Style Critique: Echo

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With a lot of help from Shelley, haha (thanks again!! :)), we got the margins all figured out. :D There are a few new border-radii (drop-downs, shoutbox outline, etc.), as well as a blue border around the drop-downs now. I don't remember what else got changed, but you can see it on the site. haha

p.s. If you go to the site and it's not up, try this one--we're switching over to the actual www domain soon. :D
Yeah; I haven't been able to get on all day and was just about to send a PM about it--he may be moving us over to the www domain.
This is looking so awesome. The only suggestion that I have, and hopefully Shelley will agree, is that the logo needs something (perhaps a drop shadow) to make it pop out from the background. It's a lovely logo, but it's just "sitting" there. It needs to pop a little bit.
This is looking so awesome. The only suggestion that I have, and hopefully Shelley will agree, is that the logo needs something (perhaps a drop shadow) to make it pop out from the background. It's a lovely logo, but it's just "sitting" there. It needs to pop a little bit.

Totally agree. TBH, I'm not sure the logo as a hole fits in with this style. I can't put my finger on it but it needs a bit of....Hmmpth?
Shelley, what do you think about a gradient or bevel on the blue parts of the logo?

I wouldn't add a bevel to it. I have a hatred for bevels on text I personally think they make a any logo look cheap and tacky. I think a gradient contract 1px shorter than the text and shooting up would highlight the blue text. It's the blue text I feel is just lacking something. That said, It's entirely up to kurt and what he likes.
I wouldn't add a bevel to it. I have a hatred for bevels on text I personally think they make a any logo look cheap and tacky. I think a gradient contract 1px shorter than the text and shooting up would highlight the blue text. It's the blue text I feel is just lacking something. That said, It's entirely up to kurt and what he likes.
yeah that sounds nice.
Just a quick modification. Photoshop handles text completely ****e (cs2) so I converted the "internet radio" to a vector shape and moved the anchor points to clean the edging. Not sure that it's any better.

Not the reflection, I just put that in for cosmetic value. You'll notice the 1px inner glow and 1 px stroke(border) though the reflection is optional. :)

View attachment 7951View attachment 7952
I think I like the glow, but could you blow that up so I see what exactly it is (then I can try it on Inkscape)? I don't like the stroke, though; guess I like the solid-ness (o_O?) of it without a stroke better. I tried doing it with a linked offset, but it didn't look good to me. One other thing I thought of would be the use of speech bubbles around them like before, but I think that makes the logo too busy. I also don't want to do a full redesign just to accommodate the theme, since I like how that ended up (minor edits are all right, though).
Ah; I missed the edit until after I replied, but that was what I was going for with the linked offset, though I'd used a blue instead of gray. Here's a gray one, which looks much better than the blue did...

Voice Logo Final Lighter Offset.webp

Oui? Non?
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