Lack of interest [Suggestion] Could the Alert System stand to be beefed up a little?

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Well-known member
YAAT (yet another alerts thread)

When a mod deletes my post/thread... i should get an alert.
When a mod moves my thread/post... i should get an alert.
That is important information.
Alerts should be about important information.

When someone changes usergroup... we should get a site wide alert.
When a person is defrocked from being a mod... we should get a site wide alert.
When someone is banned... we should get a sitewide alert.
When someone reports a post... should all mods get an alert?
There should be a mechanism for super mods/admins to send out site wide alerts to all of the users... might work better than a big blocky notice at the top of the forum to give out certain types of information.

Alert list should have some sort of self pruning capabilities.
I say this without knowing if it already does have them and are currently not turned on.
Quickly pages and pages of alerts will be stored in every members profile page.
Maybe wipe them out completely every 7 days?

Do we get alerts when someone we are following starts a new thread?
That would be neat.
Would it be too stalkery if we were given an alert whenever someone we are following logged on to the site?

Things like this could be switched on and off by the user... but come on by default.

Im really digging the alerts system, hopefully future versions can expand on the idea.
Possibilities are endless.... like sitewide notifications whenever someone beats a high score in the arcade would be one really nice plugin... well if we ever get the v3 guys to port their arcade.
Upvote 2
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i like most of the suggestions. as long as they are made optional. some users like to stay in touch with the forum and wants to stay updated.
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