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[SurreyForum] XenKingDir: Link / Business Directory (Directory)

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By Categories, do you mean the Directory Nodes ?
I've provided a default list of nodes, but the nodes are completely customisable, you can delete them all and add your own

To delete them, go here:
or ACP >> Applications >> Display Directory Tree

Use the red cross to delete them, and select the "create new node" button to create new Directory Nodes

If you mean that you want to customise the fields that are displayed on the review page, you can do that too.

Go to the ACP >> Home >> Options >> [SurreyForum] XenKingDir

You can then turn off the fields that you don't want.
I have provided 2 areas for custom fields (each allows 4 custom lines with your own custom title on the review page). I can extend this if you need more custom fields
Curious, I love this plugin but it wont work on my forum unless you can customize the categories. I have a gaming host directory site and this will be perfect for me but its seems that I am stuck on what you give me with the local directory settings. Will there be a way to customize it completely by adding your own categories?
You can remove all of the default categories and create your own. It is under the ACP >> Applications >> Link Directory Tree. From there you should be able to delete and create your own entries to suit your needs.

would you consider adding an "upload images" functionality in the future? (like the default "upload a file" button on the forum)
that would be awesome.
Updated to XenKingDir_v1.0.12.zip
- This now contains listing counts on top level categories, subcategories and sub directory pages
- all of which can be turned off
- also now contains the option to turn off the filter
- there are a coupled of bug fixes too

on Upgrading, you will need to update the counts
To do this, navigate yourforum/admin.php?directory/
and click the button "rebuild counts"

(If you are doing a fresh install, that button above is not relevant to you)
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I've spotted an issue when deleting (the counts were not updating), I've added a fix to v1.0.14

If you do see any issues, let me know and I'll fix them asap

Enhancements will be looked at (but not necessarily fixed asap)
I've spotted an issue when deleting (the counts were not updating), I've added a fix to v1.0.14

If you do see any issues, let me know and I'll fix them asap

Enhancements will be looked at (but not necessarily fixed asap)

Great stuff!

Is there a way to take an RSS feed off a category?
This add-on is on my to-do list once I've got CycleChat migrated to XF ... I used to have phpMyDirectory for cycle shop listings when my site was on vB - and have kept it installed in the background all the while we've been on IPB hoping to get it back on the site, but never managing to.

Hopefully I can bring the listings back using XenKingDir :)

Keep up the good work.

Shaun :D
Are there optimal dimensions to have the logo appear properly? Is there any plans to have it autosized to retain the dimensions? Great mod btw :D
When I try to delete the directory tree from control panel, I got this error:

Version: 1.0.14

Server Error

Undefined index: Directory
  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in XenKingDir/Model/Directory.php at line 1158
  2. XenKingDir_Model_Directory->deleteChildNodes() in XenKingDir/DataWriter/Directory.php at line 244
  3. XenKingDir_DataWriter_Directory->_postDelete() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1736
  4. XenForo_DataWriter->delete() in XenKingDir/ControllerAdmin/DirectoryAbstract.php at line 71
  5. XenKingDir_ControllerAdmin_DirectoryAbstract->actionDelete() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
  6. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
  7. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /var/www/html/www/admin.php at line 13
Are there optimal dimensions to have the logo appear properly? Is there any plans to have it autosized to retain the dimensions? Great mod btw :D
They are stretch to 280px 200px, you can update the template to remove this stretching
(look at the template sfdirectory_map_view)

Will you ever be able to fix the issue of having the threads in whats new redirect to the actual listing, not a thread?

I dont think it's an immediate must fix, I'll look into it once we have a released version of 1.1 (non RC)
When I try to delete the directory tree from control panel, I got this error:
Version: 1.0.14
Server Error
Undefined index: Directory

I'm trying to reproduce this, but haven't managed to yet

How are you deleting the node, are you using the red cross when viewing: yourfourm/admin.php?directory/
Or are you using the delete button after seleting the node?

Have you also set a forum as your directory forum?

Are there any other details you can provide (the Database type and version could be useful, also the XenForo version that you are using), if I can reproduce this, I know what to fix.

---- I've just noticed... Dog Avatars, and lots of them, I fear I have the complex of a Postman
Thanks, but what exactly do I do to remove it in the template?

You can update this part:

<span class="reviewimg">
<img src="{$directorylisting.logo_image_url}" width="100%" height="200px" />

Remove the part in red, but you'll probably want to centre the image, so inside the template sfdirectory_map_view.css create a new class:

.reviewimg img {
    display: block;
    margin:0 auto;

It's just a thought, I havent tried/tested this
This is a fantastic plugin.
I installed it on our site and right out of the box it covers nearly all of our needs.

Just two questions - perhaps I can just not find where to set the options for it:

1. The word "directory" in the navbar is fine. But we would like to replace it into something like "Places" - since we are using the directory for places and spots. Is there a way to change the word "Directory" to something else?

2. Where do we setup that a business is listed in more than one category. Lets say a Restaurant is also a Bar and has a Hotel too. How can I assign it to various categories? Could not find it in the options.

Would be great if anybody could help me on these two.
1. The word "directory" in the navbar is fine. But we would like to replace it into something like "Places" - since we are using the directory for places and spots. Is there a way to change the word "Directory" to something else?

Ooops, I found the answer to that myself. ( Should have read the entire thread first - Sorry).
Its in Appearance - Phrases , where you can change the wording of "directory".

Anyhow, would be great if anybody could help me with the 2. question above.
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