[TH] Library [Deleted]

Is the new 1.3.5 available for download? The Zip file I just grabbed still shows 1.3.4.
Looks like 1.3.5 to me. Make sure you refresh the page before downloading as if you are looking at an old/cached page when you click the download button it will download an older version as the link changes with each update.
Thank you. This is one of my oldest add-ons so took a little bit more work to bring it up to date.

It works fine when the dummy between the chair and the keyboard downloads the correct version. :D

Thanks much for the update! Now we just have one left to take care of (XenTrader, although it looks to be abandoned).
Thank you, now it's ok :)
But seems that Node as tabs not works for Library..i tick Display as Tab but is not saved...
Same issue here. For now I am going to create a set of "link" nodes to point to the library articles just so our rules, etc. are easily accessible. It's possible Jake may have to look at his Nodes As Tabs add-on as well so the two can work together.

I did see it, but it looks like the last reply was in June. If only the couple of bugs (which predated XF 1.2, by the way) would be fixed and 1.2 compatibility ensured, I'd be happy with it for now. The Xencentral trading system is a bit pricey and has more features than we want, but we may have to go that route if another XenTrader version does not materialize soon. It does look nice, though, and it's supported--that might tip the scales in converting over and paying for the license.

My concern is XenTrader "breaking" again and taking out our Marketplace section as it did a month ago. The same errors are coming up, but now they are only in the XF server error log. Beyond that, it is still working well with XF 1.2 with no other issues that I can see. I was hoping there would not be much for Slavik to fix and we could at least have it error-free until something else comes along.
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