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[SurreyForum] XenKingDir: Link / Business Directory (Directory)

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I have some issues with the way events are displayed on the portal... Not a bug, just bad formatting in my opinion. I will post screen shots later.
Events...Portal... :confused:

Feel free to mention anything you would like me to improve. I'll take a look and add it to the To-do list

I'm currently adding a filter to the front page of the directory (this will be in the next version by the end of this weekend)


  • filter.webp
    49.6 KB · Views: 46
Right now I have them hidden from "whats new" due to the redirect to thread rather than directory entry but I would LOVE for this to get fixed so I could add it to the "Whats New" section and get more visitor traffic going through and being able to see recent entries easier.
Having a map display all listings on the front page would be awesome!

As well having the top 5 or 10 most recent listings at the bottom of the front page instead of having to click new listings.
LOL sorry I posted the events comment here instead of in the jaxel thread, sorry. Just upgraded to the most recent version and it works great.
Is there a way to change the tab name and url name from directory to like "Bars" or "Bar Directory" or something without breaking everything?
The tab name, yes (its a phrase, just look for the phrase Directory), this will update the name used in the breadcrumb too (look at Surrey Forum)

The URL, no sorry... it will currently always be yourfourm/directory/
Tenants, firstly what a god send of an addon, thanks and well done.

A couple of things if I may...
1. I have Bookmarks and Ragtek Invites addons on my site and they are being displayed in the Category box on the left of your addon. Perhaps a bug of what data is collected for the box of categories
2. This is a big thing for me, I would like to have the boxes that are at the top of an entry (Details, google map, Video etc) as boxes in a side column. This would allow me to perhaps add generic boxes to the column like "Online Now" or listing owner's latest posts etc, it would open up the addon to some great extras that users could put on their listing. I know I can change the layout through templates but is this an opportunity for this mod.

The only issue with item 2 above would be the real estate space that is taken up by the User Info Block on the left of the text entry. Having the User Info Block, the entry text and then a side column of boxes, doesn't leave much room for the text entry to include pictures or other things due to its width on say a 1024 screen. A possible solution to this, if the idea of side boxes was worth it, would be to have the first entry, the actual listing text, to have the User Info block across the top of the entry instead of the side, like vb's normal (non-legacy) style postbit

Anyways, thought I would add my 2 pence to this already great mod that has enormous potential
A possible solution to this, if the idea of side boxes was worth it, would be to have the first entry, the actual listing text, to have the User Info block across the top of the entry instead of the side, like vb's normal (non-legacy) style postbit

If you could mock up an image (cut and paste with paint), it will give me a better idea of how you see the page being laid out. This add-on is by no means finished, there a quite a lot of enhancements still to work through and I'm willing to add to the to-do list
If you could mock up an image (cut and paste with paint), it will give me a better idea of how you see the page being laid out. This add-on is by no means finished, there a quite a lot of enhancements still to work through and I'm willing to add to the to-do list
Something like this Tenants:

img1 (Copy).webp
Oh, forgot, some notes about the above screen mockup:
1. The Xenforo logo is where the listed company logo goes
2. The side bar blocks would use the inbuilt Xenforo side bar styling including side bar width etc
3. Would also be great to be able to change the file name to suit one's own site and section title from "Directory" and "Reviews" to user defined

This would open up this addon to be extremely versatile in many different situations. Imagine even being able to have multi instances of this addon on your site, oops, getting carried away with it but I just see the great potential of your work Tenants
Thanks for the image, I know what it is you want now.

I've actually re-arranged the review page 5 times, but didn't release the changes and then went back to the way it was before.
I have re-arranged it once to look a bit like this, but I wasn't happy with it since there were a few issues:

* Having the Google map that small doesn't really work (Yelp uses a custom map, so can get away with it). When the map is that size, the location information fills up the entire area and the actual location is pushed off of the screen
* Having forum post + the right hand side bar looks strange. In the image that you've provided, what happens when you go beyond 5 posts (or large posts)....
You either end up having an empty side bar on the right hand side, or a gap
* Not everyone will like the change, some people prefer the map in the centre, so I would have to provide an option in the ACP for "review style"

- So I have thought about re-designing the review page to something similar to as you have suggested

I will re-visit this again (I still have a related open enhancement in the to-do list: "Make reviews look different to normal threads"), but I think re-designing this page and keeping everyone happy isn't going to be easy.

I have a few other enhancements I want to apply before re-visiting the style of the review page (I'll keep your layout in mind though)

This is indeed a very nice addon.

How can I modify the address fields? For example, I need the "State" and "Country" fields as well.


This is indeed a very nice addon.

How can I modify the address fields? For example, I need the "State" and "Country" fields as well.


Well, these are fields that are used for the Google map,

You can change the phrases (ACP >>Appearance >> Phrases ):

address_line_2 to State:
town_city to Country

Or you can add custom fields for State and Country (but they might not be lumped with the rest of the location information)
Curious, I love this plugin but it wont work on my forum unless you can customize the categories. I have a gaming host directory site and this will be perfect for me but its seems that I am stuck on what you give me with the local directory settings. Will there be a way to customize it completely by adding your own categories?
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