Steam Authentication & Integration

Steam Authentication & Integration 1.6.3

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I was able to modify message_user_info without debug on and for anyone new to this, don't actually type in "$0".

I think you can modify without debug mode on, but you can't add new template modifications if I recall correctly. It's been awhile since I've done that.

Any time on the feature that I have requested on, about displaying the steam games that the user owns rather than just globally?

Still in the pipeline. I haven't started coding that yet. I'm balancing what I can between work, other communities I'm working on, and learning coding languages. Plus still trying to have a life in the process :P
I have a community for a specific game.. Is it possible to require them to own that game before they can register/login. I also have it set up to allow allow registration/login through steam,
I have a community for a specific game.. Is it possible to require them to own that game before they can register/login. I also have it set up to allow allow registration/login through steam,

Preventing them from registering would require custom coding of the addon. That being said, you could use user group promotions to accomplish locking down your forum. Anybody who's registered but doesn't own the game or authed with Steam can't post, but people who do own it can.

That part is an existing feature in the addon.
Suggestion Parts Unknown
@HowIChrgeLazer Is it possible that if a user has no location mentioned on his steam profile, that it doesn't save anything on xf side in userfield location instead of "Parts Unknown"? because that is useless and can disturb users.
Did you change skins or update a skin? If it works on the default XenForo theme, I would think that is the culprit.

Also, are the permissions set correctly?
I think I didn't change related templates and didn't update UIX style. XF Default Theme also doesn't work anymore. Can I give you ACP access to my forum and you have a look?
Suggestion Parts Unknown
@HowIChrgeLazer Is it possible that if a user has no location mentioned on his steam profile, that it doesn't save anything on xf side in userfield location instead of "Parts Unknown"? because that is useless and can disturb users.

I will remove that.

I think I didn't change related templates and didn't update UIX style. XF Default Theme also doesn't work anymore. Can I give you ACP access to my forum and you have a look?

I rather not take up ACP rights on a forum that isn't mine to be administrating to troubleshoot, just for security issues for your side of things. If you can provide links to the pages that they should be showing up on, and as long as steam is visible to guests, I can tell you if it's loading into the template or if it's a JavaScript issue (also allow guests to switch to the default theme).
I figured out how to do it myself (to get it to display at very bottom of message info), so here it is for everyone else:
Thank you so much for this!

Thank you for this addon, it is wonderful to have!

Anyone who is having issues with:
  • Unable to Connect to ssl:// Error #0: - library/Zend/Http/Client/Adapter/Socket.php:235
  • Curl error: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
  • SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

It drove me insane, and took WAY to long to find an answer to, so for those who are experiencing this and have tried all other options. This was solved for me on my Debian 8 | Apache2 + PHP5 server.
It can probably solve other servers using the appropriate syntax for your server.

First begin by testing with one or two methods (recommended method):
  1. Add a file called ssl.php to your main web directory.
  2. Place in side the file, this content:
    // Create a curl handle to a non-existing location
    $ch = curl_init('');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    if(curl_exec($ch) === false)
      echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error($ch);
      echo 'Operation completed without any errors';
    // Close handle
  3. Now go to your page to test:
  4. Most likely it will say:
    Curl error: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
  5. We're trying to get it say:
    Operation completed without any errors
Alternative method (test with both commands):
curl -Iv
openssl s_client -connect

Let's begin fixing this issue by doing the following:
cd /etc/ssl/certs
rm ca-bundle.crt
Now edit your php.ini file (may be different on your server):
nano /etc/php5/apache2/php5.ini
Enable or replace:
Finally, restart Apache:
systemctl restart apache2

You can retest with visiting the ssl.php webpage or by using the commands below:
curl -Iv
openssl s_client -connect

Also, you may force test to check if the certificate is valid:
openssl s_client -connect -CAfile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt

Using the current bundle from curl doesn't work for me and causes the issue.
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Anyone who is having issues with SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
How can I check if I have this SSL certificate issue? I'm trying to find out what the new problem is on my installation with ubuntu, apache and php 5.6 and newly upgraded from HTTP to HTTPS:
I use this addon since first beta release. Thank you for this very useful addon!

I have an issue:

The Steam status banner on user profile page isn't shown anymore on my forum. I don't know since when, but I felt like it was working a few days ago.

I haven't changed steam auth ACP options and related template modification is still the same. In my old clone test forum with same versions xf 1.4.2 and steam auth addon 1.5.3 it's still working. Stats collecting is still working. No ACP errors.

I changed my live forum from HTTP do HTTPS 3 weeks ago. I don't think it's something with the change, because I believe it worked a few days ago, but I'm not 100% sure.

In ACP options I've set the options " (HTTPS/HTTP)" and "Steam API via HTTP" and "Display Steam Profile in profile" and "Display Steam Profile in-game banners" like all times.

Can you please help?
Do you think it's your solution that can help me?
How can I check if I have this SSL certificate issue? I'm trying to find out what the new problem is on my installation with ubuntu, apache and php 5.6 and newly upgraded from HTTP to HTTPS:

Do you think it's your solution that can help me?
I've added a way to check if you are having the problem, choose either using the ssl.php or command line option.
@HowIChrgeLazer Yo Man, How exactly do i enable steam login/register for my forums only? Cause i'm seeming to have a big problem with that, Do you think you could help me with this? Cheers

- Turtle
@HowIChrgeLazer Yo Man, How exactly do i enable steam login/register for my forums only? Cause i'm seeming to have a big problem with that, Do you think you could help me with this? Cheers

- Turtle

Sorry, I think I don't understand your question. Are you looking to just have Steam be the only way to register on your forums? If so, This is something I cannot help you with as that will require custom edits to XenForo.
I searched for similar problems but they all seemed to be solved earlier, but for some reason it wont display the steam banner under users posts, only on their profile. I have both permissions enabled, any options I might be overlooking?
I suppose I'm possibly really blind but, I can't seem to find a way to associate accounts that are already registered?
Thank you so much for this!

Thank you for this addon, it is wonderful to have!

Anyone who is having issues with:
  • Unable to Connect to ssl:// Error #0: - library/Zend/Http/Client/Adapter/Socket.php:235
  • Curl error: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
  • SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

It drove me insane, and took WAY to long to find an answer to, so for those who are experiencing this and have tried all other options. This was solved for me on my Debian 8 | Apache2 + PHP5 server.
It can probably solve other servers using the appropriate syntax for your server.
I addressed this in this earlier post:
Your usage of "openssl.cafile" is depreciated for > php 5.6 as well, use "openssl.capath"
How to fix "Unable to Connect to ssl:// Error #0" errors:
    • Make sure OpenSSL has updated Cert files as shown in your phpinfo(); under OpenSSL
    • Add the following to your php.ini file:
      curl.cainfo= /path/ca-bundle.crt
      openssl.capath = /path/ca-bundle.crt
      openssl.cafile= /path/ca-bundle.crt ;depreciated command for php > 5.6 version
    • Restart webserver!
more info via: Stackoverflow
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Hello xenforo's community! I am attempting to integrate an addon which would allow users to login to my forums using their steam account. I came across the following addon but do not have the slightest clue as to how to integrate it:
Essentially, I would like to disable any register/login feature in my server, and only allow for users to "sign in through steam"

My forums may be found at:

Thank you for any support!
I searched for similar problems but they all seemed to be solved earlier, but for some reason it wont display the steam banner under users posts, only on their profile. I have both permissions enabled, any options I might be overlooking?

Do they show up in the default theme?

I suppose I'm possibly really blind but, I can't seem to find a way to associate accounts that are already registered?

Should be under the User's Account menu in External Authentication.

Hello xenforo's community! I am attempting to integrate an addon which would allow users to login to my forums using their steam account. I came across the following addon but do not have the slightest clue as to how to integrate it:
Essentially, I would like to disable any register/login feature in my server, and only allow for users to "sign in through steam"

My forums may be found at:

Thank you for any support!

Unfortunately, this will require some custom coding on your part. The addon does not have this feature.
My apologies. It must have slipped my mind.

Would you care in sharing what you did to fix it? My initial thought was that it was a custom template problem.
to be honest i dont know ^^

i upgraded XF and also my Theme and complete reworked my childtheme so it is very possible that a template casued the problem.

sorry for my bad english
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