Soft Responsive [Deleted]

Arty updated Soft Responsive with a new update entry:

Soft Responsive style update

Version 2.0.3 is available.

Changes from version 2.0.2:
  • Removed clickable rows for Internet Explorer in responsive layout. It was triggering IE bug.
  • Many bug fixes!
  • Better support for Widget Framework add-on.
To update from version 2.0.2 you need to import new style.xml and overwrite style.js. Other files were not changed. Branding-free style was not changed.

Read the rest of this update entry...
I've seen the demo and tried changing the colors, but it didn't seem to work (changing the colors)


Also how well does this work with add-ons?

Now exactly sure if this would play well with me extra.css either.
Where are you changing colors?

It works fine with most add-ons, but some add-ons do require changes. There are issues with add-ons that use custom code instead of relying on XF's default class names.

This style's extra.css is empty, so you can add your code to it.
Where are you changing colors?

It works fine with most add-ons, but some add-ons do require changes. There are issues with add-ons that use custom code instead of relying on XF's default class names.

This style's extra.css is empty, so you can add your code to it.
Are there are add-ons which you know to cause serious issues and have no current workable fix?
Are there are add-ons which you know to cause serious issues and have no current workable fix?
Yes, there was some commercial shopping cart add-on. I don't remember its name. It used tables for everything and mixing class names that have nothing to do with current content.
I'm not sure. It was a while ago with pre-release version of this style. Maybe it behaves better with version 2. Or maybe it was some custom add-on.
If you have both style and add-on on your forum, you should disable add-on for this style.

You can do that in admin control panel -> styles -> style properties -> responsive design. Uncheck option "enable responsive design".
Found another issue Arty... with class 'autoCompleteList' which doesn't define a background when it appears, i.e. when entering a username in fields and the auto complete list appears with users matching the current criteria.


Replace contents of template form_auto_complete.css with this (this exact template will be in next release)
    border: 1px solid @primaryLight;
    padding: 0;
    font-size: 11px;
    min-width: 180px;
    _width: 180px;
    z-index: 1000;

ul.autoCompleteList li
    padding: 3px 3px;
    height: 24px;
    line-height: 24px;
    background: {xen:helper rgba, {xen:property contentBackground}, 0.9};
    border-top: 1px solid @innerTopBorder;
    border-bottom: 1px solid @innerBottomBorder;

    ul.autoCompleteList li:first-child
        border-top-width: 0;

    ul.autoCompleteList li:last-child
        border-bottom-width: 0;

ul.autoCompleteList li:hover,
ul.autoCompleteList li.selected
    background-color: @primaryLighterStill;
    border-color: @primaryLighterStill;
    border-radius: 3px;

ul.autoCompleteList img.autoCompleteAvatar
    float: left;
    margin-right: 3px;
    width: 24px;
    height: 24px;

ul.autoCompleteList li strong
    font-weight: bold;
Would you mind testing that out for me, before I purchase this?
I tested this for you, and it works, though there are minor issues which you will have to add yourself. It obviously won't grab the visitorTabs and place them in the mobile menu the way it is coded... you would need to make changes for that function to work correctly, as JS grabs the navigation menu and converts it into a mobile menu, as most responsive designs are done in this manner.
I will be buying this shortly. I have some custom node icons in a sprite sheet, will those be easy to add to this theme?
It handles icons same way as default style, so custom sprites designed to work with default style should work with my style too.

Also I have a suggestion! Add facebook and twitter link buttons to the footer!
I'm not sure about this. Adding new features like that should be handled by add-ons, not style.
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