The signs are now showing.

Very nicely done :D

Although I prefer my smilies a bit more on the ruggedly handsome side :D


O.0 what is this....I see people starting problems over there...I mean if that comment had any logic to it It wouldn't exist, challenging her in that manner is a blatant act of disrespect imo as that is her right to post what she wants anywhere she wants as long as it isn't intentionally offensive or disgusting or something along those lines. I mean I still love vbulletin and hope in the future all the bumps that come with a system transfer of that size are worked out but that has no bearing on what is a better solution for me and frankly when a software developer says he want's my ( the community ) input on what I need for a software solution I take that as a great sign of respect and am inclined by the nature of how I was raised to want to put my money where your eyes are right now.
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