Thread Filter by AddonsLab

Thread Filter by AddonsLab [Paid] 3.9.2

No permission to buy ($69.99)
how about automatically update the page after a dropdown menu or a check box is selected?

Thank you for the suggestion. We can implement it as an option to be enabled/disabled in Admin Panel, to load the content via AJAX as soon as the filter updates. There are some other suggestions to implement first, however, so no ETA for this for now.

Thank you!
oh, i see :)

One more question: What about performance on high traffic forums with many threads?
regarding my last post:

Xenforo Enhanced Search and Elastic Search support

The add-on has special support for Enhanced Search add-on with Elasticsearch back-end. Custom field information is indexed as separate content type in Elasticsearch. A high-performance algorithm is implemented to filter millions of records and show only threads matching filter criteria. Custom fields are searched only once, and the result is cached for subsequent pages. Even though the product performs completely fine without Enhanced Search add-on, it is highly recommended to use this add-on and Elasticsearch on large databases (the performance of MySQL-based engine can be tested on our demo board at with more than 150k threads having in total more than 1 million custom field values).
that sounds good. Does you addon index the custom fields or is that done out of the box by XF2?
regarding my last post:

that sounds good. Does you addon index the custom fields or is that done out of the box by XF2?

Our add-on creates a MySQL table containing custom field information in a normalized way, and this information is also indexed in ElasticSearch/MySQL search index the way XenFoor indexes any searchable data. Searching the index is done using XenForo engine tweaked by our add-on, so in general we use XenForo search/indexation system, but enhance it for this particular use case.
Sounds good, one suggestion:

Why not making the sidebar on small devices off-canvas (instead of moving it to the bottom)? Would improve usability and I would definitely buy this nice addon :)
Sounds good, one suggestion:

Why not making the sidebar on small devices off-canvas (instead of moving it to the bottom)? Would improve usability and I would definitely buy this nice addon :)

As I understand, you suggest moving the filter from sidebar above thread list on small devices. Is the current location above thread list okay as the final result - ?

Please note, that resizing the browser does not reload the page, which means, to have such option would mean adding the same form on two places on the same page - one above thread list and one in the sidebar. When the screen size is small, we would hide the in the sidebar and show the one above thread list, otherwise hide the form above thread list and show the one in the sidebar. There is no way to have it just one form to be responsive, as XenForo itself controls, how sidebar changes its location based on screen resolution, so to implement this via CSS only we would have to put the entire sidebar above thread, which is not likely not the expected result in many cases.

Please let us know your thoughts.

Thank you!
Thank you for your quick response!

Just look at the (left) sidebar here:

When you resize the window, you'll see a button in the middle, that lets the sidebar slide in from the side (off canvas navigation).

Do you understand what I mean?

I see what you mean now. Please note, that the way we have added the filter into sidebar is using XenForo widget system. We have created a widget which we have added to the sidebar. This is very highly customizable solution, as admins can change the title of the block, change the order of the widget relative to other widgets in the sidebar etc. So, our block is in XenForo sidebar, and it is responsive just as XenForo sidebar is, moving with it under thread list. Implementing the feature to move the sidebar as off-canvas navigation is not something specific to this add-on, but any other add-on that would implement moving XenForo sidebar to the left side would work just fine. Is there any reason you consider this to be part of filter product itself? Would it be okay if there would be another (free) add-on that simply allows XenForo default sidebar to behave like Members left sidebar?
Ah, I see, so you use the widget system.
Would it be okay if there would be another (free) add-on that simply allows XenForo default sidebar to behave like Members left sidebar?
I can just speak for me: I don't need any other widgets on forum view and I'd love to have the filters as off canvas menu for mobile users (more intuitive and concise with the rest of the XF UI). It would be cool if you could implement another display option for sidebar with off-canvas menu for mobile users :)
Ah, I see, so you use the widget system.

I can just speak for me: I don't need any other widgets on forum view and I'd love to have the filters as off canvas menu for mobile users (more intuitive and concise with the rest of the XF UI). It would be cool if you could implement another display option for sidebar with off-canvas menu for mobile users :)

I see. It may be really hard, however, and require too much hacking of XenForo system. We will try to implement it, but not something I can promise will work for sure.

Thank you!
Hi, would this every be able to work with @Snog Advanced Forms? I’ve created a section that makes a thread from custom forms. Would be amazing if I could filter by the custom fields that I have added in the Advenced Forms addon.
Hello, @Mackeral_Fillet

Thank you for the question. I am not completely sure, how the add-on implements custom fields, does it re-use XenForo thread fields or implements its own system. In both cases, it is less likely to be fully compatible with our add-on. Feel free to download the trial version (requires IonCube and PHP 5.6 version) and test it. Just contact us with any problems you get at We may decide to develop support for this add-on as a funded project and the terms to handle it can be provided upon your request.

Thank you!
Hello, @Mackeral_Fillet

Thank you for the question. I am not completely sure, how the add-on implements custom fields, does it re-use XenForo thread fields or implements its own system. In both cases, it is less likely to be fully compatible with our add-on. Feel free to download the trial version (requires IonCube and PHP 5.6 version) and test it. Just contact us with any problems you get at We may decide to develop support for this add-on as a funded project and the terms to handle it can be provided upon your request.

Thank you!
I think it implements its own system. Can you PM me with the funded project options please?
AddonsLab updated Thread Filter by AddonsLab with a new update entry:

Show thread field values in thread list and search results.

In this release, we have implemented showing the values of custom fields in thread list and search results.

By default, no values are included. Any forum can be edited and under the list of available custom fields, there is a list to choose which ones should be shown in thread list and search results.

The column added follows a similar layout in mobile view as Replies/Views column, changing to smaller font size first and then switching to a line under thread title.

Here is a forum with...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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