No permission to download
Yep, and it still works fine for me.
Hmmm, thanks. I'm using the following in extra.css, anything different to what you are using?
.messageUserBlock .extraUserInfo
    opacity: 0;
    max-height: 0px;
    overflow: hidden;
    transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0.4s;
.messageUserInfo:hover .extraUserInfo
    opacity: 1;
    max-height: 300px;
<xen:if is="@enableResponsive">
@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveWideWidth)
    html .messageUserBlock .extraUserInfo
        opacity: 1;
        height: auto;
        transition: none;
    .messageUserInfo:hover .extraUserInfo
        height: auto;
.messageUserBlock .extraUserInfo
    opacity: 0;
    max-height: 0px;
    overflow: hidden;
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;

.messageUserInfo:hover .extraUserInfo
    opacity: 1;
    max-height: 300px;

<xen:if is="@enableResponsive">
@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveWideWidth)
    html .messageUserBlock .extraUserInfo
        opacity: 1;
        height: auto;
        transition: none;
    .messageUserInfo:hover .extraUserInfo
        height: auto;
Do you mean the release? And if so Im assuming thats sarcasm. :p I do apologize for the delay in the update it took a long time to thoroughly test all the features, building them in the first place aside. I assure you future updates will be rolled out faster.

No, the speed of the forum post update. Despite my failure to rebuild templates, I did read some of the release notes.;)
@Mike Creuzer

I've got the navigation stickied but not the tab links. Everything is kosher, but when I move the Search box to the tab links (0), it scrolls with sticked navigation.

Attaching screenshot... can you recreate the issue? Wondering if it's just a me thing.


  • Screen Shot 2014-12-24 at 12.50.18 AM.webp
    Screen Shot 2014-12-24 at 12.50.18 AM.webp
    48 KB · Views: 19
I'm currently upgrading on my dev environment to the newest version and have some issues with the search icon. In the last version the search icon moved from the logo position to the navbar in responsive mode. Now it does not and gives an ugly page break. Tried everything in my mind to change that behaviour with css and want to avoid having template edits.. but no luck yet. can anyone help with that?

Screen Shot 2014-12-26 at 07.53.30.webp
Hmmm, seems my extra.css is not being included.

Make sure to merge templates. We moved extra.css into page_container from public.css.

No, the speed of the forum post update. Despite my failure to rebuild templates, I did read some of the release notes.;)

Ah sorry. What did you mean by forum post update speed?

@Mike Creuzer

I've got the navigation stickied but not the tab links. Everything is kosher, but when I move the Search box to the tab links (0), it scrolls with sticked navigation.

Attaching screenshot... can you recreate the issue? Wondering if it's just a me thing.

These settings (sticky tablinks removed and search position 0 (tablinks)) conflict. We have marked this as something to fix, but for now I would change one or the other settings. For example moving search to navigation or something.

Noticed on iOS mobile that the Mark All Forums Read button doesn't always work. Sometimes it does, sometimes I have to hit cancel and then hit it again.

Anyone else having this issue? Unable to replicate :(

I'm currently upgrading on my dev environment to the newest version and have some issues with the search icon. In the last version the search icon moved from the logo position to the navbar in responsive mode. Now it does not and gives an ugly page break. Tried everything in my mind to change that behaviour with css and want to avoid having template edits.. but no luck yet. can anyone help with that?

View attachment 92652

Yes so we have a setting called width to center logo. What that essentially does is center the logo then pop the search or search icon under that and center that as well. This works in almost all situations so we made it the default configuration. If you want to keep the icon at the same line as the logo, just change that setting to 0.

Style Properties  ├  UI.X  Logo   Admin CP   Development Demo   Audentio Design.webp
Looking into this now thank you!

As for the slider not resizing, thats strange. We fire a resize event when you close the sidebar, so it should work quite well with bx slider.

Ill do some tests, thanks for spotting.

Mike, have you checked this?
Mike, have you checked this?
Yes the sticky nav on IE not working is indeed a bug, but we've fixed it on our end. Rather small bug but caused the whole thing not to work. So we'll have an update much sooner than last time, we're waiting on a few large features we are building as an add-on to package into the theme and we'll be ready to launch.

AFAIK all bugs have been fixed that have been reported, minus maybe a few minor ones we just haven't got to.
Could anyone please share with me what style property controls the element for prefix selection? As you can see the arrow and text are either missing or share identical color selections as the background..
Capture_148 Dec. 28 02.37 PM.webp

XF Default
Capture_149 Dec. 28 02.45 PM.webp
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