Star Trek Into Darkness

The new movies are ok, but I dont like the reboot-thing with this alternative timeline explanation. :(

*Back to gardening*
Consider several decades of TV shows, movies, fan fiction, books and so on and so forth. There is just so much Star Trek lore out there, any effort to reboot the series without changing the timeline would have revisited old ground. This way, the movie team can change the stories and explore different plot alternatives. They don't have to worry about a Star Trek lexicon, since it's all new. It's a different universe.
I don't say anything about the reboot per se. But a reboot should be a reboot without extra explanations about the hows and whys. And this alternative timeline is the worst that could have been. So I dont like it at all. But you are right. :-)
I don't say anything about the reboot per se. But a reboot should be a reboot without extra explanations about the hows and whys. And this alternative timeline is the worst that could have been. So I dont like it at all. But you are right. :)
The reboot with the alternate timeline was actually a stroke of genius. It lets them do what they wanted to do with an outright new storyline, while not dismissing nearly 40 years if history outright. It gives them the freedom to do new stuff, without risking total and utter sacrifice of everything that came before (kinda like what happened with Battlestar Galactica) If anything, it puts them in a position where they still have to follow certain parameters and still have to abide by certain established historical markers.
What impressed you exactly? There was little to no character development and gaping plot holes. The story in ST11 was truly childish... teenaged at most.
Character development doesn't really happen when you have that large of a cast. Star Trek developed characters over the course of their respective series, not during their films. The films where the time for the big storylines and epic adventures, which was the biggest problem with some of the later Star Trek films and why they did so poorly in the theaters. We already know what these character's personalities are, so to redefine them would have been redundant and wasted precious screen time. Like recapping Spider-Man's or Superman's origin every single film. What impressed me was the scope of the story. Which is what I've been saying for years now. A Star Trek movie should be big, with much more enormous stakes and every advantage a major motion picture affords. Not just be a slightly more expensive episode of the TV show. It should be bigger than a season finale cliffhanger, which it was.

Genius isn't throwing everything out and starting over, that is a cop out.
Throwing everything out is the point of a reboot. But they didn't do that. All Star Trek history still happened, but a bad guy finally took it to the next level. If you think about it, how many villains have repeatedly altered history only to have a Star Trek crew restore the timeline? At some point, one of those was bound to stick. Only this time it wasn't dystopian. It just opened the door for some modern storytelling ideas. It was genius in the sense that it's a compromise without changing the core.
Character development doesn't really happen when you have that large of a cast... What impressed me was the scope of the story.

I can't enjoy a movie if it doesn't make sense, no matter how big the story is. They got so many things wrong, despite being big. They crossed the line into science fantasy, not science fiction. And the fantasy itself was self-inconsistent.

And accepting that a reboot doesn't require the character development of a series does not excuse the new character elements that the new movie introduced. For example, why does Spock love Ohura in the reboot? The best I can tell is that it was a relationship based on sympathy that turned physical. How disappointing. And that relationship also rejects the past character development on which you are relying to excuse the present lack thereof. It's like, let's say you make a reboot movie about Ghandi where the time line was disrupted and now he is a sex maniac for no good reason. Genius, right?
Let's look at the trailer for the last good trek movie to compare:

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Notice the heavy moral and ethical overtones.
I'm shocked that no one has caught you on this yet, Jake....

The last movie from the original timeline was not Star Trek Insurrection.

It was Star Trek Nemesis :)

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(Data dies in that one :(. Still loved the movie though )
I'm shocked that no one has caught you on this yet, Jake....

The last movie from the original timeline was not Star Trek Insurrection.

It was Star Trek Nemesis :)
He said the last good movie, not the last one made.

I have to agree, as much as I liked Nemesis, Insurrection was much better.

Does anyone else wish that they'd made a movie based on Voyager or is that just me?
He said the last good movie, not the last one made.

I have to agree, as much as I liked Nemesis, Insurrection was much better.

Does anyone else wish that they'd made a movie based on Voyager or is that just me?
I guess I'm one of the few people who thought Insurrection was OK and liked Nemesis better.

Yes, you're not alone. Voyager would have made a good movie at some point. I actually just finished re-watching that on Netflix a few days ago. Was really a good show.
Does anyone else wish that they'd made a movie based on Voyager or is that just me?
Yes, you're not alone. Voyager would have made a good movie at some point.

At some point? Maybe. Now? Please Nooo! I recently watched a Warehouse 13 Episode where Mrs. Mulgrew had her appearances. And I do not want to imagine her on the captains chair again. :-( Sorry for saying.

*Deleting this picture from my mind.*
I guess I'm one of the few people who thought Insurrection was OK and liked Nemesis better.

Yes, you're not alone. Voyager would have made a good movie at some point. I actually just finished re-watching that on Netflix a few days ago. Was really a good show.
Don't get me wrong, Nemesis was bloody good but there's just something about Insurrection.

I think it was mainly Picard being torn between the Prime Directive and what he knew was right. And how the crew stood beside their captain even though perhaps they shouldn't have done. It was generally just the emotion in it.
What impressed you exactly? There was little to no character development and gaping plot holes. The story in ST11 was truly childish... teenaged at most.

I think it may have been the science when they jump from the aircraft at the beginning. That really won it for me... :sleep:

Jokery aside. The last movie was pure and utter garbage, this one will be more of the same with a little more polish. Star Trek - The polished Turd.
I guess I'm one of the few people who thought Insurrection was OK and liked Nemesis better.

Yes, you're not alone. Voyager would have made a good movie at some point. I actually just finished re-watching that on Netflix a few days ago. Was really a good show.

Voyager was a really good series, the early seasons were a little slow imo but i still was left feeling we never did get to see enough of species 8472.
I want a Deep Space 9 movie. Deep Space 9 was the best of all the Treks, aside from the original of course.

Agreed. DS9 took trek in a new direction, but they did a great job of it. The characters and stories were excellent. I didn't like the dominion war because I felt that Star Fleet was almost spoiling for war and disagreement which is a far cry from the TNG ideals, but I must admit the story of the war was excellent.

I am not opposed to new directions if done well.
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