No permission to download
No, I didn't read that. I use a different modal box as well and do a couple things differently. I didn't think to overwrite the Javascipt function either, I actually have a condition that removes the label 'for' value which is used to call the JavaScript animation function. And no, I didn't even notice that it doesn't save autofill data. Ill look into it for you.
Yep, that's what I noticed, too. Would be nice to have the password saved.
Otherwise, great style. I love it !
Ah, I see how that skin is doing it. Like a default XenForo skin would. At this point, with all the navigation and padding things I have going on, I can't say what the quick answer is, other than giving each of those templates a class and giving them a padding-top: @uix_gutterWidth;.

So essentially, this is the fix, but I need to test it:

#content .pageContent {
    padding-top {xen:calc '@uix_gutterWidth / 2'}px;
    <xen: if is="!@uix_hideBottomBreadcrumb">padding-bottom {xen:calc '@uix_gutterWidth / 2'}px;</xen: if>
.breadBoxTop {padding-top: {xen:calc '@uix_gutterWidth / 2'}px;}
<xen: if is="!@uix_hideBottomBreadcrumb">.breadBoxBottom {padding-bottom: {xen:calc '@uix_gutterWidth / 2'}px;}</xen: if>

So when the ad is not there, the padding adds up to be the normal gutter width like it is now. Feel free to test it yourself, I'll take a look as well. I'm confident it'll work in most situations, but some of the responsive views I'm not sure on.
Hello, I think I'll buy this theme but before, I have to know if it is fully compatible with xenporta ^^'
Is there any problem with it?
Hello, I think I'll buy this theme but before, I have to know if it is fully compatible with xenporta ^^'
Is there any problem with it?
Not to my knowledge. I know many of the people using the theme are also using XenPorta. XenPorta, due to its popularity, we do support to the best of our ability.
Just looking at my page speed results, and some of the images in uix.css aren't using the @imagePath element

.footerLinks a.globalFeed {
    @property "nodeTinyIcon";
    background: transparent url('styles/uix/style/icon_16.png') no-repeat 0 -448px;
    margin: 1px 4px;
    display: block;
    white-space: nowrap;
    text-indent: 9999px;
    overflow: hidden;
    opacity: 0.25;
    width: 16px;
    height: 16px;
    @property "/nodeTinyIcon";
    opacity: 1;
    vertical-align: middle;
    display: inline-block;

but this is:
<xen:if is="@uix_collapseNodes">
    .uix_collapseNodes {
        display: block;
        width: 16px;
        height: 16px;
        background: url(@imagePath/style/icon_16.png) -16px -304px no-repeat;
        float: right;
    .uix_collapseNodes.collapsed {background-position: -16px -288px;}

Same for socialSprite
ul.uix_socialMediaLinks > li > a {
    @property "uix_socialMediaIcon";
    background: #363636 url('styles/uix/style/social_sprite.png') no-repeat 0 0;
    padding: 0;
    margin-left: @uix_globalBorderRadius;
    border-radius: @uix_globalBorderRadius;
    text-indent: -9999px;
    display: block;
    float: left;
    transition: 0.2s;
    box-shadow: inset 0 -@uix_globalBorderRadius 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2);
    width: 48px;
    height: 48px;
    @property "/uix_socialMediaIcon";

Node Icons style properties are the same

The ones that are using @imagePath should not be. The idea is that UI.X is a framework first, not a skin. In other words, people don't have to remember to copy those images over for new skins, rather create new ones if they want to edit said images. But yes, collapse nodes should not be using @imagePath.
Ah OK. The only reason I noticed is I updated my default image path to be that of my CDN which is a pull CDN from the main site, and those images were still being pulled from the normal site, and not via the CDN. I changed the template to have them all use the @imagePath instead, as it means they are all now done via the CDN.
Ah, I see. In that case, you would need to have that full path. Hmm. Maybe I should link them all to @imagePath.
Hey Mike, not sure how that might have happened. Think there was some kind of CSS you added or something? Otherwise, just simply going to breadcrumb style property and adding some padding to the top of the container should work.
Okay so on one member card the avatar looks like this:


But on mine it looks fine.


Any suggestions?
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