So, what don't you like about XenForo?

I'm not worried about that now, the lawsuit is over, and XenForo will be updated often as it was before the lawsuit.
I don't like how the developers of Xenforo stayed silent during the trial. I, like many other folks took a chance on them when they launched, and used this platform for communities that we have invested a lot of money in. The least they could do was give us a heads up for supporting Xenforo out of the gate. I see no legal conflict with that. Instead, they stayed silent and left us in the dark.

Granted KAM is talented, but at the end of the day you have to take into account how the developers conduct business, and not just how the software performs. This is especially important if you are a business owner. For hobby sites, I understand as it is not mission critical.

What happens the next time KAM encounters adversity? Will they tuck tail and go dark on us again? An official statement from them in regards to this would be nice. Otherwise, I'm not sure I can invest in XF from a commercial perspective, no matter how glittery or shiny everything looks.

Pretty mutch this, I didnt liked how they handled it too. I need to remew my liscence, but I wont for now, waiting to see how thing will turn out now.

Also, a cms would be great.
Pretty mutch this, I didnt liked how they handled it too. I need to remew my liscence, but I wont for now, waiting to see how thing will turn out now.

Also, a cms would be great.
Normally when involved in a lawsuit it's smarter to keep your mouth shut, that way nothing untoward happens to slip out and then get used against you. A comment that is not perfectly thought out can have it's context easily twisted around by most good attorneys.

Hopefully we will NOT see a CMS as part of the core package. If they want to do it as a feature add-on (like the RM) then great.
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