

No permission to download
@resonansER If you upgraded manually and applied all changes to the child style, the changes shouldn't have went away. If they did, try restoring from a style xml backup if you made one. If you don't have that either, there's nothing you can do except hope your host takes backups periodically, hope it's not too early or too late of a backup, deploy it somewhere and extract the xml from there.
I make backup every time. Question is not this.
Question is - WHY changes apply to child style IF I update parent style?! o_O
Understand? :)
I make backup every time. Question is not this.
Question is - WHY changes apply to child style IF I update parent style?! o_O
Understand? :)
To my knowledge it does not. This is the first report we have heard of this. Can we talk on Skype and go over it?
Thank you so much for your purchase! What you downloaded was the add-on. The add-on will install the theme. So install the add-on first, then follow the installation instructions. You can find them in our documentation. :) If you need help please do not hesitate!

Ahh ok, I thought I could have been being a bit thick. Thank you for quick response :)
Hello, just trying to import this style against my upgraded test forums.

I have uploaded the files in the 'upload' folder to the appropriate locations. But when I got to AdminCP >Styles>Import a Style and choose the file 'addon-uix.xml' on my file system, I get the following error : 'The provided file is not valid style XML.'

I guess I am doing something wrong....does this file have to be uploaded somewhere instead of doing an import?

I have just upgraded the test forum to 1.4.5. Any help appreciated :)

EDIT : Looks like I am doing the right thing. Have just spotted the documentation on it and that's what I am doing:
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Hello, just trying to import this style against my upgraded test forums.

I have uploaded the files in the 'upload' folder to the appropriate locations. But when I got to AdminCP >Styles>Import a Style and choose the file 'addon-uix.xml' on my file system, I get the following error : 'The provided file is not valid style XML.'

I guess I am doing something wrong....does this file have to be uploaded somewhere instead of doing an import?

I have just upgraded the test forum to 1.4.5. Any help appreciated :)

EDIT : Looks like I am doing the right thing. Have just spotted the documentation on it and that's what I am doing:
Hi there! That documentation is pre-Tactical 1.4.5.X. You'll want to glance at this: https://www.audentio.com/documentation/uix/UI.X-1.4.5.pdf

What you are trying to install as a theme is actually an add-on, so just import it through the add-on system. Then follow the rest of the instructions here: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/ui-x.2239/update?update=14117

If you get stuck let me know :)
Hi there! That documentation is pre-Tactical 1.4.5.X. You'll want to glance at this: https://www.audentio.com/documentation/uix/UI.X-1.4.5.pdf

What you are trying to install as a theme is actually an add-on, so just import it through the add-on system. Then follow the rest of the instructions here: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/ui-x.2239/update?update=14117

If you get stuck let me know :)

Hello again,

Just got around to installing this on my backup/test forum. I copied the contents of the upload folder into the test forum root folder as the documentation says.

When I go to install the addon via 'Install Add-On', I get the following error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /home/theoldgi/public_html/testforum/library/Audentio/UIX/Listener/Install.php on line 16

I am installing this on an upgrade of XF 1.4.5.

No idea what that means. Any thoughts?
@Gleedo What version of the add-on are you installing? Download the latest package again and upload a fresh copy.

The file name should be audentio-uix_addon-1.0.0 Patch 3.zip
@Gleedo What version of the add-on are you installing? Download the latest package again and upload a fresh copy.

The zip file our clan leader passed on to me to install has the filename 'audentio-uix_addon-1.0.0 Patch 3.zip'.

I had to wait 5 days just to get the damn api key from him too. If that's the wrong version, I will just purchase I copy myself as I can't be arsed to keep waiting on someone else etc.
The zip file our clan leader passed on to me to install has the filename 'audentio-uix_addon-1.0.0 Patch 3.zip'.

I had to wait 5 days just to get the damn api key from him too. If that's the wrong version, I will just purchase I copy myself as I can't be arsed to keep waiting on someone else etc.
Right version, I've never heard of this problem before and multiple installations of this have went flawlessly for me. You're running < PHP 5.3 I see though, since PHP 5.4+ shows that T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM means '::', so that'd be an explanation of the issue. A :: where there shouldn't be, but again I haven't had this issue with the same version.
Right version, I've never heard of this problem before and multiple installations of this have went flawlessly for me. You're running < PHP 5.3 I see though, since PHP 5.4+ shows that T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM means '::', so that'd be an explanation of the issue. A :: where there shouldn't be, but again I haven't had this issue with the same version.

Hi, Yes we are unfortunately running php 5.2. I have asked our provider to upgrade but we are on a shared server and other customers don't want them to upgrade.

I have been looking at finding a new host because of this. Guess it's time to move! Thanks for replying.
Well, I am moving host. I am having to use another domain - .net instead of .co.uk which would have been entered when we purchased this skin. Is it ok to set this up on the new .net domain or do I need to get my guy to login on your site and change the url?
Also just discovered that I can not access 'Applications > Display Tree Node' unless I disable the addon. However the skin seems to work OK without it being enabled :)
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Just noticed a bunch of server errors relating to this skin:

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Class 'Audentio_UIX_ControllerAdmin_Node' not found -library/XenForo/FrontController.php:442

Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}

Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(55) ""
  ["_GET"] => array(1) {
    ["nodes/"] => string(0) ""
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {

When I installed the skin via the download link in the AdminCP, the domain name was on a temporary URL ( but is now on the full domain. Could that have caused an issue?
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