The Ladies' Lounge

Sending love to both Jo and Elizabeth sweet ladies.

I'm way beyond TTOM ... was a graceful farewell around 10 yrs ago. Glad of its going by then, though I valued its deep wisdoms when it ws with me. But suddenly it was time to complete that so I talked to it and it stopped.

Generally things are good for me. A special delight was getting a lovely leaded stained glass window on ebay for my house - it's a wonderful design deceptively simple but full of grace. Also has Tudor rose in it which fits the House (1585)

Knee deep in Wordpress to update two of my sites and will finally get an XF running end of this week ... time to do it.
Looking forward to playing with designs.
(Thank you for Elizabeth's generous help with my first shaky steps with Wordpress.)

My chronic frustration as always is my struggle with weight but I'm walking and swimming ... the woods were lovely today.

That window looks beautiful Shanj! :)
Jo, how are you feeling this morning?

Well my cramps are better, thank goodness!!! :)

Regarding the other stuff... not much better. I just got back from seeing my doctor (again). She thinks I've got glandular fever (mono) or a bad case of post-viral syndrome. (oh yay(!) ) Been given strict instructions to rest and to take some time off uni (brilliant way to start my PhD don't you think? *rolls eyes*) ugh. Apparently it's going to take a few months to recover...

not happy. Still, it could be a lot worse... at least it's not something more serious by the looks of it.

How are you today Liz?
Well my cramps are better, thank goodness!!! :)

Regarding the other stuff... not much better. I just got back from seeing my doctor (again). She thinks I've got glandular fever (mono) or a bad case of post-viral syndrome. (oh yay(!) ) Been given strict instructions to rest and to take some time off uni (brilliant way to start my PhD don't you think? *rolls eyes*) ugh. Apparently it's going to take a few months to recover...

not happy. Still, it could be a lot worse... at least it's not something more serious by the looks of it.

How are you today Liz?
Glad the cramps are better. As for your other ailment, REST!!! Pushing yourself will just be a detriment.

I'm doing pretty good today.

The clock is not ticking fast enough in that I want to have the day almost at an end so I will know if the paperwork has been filed with my insurance company...should go into them today.
Glad the cramps are better. As for your other ailment, REST!!! Pushing yourself will just be a detriment.

I'm doing pretty good today.

The clock is not ticking fast enough in that I want to have the day almost at an end so I will know if the paperwork has been filed with my insurance company...should go into them today.

yeah my body is telling me to rest (as are Susannah and my doctor lol), but I'm not very good at resting - I tend to push myself and run on empty - not good I know, so I'm working on it. I know how bad it can get if you don't rest with something like this, and I don't want to end up worse.

I'm glad you're doing pretty good. Shame about time not going quickly enough - it's funny how time does that... want it to go quickly so it goes slowly, want it to go slowly and it speeds by. I could go into relativity here... but I'll spare you the boredom lol. Time is an interesting thing.

I sure hope all the paperwork has been filed successfully! Sounds like you need it to be done with!! Are you waiting for a phonecall to confirm or will you have to call them?
They are suppose to let us know but we've been calling to see if they even have the paperwork, which they haven't up to this point.

ugh that's frustrating! I hope they get it today then!

I hate when someone says they'll call, cos I never trust that they will and usually end up having to call them anyway.
Thought this might amuse (Courtesy warning: it may offend if you're fundamentalist Christian)

[Separate item] Dragonfly thank you for kind support on the beta2 thread. Now and again I get sick of snipey rude eejits and last night was one of those moments.
Was also nice to see some of the guys being protective of me - but apparently I come across as a ruff tuff male person to some - giggle.

I sometimes wonder what it'd be like to have massive shoulders (bliss for carrying stuff) a strokey beard and hairy chest, oh and fluffy legs. But then I just have to look at my son as he looks very like me except for the masculine variations. I think he's sooooo beautiful aaaah I'm dying here because both my Men are away. Sob. I'm just a hopeless wimp female.

Cue my son to give me a certain dubious look and roll off chair laughing. He has this idea that I'm formidable. Though it's funny I do hear it from a lot of others too. But girls really YOU know I'm just this sweet 50s girl who's absolutely lost without her men.
Oh oh oh I just went to Sainsbury's for a quick supper and of course the big new Sainsburys supermarket does CLOTHES now and mega surprise there are all these gorgeous loose silky soft tops and dresses and big comfy sizes oh bliss well i was quite naughty and the trolley was quite full. Was a bit of a shock what it all added up to because they were all £7 or £14 or whatever but OH so lovely.

Phoned my darling and explained in the car park I'd been a bit naughty and I needed moral support of course he was lovely. I'm silly it is my money after all but we'll have to build another clothes rail - I already have 15 foot full of clothes but oh I love them all so!

Anyway he was great and said he particularly likes the sound of the prettiest one - deep soft dark blue in soft folds to my toes with tiny pale blue embroidery at the top - HE says it'll be ideal to look at and admire and then disappear it naughty man.

Does anyone else find it impossible to get rid of clothes?
I have things going back almost 40 years and I love them still. Some I rarely wear but they are still my friends. I try to be sensible but they are full of memories and all so beautiful too.

These new ones are so soft ... mmmm mmmm sigh. Need to find a pendant to go with the blue ....
Oh oh oh I just went to Sainsbury's for a quick supper and of course the big new Sainsburys supermarket does CLOTHES now and mega surprise there are all these gorgeous loose silky soft tops and dresses and big comfy sizes oh bliss well i was quite naughty and the trolley was quite full. Was a bit of a shock what it all added up to because they were all £7 or £14 or whatever but OH so lovely.

Phoned my darling and explained in the car park I'd been a bit naughty and I needed moral support of course he was lovely. I'm silly it is my money after all but we'll have to build another clothes rail - I already have 15 foot full of clothes but oh I love them all so!

Anyway he was great and said he particularly likes the sound of the prettiest one - deep soft dark blue in soft folds to my toes with tiny pale blue embroidery at the top - HE says it'll be ideal to look at and admire and then disappear it naughty man.

Does anyone else find it impossible to get rid of clothes?
I have things going back almost 40 years and I love them still. Some I rarely wear but they are still my friends. I try to be sensible but they are full of memories and all so beautiful too.

These new ones are so soft ... mmmm mmmm sigh. Need to find a pendant to go with the blue ....

Shanj, they sound lovely. A photo of the blue one would be nice.

I don't have that issue...I am ruthless when it comes to clothes. I can weed with the best of them. :) Packed and moved too many times to be sentimental. But I also don't buy many. Right now I am avoiding buying because I know I am getting ready to change sizes drastically. My best friend in the next few months will be the thrift shops.
Shanj, they sound lovely. A photo of the blue one would be nice.

I don't have that issue...I am ruthless when it comes to clothes. I can weed with the best of them. :) Packed and moved too many times to be sentimental. But I also don't buy many. Right now I am avoiding buying because I know I am getting ready to change sizes drastically. My best friend in the next few months will be the thrift shops.

Um I'll see if John can photo me in it tomorrow.

Elizabeth thou art mighty Hera, a Lady of magnificence and dreaming.
Which of course includes the delicate nervous side of courage.
That blue one sounds lovely Shanj :) I agree with Liz - picture please! :)

As for me... I hate clothes shopping. Partly because I'm too thin and finding clothes that fit is a pain, and partly because I have expensive taste (not in that I go looking for expensive stuff or particular brands or whatever, but the stuff I find that I like tends to be too expensive for me. :( ) Oh for the days when I'm not a debt-ridden, empoverished student lol! 3 more years to go (maybe 4)...

unless for some reason people start manically buying my art to top my income up lol!
That blue one sounds lovely Shanj :) I agree with Liz - picture please! :)

As for me... I hate clothes shopping. Partly because I'm too thin and finding clothes that fit is a pain, and partly because I have expensive taste (not in that I go looking for expensive stuff or particular brands or whatever, but the stuff I find that I like tends to be too expensive for me. :( ) Oh for the days when I'm not a debt-ridden, empoverished student lol! 3 more years to go (maybe 4)...

unless for some reason people start manically buying my art to top my income up lol!
I currently have the opposite problem, Jo. I'm too big and clothes don't fit. But that is getting ready to change as I have BEEN APPROVED for surgery!!!!!! Waiting for my husband to be approved now.

Shanj, I had to look up Hera, LOL
I currently have the opposite problem, Jo. I'm too big and clothes don't fit. But that is getting ready to change as I have BEEN APPROVED for surgery!!!!!! Waiting for my husband to be approved now.

Shanj, I had to look up Hera, LOL

It's frustrating being at one of the extreme ends of clothing sizes isn't it! That's awesome you got approved for surgery!! :) I hope it goes well!

Lol, I'm picturing your husband in the "pending approval" tray hahaha!
Jo I can't find clothes because I'm big. At the moment I'm modestly obese but I've always been solid which I'm happy with.
But size 18 is apparently the AVERAGE women's size in Britain yet 16 is classed as "large" and 18 is extremely hard to find. I found out that the warehouses pack things in packs of 2 X 10/ 12/ 14 but only 1 X 16 or 18 or 20. So the bigger sizes sell out and they have to sell the remaining small ones in sales at almost no profit. Sense? Not.

When there is anything size 18 it's usually grey and khaki and sludge or endless black. I mean I'm not a widow yet as you very well know oooh missing him 2 nights apart is barbaric!

It's stupid that you're slender and I'm solid but neither of us can find clothes
- I go to Glastonbury a lot because there are clothes there.

As for shoes that's a nightmare. Why are shoes so narrow, and stiff, and hard? I want glovelike shoes with gently rounded lines. They squash my toes, or I can't get them over the arch of my foot on top. Or if I can get them on they are too long.
I deeply sympathise with your student budget Jo I have lived most of my life like that. But now I finally got some money for the first time in my life I can't spend it! Capitalism is a moronic failure. Why don't they make stuff we WANT!
It's frustrating being at one of the extreme ends of clothing sizes isn't it! That's awesome you got approved for surgery!! :) I hope it goes well!

Lol, I'm picturing your husband in the "pending approval" tray hahaha!

YES, it is....

That's a funny visual, a pending approval tray.
At the moment I'm modestly obese but I've always been solid which I'm happy with.
But size 18 is apparently the AVERAGE women's size in Britain yet 16 is classed as "large" and 18 is extremely hard to find. I found out that the warehouses pack things in packs of 2 X 10/ 12/ 14 but only 1 X 16 or 18 or 20. So the bigger sizes sell out and they have to sell the remaining small ones in sales at almost no profit. Sense? Not.

As for shoes that's a nightmare. Why are shoes so narrow, and stiff, and hard? I want glovelike shoes with gently rounded lines. They squash my toes, or I can't get them over the arch of my foot on top. Or if I can get them on they are too long.
Try being a size 16 (18 in the UK) on the bottom and a size 20 (22 in the UK) on the top. I wear a size 7 wide shoe but my heel is a triple A (narrow which isn't as narrow as my Mother's was, she had a quad A heel, extremely narrow).

Now, after the surgery, I am likely to end up around a size 2-4 :) My shoe size won't change much tho.
I currently have the opposite problem, Jo. I'm too big and clothes don't fit. But that is getting ready to change as I have BEEN APPROVED for surgery!!!!!! Waiting for my husband to be approved now.

Shanj, I had to look up Hera, LOL

Yay for your approval. We'll wait for news of date and progress reports.

Hera is an old feminist neologism (new word game). Fun huh?

Hera was originally the Goddess of all women, the Queen of all the feminine universe.
Her pets are the splendour of peacocks and her work is to test men to make them strong (e.g. Hera-cles aka Hercules)
Hera goes to a sacred stream once a year and bathes to renew her youth. Yet she is the Three in One the Maiden, Mother and Crone (Wisewoman).

When the Achaeans conquered Greece they forced the Hera centres to hold a marriage between Hera and Zeus their Sky WarGod - he has links to Jupiter, Jehovah, Iaus Piter in India etc) the Lord of Lightning, the Burning Bush, the Voice in the Flame.
Hera however never fully accepted her forced marriage. She appears in myths as a divine rebel who fights with Zeus about his affairs and champions women's causes.

Hesiod sang of her "I sing of golden-throned Hera whom Rhea bare. Queen of the immortals is she, surpassing all in beauty."

So wondrous was she that each day when she arose after her night's sleep the dawn itself fell in love with her, caressing her and flooding her with gentle radiance that shines forth into the lives of all women.
Jo I can't find clothes because I'm big. At the moment I'm modestly obese but I've always been solid which I'm happy with.
But size 18 is apparently the AVERAGE women's size in Britain yet 16 is classed as "large" and 18 is extremely hard to find. I found out that the warehouses pack things in packs of 2 X 10/ 12/ 14 but only 1 X 16 or 18 or 20. So the bigger sizes sell out and they have to sell the remaining small ones in sales at almost no profit. Sense? Not.

When there is anything size 18 it's usually grey and khaki and sludge or endless black. I mean I'm not a widow yet as you very well know oooh missing him 2 nights apart is barbaric!

It's stupid that you're slender and I'm solid but neither of us can find clothes
- I go to Glastonbury a lot because there are clothes there.

As for shoes that's a nightmare. Why are shoes so narrow, and stiff, and hard? I want glovelike shoes with gently rounded lines. They squash my toes, or I can't get them over the arch of my foot on top. Or if I can get them on they are too long.
I deeply sympathise with your student budget Jo I have lived most of my life like that. But now I finally got some money for the first time in my life I can't spend it! Capitalism is a moronic failure. Why don't they make stuff we WANT!

yeah and also the smaller and bigger sized clothes are often more expensive too, because not everywhere makes those sizes!

Oh don't even get me started on shoe shopping! :( I have orthopaedic problems which make shoes near impossible to find. If I could afford it I'd get custom made ones but they cost a fortune! I either end up in something 3 sizes too big, something horrifically granny-ish or something that hurts like heck!
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