TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes 2.7.2

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@Carla Birch
It's strange, I don't see any code in the replacement fields and it still finds you two parsing methods. I've tested and I can't reproduce this behaviour. May I ask you why you need to set a php callback ? You said you only need a button for an existed Bb Code from an external addon. So this addon already manages the Bb Code processing. All you need is to create an orphan button (use a tag name with "@" as first character). If this addon has developed and advanced modal input for its Bb Code, it will need to be recoded for MCE. There's a tutorial for this, but it takes time and should be done by a developer who has at least some basic knowledge in php and JS.

I may have reported this before, but in IE11, the Tab key does not take you from the subject line field to the editor, as it does when Redactor is activated. Instead, the Tab key puts the focus on the button bar. Pressing the tab key repeatedly just moves the focus from one button to the next.
I've finished to integrate the last version of MCE with its new options (the new official color picker is really nice), but I still need to manage the smiley categories problem (XenForo developers didn't cache the smilies categories) and to look at the pull requests submitted by @Xon . For all other checks, please wait to have installed the last version since the MCE developers might have fixed some bugs... especially with IE11.
look at the pull requests submitted by @Xon .

For all other checks, please wait to have installed the last version since the MCE developers might have fixed some bugs... especially with IE11.
I've noticed that the editor sometimes doesn't play nicely with IE11. But it's hard to tell if it's Xenforo doing weird things (there has been some bug-fixes for IE11 in the 1.3.x line) or the addon.
Suggestion: Would it be possible to provide a button/link/control that would allow users to switch to the redactor editor if they preferred that? And to switch back to TinyMCE? This option might be nice/important for users who simply prefer redactor and/or for users who are experiencing an issue with TinyMCE and their browser or mobile device.
Suggestion: Would it be possible to provide a button/link/control that would allow users to switch to the redactor editor if they preferred that? And to switch back to TinyMCE? This option might be nice/important for users who simply prefer redactor and/or for users who are experiencing an issue with TinyMCE and their browser or mobile device.
What I've done is provide a custom field in their preference which triggers a user group promotion to allow them to access TinyMCE Quattro.
Suggestion: Would it be possible to provide a button/link/control that would allow users to switch to the redactor editor if they preferred that? And to switch back to TinyMCE? This option might be nice/important for users who simply prefer redactor and/or for users who are experiencing an issue with TinyMCE and their browser or mobile device.
Nope. I've already explained dealing two wysiwyg editors on the page is too difficult.

But it's hard to tell if it's Xenforo doing weird things (there has been some bug-fixes for IE11 in the 1.3.x line) or the addon.
The problem is not XenForo, it's IE as it has always been.

And what if they want to go back?
It's a custom field. You can check it or uncheck it, I guess in the user options. I don't need this option and adding it will require for me to modify the editor detection function. Since I have already a lot to do, I'm going to be lazy on this.
And what if they want to go back?
It is a dropdown with an Enable/Disable value. The user promotion is dependant on if the user has the value set to enabled, so if they disable the feature the user group promotion goes away.

It looks like the following:

Is there anyway to remove the modal from opening, so you can only click the smilies (and it opens up the category tabs).

Some members only think we have the ones in the model. So I'd like to remove that window. Is there a way to do this??

View attachment 76035
Option done in my dev version and many other things as well.
The smilies fast selection window is now compatible with the Smilie manager of XenForo 1.3.
I still need to check the new phrases and I will update the Github version.
I've just uploaded on Github a preview of the 2.2.0 version (quickly tested on a live board)
  • Updated to the last version of Mce (4.1.1) - it seems some updates will come in the following days, so I'm going to wait a little before releasing it on XenForo
  • The last version of Mce has a new color picker, is compatible with some markdown syntax, allows users to set a background to the table cells or row, etc. So this addon has been modified to make it compatible with these new functions
  • The addon is now compatible with the XenForo Smilie Categories. The smilie integration has been deeply modified in the background
  • The previous release on Github had already some fixes. Special thanks to Xon who contributed a lot to optimize the program
If you want to try, don't forget to read the paragraph 8 of the FAQ after the installation
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Is this an issue here or with XenMedia?
No idea and no way to test it. Check may be a css conflict and may be a js problem (have a look in your browser console). Any problem found can be reported to Github with its fix.
I don't really need a fancy editor in the gallery since it's mostly just comments. If there a way to have the standard editor load for the gallery?
If you use the Bbm addon, yes. Go into "[Bb Codes & Buttons Manager] Buttons Manager" and control the editor configuration by controller or view name.
No idea and no way to test it. Check may be a css conflict and may be a js problem (have a look in your browser console). Any problem found can be reported to Github with its fix.

If you use the Bbm addon, yes. Go into "[Bb Codes & Buttons Manager] Buttons Manager" and control the editor configuration by controller or view name.

This issue was resolved.. :D
cclaerhout updated TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes with a new update entry:

Version 2.2.0 released

Version 2.2.0 released
  • Update to TinyMCE 4.1.1
  • Some php and JS code has been modified to make the integration compatible with the new features of TinyMCE 4.1.x (see the screenshots):
    • new official color picker (with memory of the last selected colors) ; is working with the text color, the text background color, the cell background color and the cell border-color
    • text patterns similar to Markdown syntax
  • Integration is now compatible with the XenForo...

Read the rest of this update entry...
@cclaerhout I should have several categories of Smilies, but it doesn't appear to be showing all bar the last set:

View attachment 77819
Thanks, confirmed on my live board if I use for smilies the modal window or the slider window (you can still use the above window mode it will work). It must come from the sprite recognition (it seems to be applied everywhere) ; I think it requires only a small JS update.
@Xon, it should be fixed on Github (it seems a part of php code needed to be updated to make the difference between a sprite and a direct url). Could you please confirm so I can release the update. Thanks.

P.S: the full update needs to be installed to rebuild the mce smilies cache.
@Xon, it should be fixed on Github (it seems a part of php code needed to be updated to make the difference between a sprite and a direct url). Could you please confirm so I can release the update. Thanks.

P.S: the full update needs to be installed to rebuild the mce smilies cache.
Yup, got it working.

The scrolling is a bit annoying, but at least they show up and work as expected.
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