Resource icon

Sub-nodes in columns

Added and working - thanks for making our sub-forums visible again - hopefully they'll see a bit more traffic now. (y)

Just a note for anyone else who comes across the same problem - I had an issue with the background from .secondaryContent showing through the listblock and the bottom border bieng added too - so made an override adjustment as follows:

Rich (BB code):
body .subForumsPopup .blockLinksList
    display: inline-table;
    width: 100%;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    word-spacing: -10px;
    background-color: transparent !important;
    border-bottom: 0px !important;

Shaun :D
thx CyberAP, very helpfull

just if someone wants to play with a more vb-look-a-like version:
View attachment 28425

body .subForumsPopup
margin: 0;
float: none;
body .subForumsPopup .blockLinksList2
display: inline-table;
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
word-spacing: -10px;
body .subForumsPopup .blockLinksList2 > li
display: inline-block;
word-spacing: 0;
vertical-align: top;
body .subForumsPopup .blockLinksList2 .nodeTitle
font-weight: normal;
body .subForumsPopup .blockLinksList2 .unread .nodeTitle
font-weight: bold;
body .subForumsPopup .blockLinksList2 .nodeTitle a:before
content: "";
body .subForumsPopup .blockLinksList2 li.node > .unread .nodeTitle a:before
background: @primaryMedium;
.subForumsMenu .node .node
display: none;
margin-left: 10px;
.blockLinksList2 a, .blockLinksList2 label {
padding: 5px 5px !important;
border-radius: 0px !important;
display: inline !important;
.blockLinksList2 a:hover, .blockLinksList2 a:focus, .blockLinksList2 li.kbSelect a, .blockLinksList2 label:hover, .blockLinksList2 label:focus, .blockLinksList2 li.kbSelect label
text-decoration: underline !important;
background: none !important;

            <div class="nodeStats pairsInline">
<xen:if is="{$renderedChildren} AND {$level} == 2">
        <div class="subForumsPopup">
                <div class="subForumsMenu">
                        <ol class="blockLinksList2">
                        <xen:foreach loop="$renderedChildren" value="$child">
                              <img class="inlineimg" src="/curves/statusicon/subforum_old.png" alt="" border="0"> {xen:raw $child}
                    <dt>{xen:phrase discussions}:</dt> <dd>{xen:number $category.discussion_count}</dd>
                    <dt>{xen:phrase messages}:</dt> <dd>{xen:number $category.message_count}</dd>

just shows level 2 and img-tag has to be removed or adjusted ofc. It's just a very fast test so don't take it too serious. ;)

Edit: Code updated so it's not interfering with Navbar aso

How do I get the node stats to show on nodes with sub forums?
.subForumsMenu .node .node
    display: none;

Is there any other way of hiding 3rd level and below? I am a bit vary of using hidden links on my site, I am very unsure how Google treats them.
Used your code and this is how it looks:

View attachment 31045

Some issues:
- Text is cut off (Size is the issue here)
- The Subforums have boxes around them
- The rest of the details (Number of messages an discussions can't be seen)
There is most likely a height issue, and overflow: hidden somewhere. Try using Firebug or similar to see if the height is absolutely set somewhere.
Alright, just to let you know, if the forum has a description, it is shown just fine, even with larger heights.
Do you have a link? As I said, it is most likely some CSS conflicting somewhere. Have you tried setting it to a fixed height?
There was some CSS conflicting and some fixed heights as MagnusB has suggested.
More details on above fix: It was the nodeStats class that caused the conflict, it had a fixed height and overflow hidden, as well as some box shadows. Overriding those in extra.css fixed it.
Awesome :)

You've done a great job on the subs - looks really neat.

I'm guessing your members will like this smiley -> :barefoot:

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You've done a great job on the subs - looks really neat.

I'm guessing your members will like this smiley -> :barefoot:


thanks! :D and yeah, i know right! haha.. i first thought that actually too, it should be an "out of the box" feature... but, perhaps later on down road after legal issues are handled... lol.

and yeah, i'm sure they would love that smiley lmao! :D
So have you decided to go ahead with XF now? or are you just testing it out? (y)

Planning to move forward with it.. xD Some times I get frustrated though, if i'm not getting support/help responses fast enough, because i'm trying to hurry and get my main site launched WITH XF as fast as possible lol. I guess I need to learn patience, because everyone isn't on here 24/7 ... lmao. I'm just trying to hurry (regardless though) and get all I need to do, done with it. I think there's alot of work yet to be done though.. >_<
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