Skinning, content management & mods


Well-known member
Firstly I must say what a pleasant surprise these forums were when I found them just now. It's also interesting to see so many familiar faces! This is a platform I'll be watching with great interest.

For me and I suspect most of my users content, presentation and ease of use is paramount. With that in mind I'd to ask the following questions.

What kind of system will be used for skinning and how much control will there be as far as modifying presentation is concerned?

Is it envisaged that there will be a CMS somewhere down the line?

Is it likely that xenForo will have the same degree of mod capabilities compared to other products?

So far I'm very impressed with what I've seen here, it might well be something I'll consider using in the future.
Well, honestly, seeing as how many xenforo devs worked on vBulletin, I reckon they realize they need a good framework for plugins and templates. I have faith that the xenforo community will one day be as good as vBulletin's, if not better.

Besides, right now on vB, there are many plugins, but 75% of them are crap. I'd rather have 10-20 excellent, useful plugins, than 10000, only 10 of which are good
Seeing how it's only been about a year since Kier and Mike left, I'm excited to see where they plan to take things. Obviously Kier and Mike know what they are doing...

Now, we just need a few more from the original crew :D...

Howard, care to do the piracy again? :p AHHAHAHA
I have a forum in the planning stage....... CMS /articles,portal,links directory,classifieds etc. Now xenForo starts life and I am already thinking that the planning stage may have to be longer...........:rolleyes:
Can anyone think of a way to make a list of the people/sites that intend to provide mods/skins for XF in the future? I see many have information in there sig line. I would like to get in the queue for a few things.

I realize a locked thread is possible with people sending messages to a moderator, which would keep the thread clean, but my distinct impression is the mods a bit busy.
The plugin and styling systems will be the subject of a forthcoming message in the 'have you seen' forum - they are just too massive to discuss in a thread like this.

Be patient, and all will be revealed. You will not be disappointed.

Rubbing my hands in glee.. Hoping against hope it's nothing like vb3 or vb4.. (skinning system)
Actually, I thought the quick themer thing in vB4 was pretty cool. :/

Anyways, the style systems and template systems imo are the most lacking out of any forum software. They need much more attention. MyBB did a pretty good job on Advance Stylesheet Editing imo, but I still haven't seen a great Template system to date.
I've looked at the HTML output and from what I can see, skinning will be easy, with configurable classes and considerable ease.

Well, the inital versions of vB4 had excellent HTML output too, but remember how "good" the stylevars editor was??

Hoping this is a lot lot better..(which I'm pretty sure it will be)

Actually, I thought the quick themer thing in vB4 was pretty cool. :/

Anyways, the style systems and template systems imo are the most lacking out of any forum software. They need much more attention. MyBB did a pretty good job on Advance Stylesheet Editing imo, but I still haven't seen a great Template system to date.

Are you talking about the style generator? It was only released in vb 4.0.4.
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