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I bought Tactical, and am enjoying the skin. However, it seems like @Mike Creuzer ignored early problems with Tactical.

See: https://www.audentio.com/community/forum/view_thread/23-XenForo/666-Tactical-needs-work

That image was taken before the updated version at Tactical

I applied the update to CODForums and am liking the changes including the sign up button. :) However, these problems need to be fixed, not just because of the image stretch. Some posts stretch even with text.
Sorry for missing that, sometimes our forum gets spammed and we lose posts. Its best to just create a ticket. we'll be deleting our forums soon.
Sorry for missing that, sometimes our forum gets spammed and we lose posts. Its best to just create a ticket. we'll be deleting our forums soon.
Why? You could have just upgraded the forum to the latest version - I almost thought the forum is powered by xenForo...

Thanks for looking into my thread, and my ticket. Hopefully the next release fixes the problems. :D
@Mike Creuzer, unfortunatly, your slider don't work with @Brogan 's CTA FT slider. :(
I was tested this last night. If I disable Tactical slider, CTA FT work perfectly. If both slider turn on, CTA FT slider don't work correctly(when I push on slider's banner, I don't redirected to the thread. I mean, no any reaction.)
@Mike Creuzer, unfortunatly, your slider don't work with @Brogan 's CTA FT slider. :(
I was tested this last night. If I disable Tactical slider, CTA FT work perfectly. If both slider turn on, CTA FT slider don't work correctly(when I push on slider's banner, I don't redirected to the thread. I mean, no any reaction.)
Hmm OK Ill look into this. I think its just because we both include the bx slider. I think one of us, @Brogan, needs to include that JS if and only if that .bxSlider() function does not exist. Which is a pain, but thats all I can think of.
From the FAQ:

That being the case, I think I may rename the function to stop any future conflicts.
I dont want you to do that because of us. But it does raise a concern for XenForo. The way wordpress handles this is that it creates its own asset pipeline of sorts to stop themes from conflicting. In fact, the plugin ITSELF should check this. Most JS plugins do their own check.

if (!$.bxSlider) {//the plugin code here}

Which means if 'Im not already defined, define me'. So I think we should blame bx slider :P
Thank you so much, guys! Two brilliant programmer make two outstanding things for XenForo: CTA FT & Tactical! I use both of this features! Thank you again!
I am having problems with the registration page. It says please_leave_this_field_blank for some fields which are repeating (name, password, confirm email)
I am having problems with the registration page. It says please_leave_this_field_blank for some fields which are repeating (name, password, confirm email)
You need to be running the latest version (at least 1.4) XenForo as this product is not compatible with 1.3.
BTW, @Brogan, would you like me to fix this? I can output my slider via JS so that there is no conflict.
I didn't see this edit until now.

That would be great if you could as version 2.12 has been pushed to stable so I don't want to make any further changes in this build.
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