So, what don't you like about XenForo?

I haven't gone through all messages. I don't like the addon installation process at all. It's slow and your site is just gone during the time. Luckily "no downtime by waindigo" solves that riddle for the time being. XenForo should handle that better in the future.

Bulk thread and message management is what I miss also. It was mentioned that bulk management features will be added someday.
There's also the lack of post edit history and multi-quote ( as Sheratan brings up ),

Multi-quote is built in. ;)

I have, actually--a few of my members reported issues with posting afterwards, though, so I uninstalled it.

And Syndol's User Essentials maintains a *full* accounting of post edits. It's not in the core, sure... but I wanted to point it out in case anybody didn't know about it. It's really a great add-on.
I don't dislike anything about Xenforo.

There are a number of things I am looking forward to, or which will benefit from some developer love and attention in the future.

Right now I am a happy camper.
I think that:

1. the default style is to too pale, empty, unbalanced (probably lacks contrast elements);
2. font-background combination of "Mark Forums Read", "Search Forums" etc. in default style is hard to read;
3. unfortunately there are no third-party styles for Xenforo that "glue" visitor's attention better then VB 3.8.7 default skin.
Multi-quote is built in. ;)
I know! I just liked vB's system--XF's works well but it's tough to use for multi-page threads.
And Syndol's User Essentials maintains a *full* accounting of post edits. It's not in the core, sure... but I wanted to point it out in case anybody didn't know about it. It's really a great add-on.
I did know about it but thanks. ;) I'd just like to see it as a core feature. I think most of the complaints in this thread are mitigated by add-ons, which is part of what makes XenForo so great.
I'm also not a big fan of the current editor and hope it improves over time. I do prefer the bbcode editor when paired with the Minorin addon.
No Multi-quoting of posts. The way you have to keep jumping up and down the screen to keep clicking the reply button. And its impossible to quote across multiple pages of a thread.
I've explained (elsewhere) and why this isn't feasible. Short version: it potentially puts you in a situation where you have paid for software you can't actually use.

Thanks for replying Mike. I can see what you mean, my opinion of it is that if you are in that position then that's the risk you've taken and to remedy it you will have to purchase support to go to later versions whether it be of XF itself or the addon.

Not going to harp on about this though, just thought I'd mention it.
If there was one constraint that I run up against all the time is the ability to quickly and easily add PHP code to a sidebar or somewhere else in a template ....
I truly dislike the admin theme. I think it is terribad.

I don't like the way the admin is laid out either. It's very 2006 ish, and the labeling is something programmers would come up with. A UI expert could add a lot to the project.

Multi-quoting could be much better. User management is fairly bad.

Other than that, I think XF is pretty great.
I truly dislike the admin theme. I think it is terribad.

I don't like the way the admin is laid out either. It's very 2006 ish, and the labeling is something programmers would come up with. A UI expert could add a lot to the project.
This makes no sense to me. o_O The XF admin control panel is one of the best I have seen. To me the UI is very good (easy to understand and use, logical, clean, simple, fast) and it's modern as well. I simply can not see what you see. I have to think this probably has more to do with personal taste.
Although I disagree with his point about the ACP (I love it), I agree about the multi quoting. That really has to improve.
While I think that XenForo is the best community platform that I have used, I see room for improvement in the following things.

Essential / missing functionality implying data loss on import:
  • thread tags
  • thread edit history
  • user account log
  • user notes
  • reputation comments
  • negative reputation / dislikes
  • friends
  • conversation folders
Major functions currently missing:
  • blogs
  • groups
  • reviews
  • albums
  • downloads (unless the RM can be used as a downloads manager and imported from LDM / downloadsII)
Needs improvement:
  • better editor (redactor please)
  • better subforum display
  • more payment methods
  • edit account from profiles
  • multi-quote
  • show users writing a reply that there are new posts in the thread, and autoload these
  • edit thread title
  • better profile privacy
  • open the quick reply editor at the end of the thread
  • litespeed cache / varnish
  • warning system improvement
  • allow a single forum to be in more than one place in the node tree
  • message tracking
  • see who is browsing a forum / thread
If I resolve the first 2 lists, then I can migrate my vbulletin big board to XenForo. I hope this will become a reality.
Essential / missing functionality implying data loss on import
  • see who is browsing a forum / thread

Would this addon help you out for this?

It shows who has read a forum and it works pretty nicely on my site.

For me
1. The lack of a multiquote button seems a bit silly...when even free softwares have this option.
2. The installation process of addons where it makes the screen white is something that should never have existed but i see it has been fixed.
3. Lack of mass deletion of conversations
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