[#] Thumbnails [Deleted]

Really nice add-on! :) Would it be possible to keep the ratio of the image in the thumbnail? I love the idea of this add-on, but I'm not in love with squeezed images. And, how about an option to use this in the Recent
Threads view too? I know that's where almost everyone on my forum is looking most of the time, not in the forums.
Thank you.

Avatars and attachments are cropped, not stretched. Only external images (URLs and image in post) are stretched because they are not cached locally. If you wanted to do this, you would need to add local caching for these images, which would be quite a task.

As for adding to recent threads, this should be relatively easy to do.

I am a commercial developer, so someone would need to contribute towards the above features before they would be added. Please message me directly if you would be interested in contributing.
Very nice Add-on, thanks.

One question:
Is it possible to get a zoom function when the mouse gets over the thumnail?

Kind regards
Very nice Add-on, thanks.

One question:
Is it possible to get a zoom function when the mouse gets over the thumnail?

Kind regards

I am a commercial developer so there would be a charge for this. Please send me a private conversation message if you would like a cost estimate, but this could be quite significant as it would involve some serious changes to the CSS styling to get it to work properly.
Has this been pointed out? When a thread is designated as a "sticky", the thumbnail image is replaced with poster's avatar. Is there a way to prevent that from happening?
Has this been pointed out? When a thread is designated as a "sticky", the thumbnail image is replaced with poster's avatar. Is there a way to prevent that from happening?
You need to select the following option in the Admin CP:

will this mod work with your library mod togehther? i need preview-pictures for the articles..........
Hi Waindigo,

I activated Thread Thumbnails on many sub forums, I can see thumbnails in thread list, but All of thumbnail_url fields in xf_thread are empty. Is this a bug? I try this on 2 forums, same results.
Hi Waindigo,

I activated Thread Thumbnails on many sub forums, I can see thumbnails in thread list, but All of thumbnail_url fields in xf_thread are empty. Is this a bug? I try this on 2 forums, same results.
The thumbnail_url field is only populated for user entered urls. Otherwise, it is found from other sources.
Activating User Entered URL option in the settings causes error when uploading attachments. I'm using XenForo 1.1.2 and the latest version Thread Thumbnails by Waindigo 1.2.4
Love this plugin, works really well and makes your forum look so much more enticing. I had a couple of questions / suggestions:
  • I've noticed it only uses the image (as attachment) if it's in the first post. If the image is in the second post in the thread, it won't pick it up. Is that as intended?
  • Are you planning to add in the functionality to use the thumbnail as the Open Graph image, for Facebook (and in the future) Twitter Card support?
  • The image for the thumbnails are the original size, rather than resized versions. Is that something you'll be adding in over time, to keep the page size down (some images can be quite big, depending on what the user uploads).
Love this plugin, works really well and makes your forum look so much more enticing. I had a couple of questions / suggestions:
  • I've noticed it only uses the image (as attachment) if it's in the first post. If the image is in the second post in the thread, it won't pick it up. Is that as intended?
  • Are you planning to add in the functionality to use the thumbnail as the Open Graph image, for Facebook (and in the future) Twitter Card support?
  • The image for the thumbnails are the original size, rather than resized versions. Is that something you'll be adding in over time, to keep the page size down (some images can be quite big, depending on what the user uploads).

Thanks for your feedback. We are a commercial developer so new features like the above are only added if enough people donate or if someone contributes specifically towards the development of a particular feature.
Are you planning to add in the functionality to use the thumbnail as the Open Graph image, for Facebook (and in the future) Twitter Card support?
How long/much would the open graph image functionality be? From here, it seems like quite a straight forward addition; all you need to do is overwrite the default og:image tag with the image path used for the thumbnails.

How long/much would the open graph image functionality be? From here, it seems like quite a straight forward addition; all you need to do is overwrite the default og:image tag with the image path used for the thumbnails.
I would say reasonably straight forward. I work in hours, so I would say it would be just one hour of work.
I just downloaded and installed 1.2.4b without seeing the bug notice... is it already fixed or do I need to be on the lookout for a hotfix?
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