Simple Forms [Paid] [Deleted]

Any plan to add support for payment into the form? We like to create a form to let people submit payment via CC using which they should be able to pay our invoice without being a registered member.
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1. I request a feature to embed forms into thread/page (via bbcode or html) or an option to do this.

2. Add a string field type to display a paragraph. I want to have a guide/help or some messages to responders. It should support bbcode/html.

Thank you.

When I try to install Simple Forms on my webserver I get this error:

exception 'Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception' with message 'Mysqli statement execute error : Duplicate entry 'form' for key 'PRIMARY'' in /public_html/community/library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:214
Stack trace:
#0 /public_html/community/library/Zend/Db/Statement.php(297): Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute(Array)
#1 /public_html/community/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(479): Zend_Db_Statement->execute(Array)
#2 /public_html/community/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(574): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('INSERT INTO `xf...', Array)
#3 /public_html/community/library/LiquidPro/SimpleForms.php(75): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->insert('xf_content_type', Array)
#4 public_html/community/library/XenForo/Model/AddOn.php(214): LiquidPro_SimpleForms::install(false, Array)
#5 /public_html/community/library/XenForo/Model/AddOn.php(169): XenForo_Model_AddOn->installAddOnXml(Array, false, Array)
#6 /public_html/community/library/XenForo/ControllerAdmin/AddOn.php(178): XenForo_Model_AddOn->installAddOnXmlFromFile(Object(SimpleXMLElement), false)
#7 /public_html/community/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(310): XenForo_ControllerAdmin_AddOn->actionInstall('...')
#8 /public_html/community/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(132): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch()
#9 /public_html/community/admin.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#10 {main}

Is it a prereq that's missing? When I installed it on my local MAMP-server it worked just fine. Now before I tried to install it I put the license file where it should be as well.
I still get an error after installing the core component. Is there another prereq that I have missed on the web server itself?

New error:

exception 'Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception' with message 'Mysqli statement execute error : Can't create table 'xxx.#sql-d64_2cb573' (errno: 150)' in /public_html/community/library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:214
Stack trace:
#0 public_html/community/library/Zend/Db/Statement.php(297): Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute(Array)
#1 /public_html/community/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(479): Zend_Db_Statement->execute(Array)
#2 /public_html/community/library/LiquidPro/SimpleForms.php(262): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('??????ALTER TAB...')
#3 /public_html/community/library/XenForo/Model/AddOn.php(214): LiquidPro_SimpleForms::install(false, Array)
#4 /public_html/community/library/XenForo/Model/AddOn.php(169): XenForo_Model_AddOn->installAddOnXml(Array, false, Array)
#5 /public_html/community/library/XenForo/ControllerAdmin/AddOn.php(178): XenForo_Model_AddOn->installAddOnXmlFromFile(Object(SimpleXMLElement), false)
#6 /public_html/community/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(310): XenForo_ControllerAdmin_AddOn->actionInstall('...')
#7 /public_html/community/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(132): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch()
#8 /public_html/community/admin.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#9 {main}

Could it be a license issue?
Hi, is it possible to define datas when a new thread is poseted and if so, how?

Create a new Thread:
These values are already registered:

Hi John

I am very interested to buy this within a week or so, but would like to know what's the current status. Of course, not asking for new version or anything since the current feature set would suit my needs. Just if your last mentioned plans are still underway or have things changed?

1. I request a feature to embed forms into thread/page (via bbcode or html) or an option to do this.

2. Add a string field type to display a paragraph. I want to have a guide/help or some messages to responders. It should support bbcode/html.

Thank you.
I'm most interested in the ability to add forms to XF pages. Would this be possible soon?
I am having a problem with the "Maximum Responses Per User". I set the value to that option to "1", and users can still fill our the form two times, before it says "You have exceeded the number of responses allowed per user for this form.".
I am having a problem with the "Maximum Responses Per User". I set the value to that option to "1", and users can still fill our the form two times, before it says "You have exceeded the number of responses allowed per user for this form.".
I'll have LiquidPro (Andrew) look into it. Please post bug reports on our site.
Hi John,
Do you know the status of this request? I have posted on this thread and I have seen similar request on your site but no response so far
I have been traveling and I know Andrew (LiquidPro) has been doing serious work to his house. We have not gone through any new features and more than likely this will not make it into the next release. When we have a clear roadmap I will let you know in that thread.
Anybody who has experienced trouble intalling Simple Forms? I keep gettings errors when installing. That I didn't get when I was intalling the add-on on my local machine.
How are drop down menu items added/edited? I'm hoping they are in one single text field, a new one on each line so they can be easily changed in order or new ones added in between. Screenshot anyone?
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