233. Moved all my child nodes from category ID 1 to new one, deleted category ID 1 and it all works like a charm.

I've solved my issue, but ID 1 still remains a problem IMO.
Don't know if this is a known issue or maybe normal behaviour.

I'm using fixed navigation.

If I open a menu dropdown it looks like this:

But if I scroll down the dropdown menu goes over navigation:

IMO it'll look better if it goes under navigation.
This is quite annoying.

I prefer to have Create pages for categories (in Options -> Node & Forum List) unchecked.

But if I click on for example Category 2 on forum list (or breadcrumb):

... it jumps to that category, but hides it under navigation tab -- even the first forum node (#2 from above screen):
I remember having found an option that lets me disable the RSS icons from displaying in the node-list. Can someone tell me where exactly is that option?

PS: The option at the bottom of page: ?styles/antiquark.7/style-properties&group=uix_socialMedia#_uix_socialMedia_rss is unchecked. Yet is continues to show the RSS Icon. :(


It's here: admin.php?styles/antiquark.7/style-properties&group=uix_forumNodes
Last edited:
I remember having found an option that lets me disable the RSS icons from displaying in the node-list. Can someone tell me where exactly is that option?

PS: The option at the bottom of page: ?styles/antiquark.7/style-properties&group=uix_socialMedia#_uix_socialMedia_rss is unchecked. Yet is continues to show the RSS Icon. :(
Style Properties: ├ [UI.X] Forum Nodes > Hide Node Controls
For hiding the RSS icon and other node controls.
Don't know if this is a known issue or maybe normal behaviour.

I'm using fixed navigation.

If I open a menu dropdown it looks like this:

But if I scroll down the dropdown menu goes over navigation:

IMO it'll look better if it goes under navigation.

This cannot be done. The reason being if I ordered the menu underneath the navigation, well, you wouldn't be able to see it :P. If I change the z-index on scroll, this might work, but I find that many people will find this annoying.

There is a fix for this, I just don't know what and its not significant enough for me to spend too much time on right now but will revisit it at some point.

This is quite annoying.

I prefer to have Create pages for categories (in Options -> Node & Forum List) unchecked.

But if I click on for example Category 2 on forum list (or breadcrumb):

... it jumps to that category, but hides it under navigation tab -- even the first forum node (#2 from above screen):

This is a minor bug and has been around since the sticky nav. I don't know how to fix it efficiently. There are some methods Ive tried, but all in all nothing that was worth keeping in the framework.
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