Thread Filter by AddonsLab

Thread Filter by AddonsLab [Paid] 3.9.2

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AddonsLab updated Thread Filter by AddonsLab with a new update entry:

New field locations - as thread prefix and under thread title

Hello everyone,

In this version we have enhanced the locations where thread field values can be shown on forum view and search pages. Now admins can easily choose any number of fields to be shown in a separate column, under thread title or as a thread prefix. In search results, only the prefix and under thread title locations are available.

This version is not backward-compatible with the 1.3.x version in terms of field location selection, so after installation please go to Edit Forum page...

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AddonsLab updated Thread Filter by AddonsLab with a new update entry:

New feature: sort threads by custom field value

This is the next version with another enhancement planned - sorting thread list by custom field values. The fields with numeric representation (numbers, date, rating) will now be available in sort options for a forum where they are available. The fields can be chosen to be added to the list from Edit Field page.

Here is a link showing sorted thread list -

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Thank you for the suggestion. We can implement it as an option to be enabled/disabled in Admin Panel, to load the content via AJAX as soon as the filter updates. There are some other suggestions to implement first, however, so no ETA for this for now.

Thank you!
Any ETA on this feature as of now? This would be very useful on certain customized pages.
AddonsLab updated Thread Filter by AddonsLab with a new update entry:

Auto Reload option via AJAX

In this version, we have implemented Auto Reload option via AJAX.

Any change in the filter form will update the list of threads via AJAX and show the filtered list along with active filters. Clicking on active filters on top of the list will remove the filter and update the list without a full page reload as well.

At the same time, current URL keeps updating with the latest filter data, so users can just copy the URL and send it via IM and the URL will represent their currently filtered...

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This addon matures very well, I like the progress.
2 small questions.

Any progress about the dependable dropdowns?

And about the new ajax update.
What happens, when the list is longer than the default xenforo thread_list (probably 50). Does it then show pagination for the next stuff or is everything shown in a single page? Let's say there are 500 threads. The filtering xyz would list 250 threads. Now are 250 threads displayed in a single page or in 5 pages? I'd like to see a pagination-less (without pagination) solution, so maybe as a future request, if you have the time.
This addon matures very well, I like the progress.
2 small questions.

Any progress about the dependable dropdowns?

And about the new ajax update.
What happens, when the list is longer than the default xenforo thread_list (probably 50). Does it then show pagination for the next stuff or is everything shown in a single page? Let's say there are 500 threads. The filtering xyz would list 250 threads. Now are 250 threads displayed in a single page or in 5 pages? I'd like to see a pagination-less (without pagination) solution, so maybe as a future request, if you have the time.

Dependable fields now have relatively low priority in our task list, as the efforts required to implement such solution are very large (comparable to creating the product itself), and we can't afford to work on it now. We will, however, definitely consider to implement them as soon as we have the time.

AJAX filters work just as it would be if a user would fill the form and hit the Filter button. The results are paginated, and clicking on any of the pages users are taken to that page, and all active filters are kept. I am not sure how pagination-less solution would work. I guess there could be an option, which would put the limit on the number of threads to be shown at once or paginated when filters are active (e.g. putting the limit to 500 would mean to show all threads at once if the result of filtering is less than 500 threads, otherwise, use the standard paginated page). Please confirm if this is what you have in mind or something else.

Thank you!
Thank you for the reply.
Yep and I can confirm that you understood me correctly.
I was just going in my head through examples and one thing was that people hate to use paginations. Specially today where all people use a smartphone, it is much more convenient to scroll down and down rather than go to next page, and next page and next page.
Thought the AJAX implementation would make that possible, so wanted to know if it does.
One more question, if it is ok.
Can I see an example of this:
Multiple-choice drop down (allow searching/filtering by multiple values)

So, if I understand correctly, this only applies to different dropdowns, and not to 1 dropdown, right?

Let's say there is dropdown1 filled with colors and dropdown2 filled with car names.
Now I can select from dropdown1 the color blue and from dropdown2 the car name Ferrari.
So far so good.

But can I select 3 colors from dropdown1? Like, blue, yellow and red and at the same time from dropdown2 Ferrari?

So can I really select multiple-choice from drop downs? I couldn't find an example on the site.
So can I really select multiple-choice from drop downs? I couldn't find an example on the site.
I'm not the author but what you're looking for is the difference between a <select> element and <select multiple>. You can find more information here, though it's typically considered better to integrate this via checkboxes depending on your content.
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