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Tweet Topics - Auto Twitter Submit on New Thread

No need to bug him guys :P

Although it would be nice if it didn't post all the topics in a forum when you refresh the cache :P
No need to bug him guys :p

Although it would be nice if it didn't post all the topics in a forum when you refresh the cache :p

This is a great addon and I stopped bugging a few weeks back. It would be nice if all the flaws and bugs were fixed at some point. The man is buisy, I can wait bit longer :D
This mod is breaking forum redirects when moving a thread. I have just been isolating mod by mod, as I found my current version RC2 redirects where not working. This mod, when enabled, then move a thread, it breaks the redirect when you attempt you use it.
I was using this add-on until it started to corrupt links (Turkish Charachters). I contacted bit.ly and they said they were working on a fix and encourage the users using the new api (v3). Hope this add-on get's updated or add another link shortener service.
This mod is breaking forum redirects when moving a thread. I have just been isolating mod by mod, as I found my current version RC2 redirects where not working. This mod, when enabled, then move a thread, it breaks the redirect when you attempt you use it.

I don't think what you are describing has anything to do with this add-on, but is expected XF behavior when moving threads related to permalinks. Threads you might be interested in:

This mod is breaking forum redirects when moving a thread. I have just been isolating mod by mod, as I found my current version RC2 redirects where not working. This mod, when enabled, then move a thread, it breaks the redirect when you attempt you use it.
This is confirmed by me also. Removed mod and redirects work fine ;)
imo this has been a dead addon since day one.
i suggest using twitterfeed or dlvr.it to feed social media. you can feed twitter, facebook, etc at once, use separate hash tags in each subforum feed, etc.
I think this type of direct feed is actually essential, compared to using a third party such as twitterfeed. Just need the developers to maintain the mods... or find a developer who will build it from scratch and maintain it. This has been broken since XF introduced the twitter function... so its obviously only a little tweak somewhere so this is unique again.
Just tried to install and all I can say is Pheeew
After a blank screen I finally managed to get the following and then uninstall

Screen shot 2011-03-17 at 10.44.27 PM.webp Screen shot 2011-03-17 at 10.42.00 PM.webp
I think this type of direct feed is actually essential, compared to using a third party such as twitterfeed. Just need the developers to maintain the mods... or find a developer who will build it from scratch and maintain it. This has been broken since XF introduced the twitter function... so its obviously only a little tweak somewhere so this is unique again.
its been broken since day one. if i enable this then members can no longer start threads, they can only reply. there is obviously a conflict with another addon or whatnot.
Hmmm... now Brogan just highlighted that point, I think I may go seeking a developer with some $$$ for incentive to see if they can create one that doesn't break a thing and works correctly.
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