Lack of interest [Suggestion] Your Content needs to be able to show only threads started by me

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Well-known member
One of the options under the username in located in the Navbar is "Your Content". This option shows posts I've made. What it lacks is the ability to limit the results to threads that I have started.

Please add the ability to select all posts, or all threads started when you select Your Content.
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I think the Your Content should take you to a page in your profile (or a pop-up) that has a list of things you could find, such as threads/posts/likes/threads started.

To answer this directly, I agree :)
I think the Your Content should take you to a page in your profile (or a pop-up) that has a list of things you could find, such as threads/posts/likes/threads started.

I agree James. Ideally clicking on Your Content would take you to a page that allows you to select from a variety of choices.
What it lacks is the ability to limit the results to threads that I have started.
Please add the ability to select all posts, or all threads started when you select Your Content.
That was slated to be put in the profile card, at least that was the intention I believe.
Hi Andy B

Why would I want my content to only show threads started by you?



I should have been more clear. What I'm asking is that Your Content needs to be able to show either posts made by me, or threads started by me.
Great ideas!

One of the options under the username in located in the Navbar is "Your Content". This option shows posts I've made. What it lacks is the ability to limit the results to threads that I have started.

Please add the ability to select all posts, or all threads started when you select Your Content.

Good creative and useful thinking! I totally agree, now I realized thanks to your posting that this is missing.

I think the Your Content should take you to a page in your profile (or a pop-up) that has a list of things you could find, such as threads/posts/likes/threads started.

To answer this directly, I agree :)

Even further ideas that I like! Yes, Your Content should exactly do what it says: giving you an instant overview of ALL your content. Indeed like you are saying: threads you started, posts you made, likes you gave (we can only now see the likes we received) and comments we made on profiles (and in the future blogs and CMS articles, but let's just take it step by step ;)). It will do wonders for the use of/(inter)activity on content. Awesome.
but maybe in addition to this, just display all content by default and have a drop-down or something of that nature with options for what categories you would like to display content from like a mini-map of the site hierarchy for easy selection.
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