Lack of interest [Suggestion] Could the Alert System stand to be beefed up a little?

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Well-known member
YAAT (yet another alerts thread)

When a mod deletes my post/thread... i should get an alert.
When a mod moves my thread/post... i should get an alert.
That is important information.
Alerts should be about important information.

When someone changes usergroup... we should get a site wide alert.
When a person is defrocked from being a mod... we should get a site wide alert.
When someone is banned... we should get a sitewide alert.
When someone reports a post... should all mods get an alert?
There should be a mechanism for super mods/admins to send out site wide alerts to all of the users... might work better than a big blocky notice at the top of the forum to give out certain types of information.

Alert list should have some sort of self pruning capabilities.
I say this without knowing if it already does have them and are currently not turned on.
Quickly pages and pages of alerts will be stored in every members profile page.
Maybe wipe them out completely every 7 days?

Do we get alerts when someone we are following starts a new thread?
That would be neat.
Would it be too stalkery if we were given an alert whenever someone we are following logged on to the site?

Things like this could be switched on and off by the user... but come on by default.

Im really digging the alerts system, hopefully future versions can expand on the idea.
Possibilities are endless.... like sitewide notifications whenever someone beats a high score in the arcade would be one really nice plugin... well if we ever get the v3 guys to port their arcade.
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WOW! That's alot of alerts. Are you serious??

For one of the things you mentioned, there is a moderation bar at the top of the forum to tell us if there are reported posts. No alert needed.

At any rate, I believe that you can easily add alerts via the acp.
WOW! That's alot of alerts. Are you serious??

For one of the things you mentioned, there is a moderation bar at the top of the forum to tell us if there are reported posts. No alert needed.

At any rate, I believe that you can easily add alerts via the acp.
I like to be on alert. :D
Its not a lot when you think about the fact that folks can/should be able to turn off certain types of alerts.
Like "like" notification and other stuff.
That way they just get alerted to the stuff they want + important staff sent alerts.
I agree to being alerted when a post is deleted/moved, and mods should be asked for a reason for each deletion/move so that can be in the alert.

This would save the mod having to then send a PM advising the user post deleted... and would stop posts being deleted without the original poster knowing (A very frustrating situation for the user who then has no idea why).

As for all of the sitewide alerts you mentioned... No No No No Hell No... I don't want to be alerted every time someone is banned or changes user group...
YAAT (yet another alerts thread)

When a mod deletes my post/thread... i should get an alert.
When a mod moves my thread/post... i should get an alert.

That is a good idea, I like that one.

When someone changes usergroup... we should get a site wide alert.
Why? does it really matter if someone changes user group? There's not really a need for that one.

When a person is defrocked from being a mod... we should get a site wide alert.
No, that's private for the staff, it has nothing to do with regular members.

When someone is banned... we should get a sitewide alert.
No, again that's private for the staff, members don't really need to know about that.

There should be a mechanism for super mods/admins to send out site wide alerts to all of the users... might work better than a big blocky notice at the top of the forum to give out certain types of information.
Possibly. To be honest I personally think that announcements would stand out more than an alert. I actually don't really read my alerts to be honest but that's me, I can see how some people would prefer that though.

Would it be too stalkery if we were given an alert whenever someone we are following logged on to the site?
That could be border line stalker but the main problem I see with that is when some one has internet connection problems. You get it a lot with MSN Messenger, "X has signed in", "X has signed in","X has signed in" etc. It would be annoying.
YAAT (yet another alerts thread)

When a mod deletes my post/thread... i should get an alert. Agree
When a mod moves my thread/post... i should get an alert. Agree
That is important information.
Alerts should be about important information.

When someone changes usergroup... we should get a site wide alert. Disagree
When a person is defrocked from being a mod... we should get a site wide alert. Disagree
When someone is banned... we should get a sitewide alert. Disagree
When someone reports a post... should all mods get an alert? Disagree
There should be a mechanism for super mods/admins to send out site wide alerts to all of the users... might work better than a big blocky notice at the top of the forum to give out certain types of information. Agree

Alert list should have some sort of self pruning capabilities.
I say this without knowing if it already does have them and are currently not turned on.
Quickly pages and pages of alerts will be stored in every members profile page.
Maybe wipe them out completely every 7 days?

Do we get alerts when someone we are following starts a new thread? Disagree
That would be neat.
Would it be too stalkery if we were given an alert whenever someone we are following logged on to the site? Disagree

Things like this could be switched on and off by the user... but come on by default.

Im really digging the alerts system, hopefully future versions can expand on the idea.
Possibilities are endless.... like sitewide notifications whenever someone beats a high score in the arcade would be one really nice plugin... well if we ever get the v3 guys to port their arcade.
Comments added in quote itself (did you see?)
Now i did :D
My "monitor" is my TV, and my TV is like 8 feet away... so certain things dont always look quite right to me. I missed the bold agree/disagree at first glance.

Thanks for the reply.
Just to add my tuppence worth. I like the idea of being able to send alerts to all members or specific usergroups, instead of using the equivalent vB notices. This could come in handy, say, for messages about down time. I also like the idea of being able to send an alert to a member when his/her post is deleted or moved. This could be educational to the member, eg "Alert. Your post xxx was moved to xxxx. Please ensure future posts are made in the correct forum".

I would not want alerts for minor things, the danger is members start to get pestered by these, or switch off to them.

But I do concede all of the above can be achieved in other ways, eg. PMs, notices, pinned topics.
Out of all them the only ones i like are these.

YAAT (yet another alerts thread)

When a mod deletes my post/thread... i should get an alert.
When a mod moves my thread/post... i should get an alert.
That is important information.
Alerts should be about important information.
Would you like for the alert system to pour you a drink, as well?

j/k, of course.
When a mod deletes my post/thread... i should get an alert. Agree
When a mod moves my thread/post... i should get an alert. Agree
There should be a mechanism for super mods/admins to send out site wide alerts to all of the users... might work better than a big blocky notice at the top of the forum to give out certain types of information. Agree
Totally agree!
I agree with an alert when one of your posts/threads has been moved/deleted. I think the other suggested alerts are not necessary.
I couldn't resist, but I'm sure the Alert System can and will be used to great advantage in both the standard featureset and the modification aftermarket. And we're only seeing it from the member's perspective - the admin's eye view will undoubtedly be even better.
I couldn't resist, but I'm sure the Alert System can and will be used to great advantage in both the standard featureset and the modification aftermarket.
Exactly. The more alerts there are, the more people will tend to ignore them and the more meaningless (and annoying) they will become.

I would rather get an alert for a new blog entry or something else more major.
I'd like more alerts too, it'll give the members more things to do and help them keep up to date on activity. This will in turn make them feel more obliged to post more often.
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