Staff: Is it XenForo or xenForo?


Well-known member
The logo is xenForo. The favicon is xF.

Everything else, as far as I can tell is XenForo (staff titles, footer trademark, splash page, forum titles, etc.)...Which one is it going to be?

Ultimately we'll need to come down to one official way to capitalize the name, of course...right now I don't think we have it. I threw a poll in here just for fun. Maybe the XF guys haven't decided themselves and a little feedback from the community would help.

I personally prefer xenForo. Looks a little more modern/playful.
I don't really care either way, but as myself and others have pointed out, there should be one way and we should stick to it.

xenForo as a logo for XenForo the company is a no-no
This is just one of those things that is what it is. It's a product/company name. How often do you find yourselves having a say in what a company is named? Other than your own, probably very rarely if ever.

Let it be what it is. :D
I don't care whether it's xenForo or XenForo, but I do think it's silly (and also a poor business decision) to put xenForo in your logo if your company name is XenForo.
I don't care whether it's xenForo or XenForo, but I do think it's silly (and also a poor business decision) to put xenForo in your logo if your company name is XenForo.
It's simple aesthetics. the font they're using, the upper case X looks bad. It's a poor design choice to have a bad logo, and so, it's xenForo in the logo, but XenForo everywhere else.;)
Yes, I'm well aware why it was's been said many times.

Can anybody name any reputable company anywhere that has done this (capitalize their company name differently in their logo than the way their name is represented in text)?
Yes, I'm well aware why it was's been said many times.

Can anybody name any reputable company anywhere that has done this (capitalize their company name differently in their logo than the way their name is represented in text)?
Not exactly this, but there are companies that will have a company name that is different from their brand name.
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